Hellooo everyone! Today I'm very HAPPY share the list of participants joining in on the Springtime Mail Exchange, which Tracy and I are hosting!
And so, without further ado, here are all the lovely ladies (and their locations) who would be glad to receive some FUN mail in their mailbox/post box:
Simone @ Let There Be Light http://simonecraftfocus.blogspot.com/ ; (Netherlands)
Jeanie @ The Marmelade Gypsy http://themarmeladegypsy.blogspot.com/ ; (USA)
Marilyn @ Delights of the Heart http://heartsdelights.blogspot.com/ (USA)
Sandy @ Aging Disgracefully http://newfie-girl.blogspot.com/ ; (Canada)
Tracy @ Simple Gifts Pictured http://simplegiftspictured.blogspot.com/ ; (Norway)
Linda (USA) ( hiberniabred at gmail dot com )
Chy @ Our Little House in the Big Woods https://ourlittlecottageinthewoods.blogspot.co.uk/ ; (Canada)
Anna @ Just Like Heaven...Except for the Screaming http://exceptforthescreaming.blogspot.co.uk/ (USA)
LeAnn @ Living Water https://lgwilliams.blogspot.co.uk/ (USA)
Marie @ And Then We All Had Tea http://andthenweallhadtea.blogspot.com/ (yours truly...from the UK)
AND we have a few joining us, who it seems do not have a blog link or other online account link with which they may be directly contacted. In this case, I think a solution might be if these ladies could please contact others on the list to initiate acquaintance, and then privately exchange email and street address information. How does that sound?
Sybil (UK) ( sybilsybil45 at aol dot com )
Julie H (USA)
Mary (USA) ( emitchell2001 at comcast dot net )
Cheryl (Utah, USA) ( davaricas at gmail dot com )
Suzan (Australia) ( suzanmw at gmail dotcom )
Just to recap how the mail exchange works... Everyone participating is kindly requested to contact at least ONE person the this list to exchange mail with. Reaching out to many is, of course, optional, but at least one person. That way thee is a change of everyone being contact and receiving something fun in the mail. Do think about reaching out to someone on the list you don't know... Mingle! :)
A card or letter is suggested for exchanging. Postage being what it is these days--rather high--sending a little gift is optional. So we recommend letters or cards at least. Cards with a handwritten message--or a even handwritten letter--that alone is fun!
If you are able to send your cards soon, that would be wonderful, and many would possibly receive by Easter, which would be a very happy thing! But taking the month of April to reach out to someone, organize (or even make!) a card to send, share, surprise and make new friends sounds good, yes?! So no rush. Let's just enjoy the sending and sharing!
If you have any questions, etc., please contact either myself or Tracy. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH to all participating! :)))

My email is Hibernianbred@gmail .com Linda from USA
ReplyDeleteThank so much for sharing this along with me, Marie! Hoping everyone will enjoy... VERY exciting!! I'm getting some cards ready to send today! :) ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteLinda, I tried to e-mail you but it bounced back! I would love to send you something. E-mail me. mariealicejoan at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteMarie are you able to add my email to the list? Pretty please.
ReplyDeleteHi Marie..sent you an email..
ReplyDeleteI got it Monique, and it's been sorted!
ReplyDeleteHi Marie - I left a message earlier to participate, but perhaps it did not go through?
ReplyDeleteMy email is davaricas@gmail.com. I am form Utah, USA.
Cheryl D.
Sorry Marie my E-mail is hiberniabred@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSome of these blogs do not have an Email on them. How are we suppose to get in touch with them? Linda
ReplyDeleteI have been missing a few days Marie, sorry but it's been a very bad,sad, week. I am just getting started again, I have had a few days to read up !...now I have to digest once again what I am supposed to be doing. I think I send an e mail to someone then they send me their address is that right so that I can write back to them ....slow post...?? Bye for now xxx
ReplyDeleteI think this is such a fun idea. I am looking forward to this one! Thanks for organizingit~ You are the best! Sending love and hugs!
ReplyDeleteHi Linda, I guess you could leave a message on their blog for them to contact you? That's all I can think of! xo