"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.
It didn't look like it was going to be a very sunny day yesterday so we went to a film instead of driving up to Balla to take a walk around the lake. Normally we would not go to the movies on full price day. Actually we hardly ever go to the movies at all because they are so expensive these days. We usually wait for the dvd's to come out or for the films to come onto the telly, but yesterday we just went for it and splurged.
We saw this guy in the film, Non-Stop, which isn't normally the type of film we would pay a lot of money to see, once again we would probably rather watch it on the telly, but out of all the films playing, it was the only one that looked vaguely interesting and it was really good! Not academy award winning, thought provoking good, but entertaining good and that's ok. Plus . . . ahem . . . *cough* . . . sigh . . . I quite like looking at Liam Neeson. The first film I ever saw him in was Ethan Frome. If you have never seen it, you should . . . especially if you like period pieces. It's a really good film.
We splurged and bought a bag of these. We normally never buy anything to eat or drink when we go to a movie out. Their treats are super expensive and not worth it, but yesterday we thought what the heck . . . let's live dangerously and we bought a bag of wine gums to share. I like wine gums. My ex used to buy himself a roll of them every day pretty much. For 22 years I never got to taste any wine gums except for the black ones because those were the ones he didn't like. I like that I can now taste any flavour of them I want to taste. Love is letting your partner have the first choice. I am grateful to be in a relationship where I now have the option of first choice once in a while. We share it out equally. Sometimes he has the first choice too, but most of the time it doesn't matter who has the first choice because we are just happy to be together.
After the film we decided to splurge again and have lupper . . . yes, that is the combination of lunch and supper. We went to this Mexican place within walking distance of the cinema that we had been to before. I know it was Sunday and you aren't supposed to do things like going to films and eating out on a Sunday, but I am sure we will be forgiven. ☺ In any case it was Mother's Day and nobody is going to make the mother cook on Mother's Day right? Right. It wasn't McDonalds and it wasn't cheap, but it wasn't the most expensive place we could have gone either. Sadly it wasn't all that good either, but oh well . . . it made for a change.
Why can't the Brits get Mexican food right???
Home to cuddles on the sofa with our furry little madam and re-runs of Call the Midwife. We are beginning on season one again. I love our furry little madam and I love Call the Midwife. What more could a heart possibly hold . . .
Toasted hot cross buns with cold butter, that's what. They are in the shops over here, pretty much all year round these days, but I resist buying them until they are in "season." That is until it is near to Easter. A Hot Cross Bun is an Easter thing and so I only eat them at that time of year. And I only ever buy the traditional ones . . . I don't go for chocolate ones, or apple ones . . . just the regular ones. I am a traditionalist and I don't like messing with tradition. So there.
All in all it was a pretty good day, made even more so by getting to spend it with the man of my dreams. Yes, I know . . . I am a lucky girl because I get to spend every day of my life with the man of my dreams . . . but knowing that I am blessed to do so makes it even better.
"Who, being loved . . . is poor?"
~Oscar Wilde
There's a tasty repeat in The English Kitchen today because I was playing hookie yesterday. Chicken and Ham Lasagne.
Please keep our dear friend Sheilagh in your prayers today as she has her gall bladder removed. Praying it all goes well.
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May it be filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!