Saturday, 8 March 2025

All Things Nice . . .


Dawn called! And out across the plain
I heard the prairies move again;
I smelled the sage where dawn uncurled
Her leaves, for incense to the world;
I heard a meadow-lark get up
And pour its song in day's new cup.

I saw the horses, dim and still
Against the shadow of a hill,
Stand up and shake the sleep away,
And snort their challenge to the day;
The roosters called across the plain
Their thanks that light had come again.

I saw Dawn walk with gracious feet,
Upon the billows of the wheat;
I touched her garments as she passed
Into a farmer's house at last,
And laughed to hear him softly stir
Against the lily hands of her.

I saw blue smoke upon the air,
I heard a woman singing there,
Close by the door and saw her stand
And breathe the fragrance of the land;
And heard her laughter, clear and sweet,
Echoing out across the wheat.

Dawn called! The prairies answered her;
I saw the grasses wake and stir;
I heard the breathing of the air;
Felt Life abundant everywhere;
Saw the glad Earth, where shadows run
Drawing her substance from the sun.
~Edna Jacques, Dawn Called
Beside Still Waters, 1952

I have always been an early riser. There is something very beautiful to me about the early part of the day.  Watching the sun rise, hearing the earth wake up. In the U.K. I used to watch the milk float glide down the street, its only sound the rattle of milk bottles and the quiet hum of its electric engine. Looking down onto our back garden and seeing all the little heads of the sparrows popping out of the hedgerow echoing their morning greetings to each other.  In Kent, I used to love to watch the song thrush standing on the chimney of the cottage next to ours, singing it's heart out in the early dawn hour as the sun just began to show its face above the horizon . . . the sound of the rooster down the hill echoing up to greet us.  So many early morning things that bring joy as the sun begins its ascent into the sky.  It is quite simply my favorite time of the day.


I have a few moments to myself each morning as I pull my legs from beneath the covers and perch on the side of my bed, palms upraised, my legs finding their way into the day from having been asleep all night, as I give thanks to the Lord for the new day that is beginning for me.  When you reach these golden years, you realize that many of your childhood friends are no longer here to bid the day hello, and you recognize each day given for the gift that it is. It is a simple thing to just pause for a moment and give a simple thanks. To the Lord, to the cosmos, to whatever . . . 

A new and fresh page to draw and write upon its length and breadth. Clean and fresh . . . unspoiled, unmarred. How will you write upon it. What marks will you make. The story of it waits for you. What will it be? Good or bad. Happy or sad. Full or empty. Peaceful or filled with angst. There are some things that will happen quite out of your control, but the things you can control . . . well, those are your choices to make.  How will the story of your day unfold? How will it flow . . . 


It actually doesn't take much to
be considered a difficult woman.
That's why there are so 
many of us.
~Jane Goodall

Happy International Women's Day! How wonderful it is that we have a day which celebrates the wondrous beings that we are!  Multi-faceted and talented. We are the nurturers of the world, we cradle the earth in our collective wombs. We are wonderfully created to bring love out of our most painful moments, from Mother Eve down through the centuries to modern times. We are the tear dryers, the wound healers, the listeners, the calm-downers, home builders, family hubs . . . creative from the get-go. The cooks, the bottle washers.  We CAN bring home the bacon AND cook it in a pan. We are encouragers. We are helpmeets. We are strong and resilient and soft and welcoming. The keepers of the home and hearth.

My life has been uplifted, inspired and strengthened by the examples of many women from many walks of life. I honor them all on this day, beginning with my sweet mother who gave me life.  I have been blessed through the years to be surrounded by a great many positive examples of the best that womanhood has to offer.  I applaud and celebrate you all.



This was the scene next to me on the sofa last night. So very content.  He was snoring.  He is at times a very demanding and jealous little soul. He can be a bit of a bully as well. He likes to be the center of my attention and yet at the same time, he only wants me to pet him when he wants me to pet him. He is as likely to bite me as he is to kiss me. He can be very, very sweet and comical . . . bumbling and endearingly foolish, and yet he can also be quite obnoxious at times. But when he is sleeping next to me like this, I see an angel and I would not want to be without him.


This is me in a nutshell. There are so many things about this modern world that I do not embrace, like, or love. I crave quiet and simplicity . . . calm. I do enjoy the pleasures of modern technology. I like my computer, my iPad, my phone, my television. I like having a vacuum cleaner and a dish washer. Running hot water, a shower and a tub. A washer and a dryer.  But I ofttimes think I was born too kind to be living in these times of loud and brash voices.  That's why I make and create my own little world. It is a world of peace and comfort. A world filled with goodness and rapport. It is up to me who and what I invite to share it with, and these days I am much, much choosier than I have been in the past. I liv a happy life of my own choosing. Therein is my joy to be found.


I took the most beautiful train journey last night, on the most exquisite train, onboard the Train Suite Shiki-Shima across Japan!  Travelling from Ueno station in Tokyo this was one of the most luxurious and beautiful trains I have ever seen. The scenery was breathtaking, and the food was exceptional.  Their sleeper room was amazing.  The aesthetics of the whole train were amazing.  I really enjoyed watching this from the comfort of my sofa. It is a journey I would take again.  I think you might all enjoy watching it.  I wanted to share it with you so that you could have that chance.  It's really nice.


Had a nice afternoon with Cindy yesterday. We picked up Dad and his friend Maryann and dropped them off and then we did a few errands. It is always nice to get out of the house and breathe in some fresh air, and to have someone to talk about rather than just myself.  Nice to see my father.  Nice to see Maryann.  We went to Giant Tiger and Sobey's.  Got some potatoes at Goucher's, picked up chocolate donuts at Spurrs, (naughty us). It was bitter cold out, mostly because of the wind and it did snow a bit, but nothing too difficult to handle.

The river has overflowed her banks and is laying over a large swath of the land adjoining it.  Large chunks of broken ice blocking some parts near bridges.  We had a lot of rain through Thursday night and a lot of the snow has gone now.  Hopefully we won't get a lot more, only light dustings now and then. But nothing is completely predictable, and we can be quite surprised from time to time, but Winter is starting to lose its grip.

I am a person who loves the seasons. All of the seasons.  I love everything they each bring to the table. Well, maybe not the humidity and heat of middle summer, but I do tolerate it because I love the rest of it.


I have begun my journey following Lent on the Hallow Ap again this year. I find that there are many beautiful things about many of the world's religions, and whilst I cling to the tenants of my Latter-Day Saint Faith, I do like to also explore and appreciate aspects of other faiths, and I enjoy the Lent practices on this Catholic Ap. I also really enjoyed their Advent practices prior to Christmas. This is a way for me to get closer to the way of the Cross, something to meditate on, something to ponder. A unique chance to get closer to God. I do experience that in my own faith as well, but I think it is also nice to embrace other practices from time to time. I enjoy them at any rate. Peace and closeness to God. How can that ever be a bad thing. There is a great deal of beauty and worth in these things.


I love this. Focus on the good and the good will come into focus. That is how I have chosen to live my life over these past five years. Have I perfected it?  Not at all. It can sometimes be a challenge. I am only human after all. I do sometimes find myself being critical of others and their efforts. But I am working at not being so. And I am training myself to keep those thoughts to myself and not verbalize them out loud. Hopefully with time I won't even have those critical thoughts. That is my goal as I work towards becoming more like the Savior. It is easy to look at the efforts of others and to find fault, but who am I to judge?  I have not walked in another's shoes, and it behooves me to be less judgmental and more loving in all of my interactions with my fellow beings, who are, each of them, doing the best that they know how to do at any given time. And for those who are not, well . . . that is on their heads. I do not need to put it on mine.


I am not sure what I am going to get up to today . . .  I have my usual writing to do for tomorrow, and I usually like to do my Monday recipe on Saturday.  I also like to get my house in order before Sunday. Our clocks move forward an hour tonight.  I am not a huge fan of the clocks changing. I was reading about a man earlier today that does not change his clocks. Not ever. It is what works for him. Interesting.  Is it possible to live without time? To just operate your life on "as and when." I wonder how that would work . . . I am already stressing a bit about getting up in time to get ready properly for church tomorrow morning. That is my adhd in action. In fact that was my first thought as I was going from my bedroom into my bathroom this morning . . .  that tomorrow it would be an hour later, and would I be able to manage all of my doings done in time and be ready for church appropriately.

I really do wish that they would leave the clocks alone.  And, I know I am not alone in thinking that way. Many of us struggle with this. I find the Spring time change a lot harder to deal with than the Autumn one.

And with that I guess I best leave you with a thought for the day as I have miles to go before I sleep.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Friends - They are kind to
each other's hopes.
They cherish each other's dreams.
~Thoreau° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Belgian Buns

In The English Kitchen today   . . .  Belgian Buns.  Sweet yeasted rolls filled with lemon curd and sultana raisins.  Delicious. 

I hope that you have a lovely weekend. Stay safe and stay warm. Be blessed and embrace the nice. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Friday, 7 March 2025

Dear Neighbor . . .



3 ESTATE LANE, Nova Scotia
Rainy this morning, with it getting much colder
and snowy this evening 

At least that is what the weather ap says for now!

Dear Neighbor,

Here I am again with another letter to you. I do so enjoy writing these letters to you at the end of every week. It is a lovely catch up and I hope that you enjoy them also.

This afternoon we, Cindy and I, will be bringing Dad out to pick up his friend Maryann and then dropping them at the mall.  When he was living in Greenwood, he used to pick her up three times a week himself and they would go to the mall. It is a bit harder now as he lives much further away and of course this Winter the roads were not always good. But now the weather is improving we hope that we will be able to take them out much more often.  They do enjoy this afternoon they get to spend with each other and Cindy and I enjoy doing a few errands together as well.  


Cindy and I took a bit of an impromptu trip out together yesterday morning as well. We both agreed that it was nice to get out of the house. We went up the Valley to Cambridge. I wanted to see if they had the Pineapple in coconut syrup, but alas they did not. We will have to keep checking. It is some good. 

What a trip that was with all of the potholes that have appeared in the roads.  Pothole season is in full swing now and the roads are loaded with them!  They appear overnight as if by magic. Right now it seems as if the roads are crumbling along the sides/verges, and these huge holes are appearing here, there, and everywhere. You really take your car's life in your hands driving over them as they are not at all good for the suspension, nor the tires.  If you can, you try to weave around them and avoid the worst ones, but every so often one will sneak up on you! It looks like there are a bunch of drunks on the roads with everyone trying to maneuver their way around them.

The nicest stretch is the one which passes through Aylesford almost all the way to Berwick. They completely redid that stretch of the road last year and it is as smooth as silk and a real pleasure to drive on compared to the rest.


After we left Cambridge, we started back this way and ended up in the Superstore to pick up a few bits and bobs. Not a lot. I wanted a salad and some fresh bread. And I can never resist the spring rolls. I love those. I also needed a new squeeze jar of the PC Plum Sauce. I like that stuff. I don't just use it on egg rolls and the like. I also like it with chicken. A jar of it lasts me quite a while. 

I managed to do well buying all Canadian sourced things.  I did not buy a lot but what I did buy was from Canada.  It is rather difficult, and it does take you longer to check the labels, etc. just to make sure. But with the exception of the cat treats I was able to source everything from Canada, which is something we should be doing as a rule anyways!

I love the sourdough bread loaves they have at the SS. Especially when they are fresh. I always pick one up. I always enjoy a slice, spread with just butter when it is fresh like that. It takes me back to my childhood when our mother would have baked fresh bread. It was always so delicious just warm, spread with butter and or peanut butter.

We are peanut butter fiends in my family.


The stack of squares for my new blanket grows steadily.  I have nine completed now. All different colors, but of that heather type of yarn, so each square is a bit tweedy looking. I love that yarn and the colors.  It will be really nice when it is done. There are supposed to be tassels on the corners, but I am not going to do those. I am not a tassel lover.  I will probably do a scalloped edging when it comes to finish it off. I do so love a scalloped edging.

Crochet has brought me many many hours of pleasure throughout the years. I crocheted baby sets when I was having my children, back when that was a thing, for a newborn baby to have a layette. With receiving blankets, little flannel open-back nighties, booties, bonnets and little cardigans. Do baby's have layettes anymore?  I don't know.

I have always had hand crocheted blankets and coverlets in my home. It was an easy simple craft that I could do during the evenings after the children went to bed, one that didn't require a lot of concentration from my brain which was always tired by that time of the day.

I used to do a lot of threadwork, doilies and antimacassars. I cannot remember the name of the magazine I bought but it was filled with such patterns, and the instructions were done with Japanese symbols. I never had a problem following Japanese symbols. A lot of my creations disappeared through the years but I still have a doily that I crocheted for my mother one year for Christmas, which went with the pitcher and basin that I made for her in ceramics. I have the pitcher and basin also. They are treasures that I hope to be able to pass down one day to the next generation.


I was thinking yesterday about five years ago when right about now we were all being thrown into the beginnings of the Pandemic. Such a scary and lonely time that was for us all. I remember reading about it on the computer and hearing of it on the television and being quite afraid.  I remember having an appointment with my chiropractor in Chester City center and stopping off for a bite to eat afterwards in a small cafe and feeling quite paranoid about germs etc. I think that was the last time I had anything in an eating establishment there. Then we stopped our cleaner coming every week and stopped the dog going to the groomers, etc. We had a mobile groomer come to us. We still had the window washer each month, but we started getting our groceries delivered, contactless delivery and we would sanitize everything that came into the house.  A bit over the top admittedly, but we didn't really know what we were dealing with at that point did we?

It was a lonely time without friends or family. I remember each Thursday evening everyone in the small community I lived in would go out into their back garden at 8 PM and make some noise to show their appreciation for all of the health care workers.  Banging on pots and pans, clapping, etc.  It would start as a small sound and then grown and swell until the air was ringing with thanks.  Such an emotional thing. I always cried tears of appreciation. It was a beautiful way to say thank you and to work together as a community when we were not able to be in touch with each other in person. And it was the whole country. Every city, every town, every village. All out there on Thursday nights clapping and making noise together in solidarity.

I remember how quiet and clear the skies were and the roads as well. It was a strange time in so very many ways.


I watched a travel show on YouTube the other night where my favorite couple flew into Bhutan. You can watch it here if you would like to see if for yourself. Nestled high in the Himalayan Mountains between India and China, it is a country that not many have seen. Apparently only a few pilots are qualified to fly into this hidden gem.  What a wonderful video it was. Just the flight into the country was amazing, seeing the mountains, etc.  If you are a lover of armchair travel, I think this is a country that you will really enjoy.

My days of real travel are over now. I used to enjoy travel when I was younger, but I have reached a point in my life now where I really just want to sleep in my own bed in my own home every night. I never sleep well in strange places and being tired from lack of sleep always just takes away from the pleasure for me.

I have always been a bit of an insomniac. So many things in my life have been ruined by me not being able to get a good night's sleep the night before.  This was especially difficult when my children were growing up. We would travel to spend the weekend or a few weeks with our extended family and my pleasure at doing so was always marred by not being able to sleep for most of the time we were there.  It was always very hard to not be able to sleep at night and then have to function during the day that followed.

So now, no more travel for me. I enjoy just being at home and watching other people travel, while I get the additional pleasure of retiring to my own bed at night. Aren't we just so blessed that we live in a day and an age where we can enjoy the fruits of other people labors in such a way as this. Armchair travel. Its a good thing from my perspective anyways!


Each day I am sure I get at least half a dozen people wanting to put paid links or posts onto my English Kitchen page.  I do not accept such things any longer. I used to back in my early days of blogging, but I figure that the ads I already have on my page are enough. I don't need anything else. I don't care how Seo friendly these people promise their articles and links to be, I don't want to clutter my page with such stuff.  And they never want to pay much for it anyways. It has never been worth the trouble of the time that it takes and editing, etc.  Plus, they expect them to stay permanently and for me not to disclose that it is a paid for promotion, etc. In other words, they want a great deal for very little compensation to myself.  I also think it messes with my integrity a bit.  

I have been doing this for a very long time now and I am quite experienced at it, even though what I do may look very simple in comparison to many other pages. It seems almost unprofessional in comparison. I have never had the big bucks to hire designers, ghost writers, photographers, video makers etc. as I know some others do.  I do everything by myself, and it is simple, but authentically me.

I am not going to do videos any more I don't think. I had thought that I would do one a week at least, but that was before I knew everything it would entail. It takes me hours of preparation, etc. to do a video. Because I live in such a small place, I have to switch things around in order to accommodate the work and equipment. That means moving things that usually live in my workspace out of my workspace so that I can clear it in order for me to have the room I need to work in.  And that is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Add to that the fact that I am not really good at it.  My videos are so simplistic in comparison to others, and I can't do the things I really want to do because I lack the know how to get them done in real time, to be able to stop and start the videos without having people wait for things to finish up, etc. Know what I mean?

I am going to be 70 in August. Do I really need all of the extra work involved for something which not very many people really watch? I know that the ones that do watch enjoy them, bless their hearts, and I am grateful for that. But to do those in addition to keeping up two daily blogs, one of which is my bread and butter, I just can't cope with it. I thought I could, but I can't manage it all, and my food blog is and should be my priority, especially where it is the one which keeps the roof over my head.

I hate disappointing people, I really do, but I can only do what I can do.


I was busting the figures yesterday.  I am doing this Financial Self Reliance course at the moment and learning budgeting, etc. And if I was to rely just on my pension, even with the top up (which I do not receive at the moment because I earn money from the blog) it would not be enough to live on, not reasonably. I must work, which is a very scary thing to cope with at my age, but it is what it is. 

I don't mind the work that I do. I feel really blessed to be able to do it.  The timing of it all still amazes me. I was food blogging for at least 6 years or longer before I decided to monetize it.  I only decided to dive into monetization a few months before my life fell apart.  I got my first paycheck a month after I arrived back in Canada, and it has kept me going ever since.  I am so grateful for the promptings I had to begin when I did, and for the way this has kept me going. They say that if you do what you love for a living, you never work a day in your life. 

And my readers are all a part of that.  The ones who come back day after day and who support me with their love and kind comments, etc. I will never take them for granted.  I do appreciate them so very much, and all of you as well. I am blessed beyond measure and I know it.


It's my oldest grandson Gabriel's birthday today. I think he is turning 19. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure I am right.  He is such a fine young man, and in his first year of university now. He is the same age that I was when I had his father, who will be turning 50 this year himself. How did that happen! We are all getting older. Anyways, I hope that Gabriel has a fine birthday, and that his day is filled with light and with love.  

I love all of my grandchildren very much.  I just wish we all lived closer to each other, but having once had several thousand miles and an ocean between us, I am grateful now that it is only a couple hundred miles and that we do get to see each other much more often than we did before.


I think that the daughter has finished emptying her father's place across the street from me. Yesterday there were quite a few charity vans popping by and a truck.  Salvation Army, etc. all came by and took away furniture and all sorts.  What a big job it is to empty someone's home after they have passed away. That is all three of the men who were living across from me gone now and the man to the right of me. We are all women now on the street. I wonder who will be moving in.  I stay pretty much to myself. I am pleasant and friendly to all, but I don't get too close to anyone, not really. It is much more comfortable that way I believe. Good fences make good neighbors as they say.  I do help out Sheila a lot, but that is different. 

She was quite upset yesterday as her electric bill had come in and it had doubled almost.  I can only imagine how distressing that is. Mine went up a bit, but I don't really have my place steaming hot. I suspect she uses both the electric baseboard heating and the heat pump in tandem with each other. It is always very warm and stuffy when you go into her place.  I use the heat pump and the in-floor heating in the bathroom. That is it.  When I am out and come back later in the day, I can always see that she is sitting in the dark, with only the light from her television showing. It is like that with many of the older people on the street.

It is distressing when you live on a fixed income and things go up in price, especially if they go up by that much.

And with that I best end this missive.  I have things to get done before I leave to take Dad out today and only a small window of time to get them done in.

So, I will now leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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 *.If you suddenly and unexpectedly
feel joy, don't hesitate.
Give in to it . . . whatever it is.
Don't be afraid of its plenty. Joy
is not made to be a crumb.
~Mary Oliver  
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Cheesy Corn Chowder

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Cheesy Corn Chowder. Hearty, rich and delicious. Perfect for a day that is going to get colder as it progresses!

I do so hope that you have a beautiful day filled with light and with love. Go placidly amidst the noise, and don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Thursday, 6 March 2025

My Favorite Things . . .



These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 


A pocket full of posies  . . . 


Chickadees  . . . 


Writing  . . . 


Cats  . . . 


Sunny spots  . . . 


Vintage linens  . . . 


Sewing  . . . 


Violets  . . . 


That mixing bowl  . . . 


A basket filled with baskets  . . . 


Vintage jewelry  . . . 


Pretty tea cups  . . . 


Bread and jam  . . . 


Gratitude  . . . 


Cast iron pots  . . . 


New yarn  . . . 


Friendship  . . . 


Reading  . . . 


Cherry Pie  . . . 


Bunting  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Your mind is a muscle. 
Use it to maintain inner strength. 
It's the most powerful gift 
we can give ourselves. 
Always remember that.
~unknown  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Tuna Cornbread Pie

In the kitchen today, Tuna Cornbread Pie. A vintage recipe from a Vintage Cookbook.  The jury is out.  Not sure how much I liked this. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't exceptional either!  Nothing that a good sauce couldn't help with!

I hope that you have a beautiful day today.  It's going to be a bit milder here today, but then temperatures will be plummeting again come the weekend. That's March for you!  Stay safe, stay warm. Don't forget!


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And I do too!