We have a new baby in our Ward ( for you non-LDS'ers, read church congregation here). It's a little boy and he's so sweet. He's only a week younger than my newest grandson and his parents brought him to church this past Sunday for the very first time. I got to hold him. He was so tiny and perfect . . . his little hand wrapped around my finger and plucked all my heart strings. I looked down at his beautiful little face and fell in love with this little man so pure . . . so fresh from his Heavenly Father's presence.
His father is a very handsome man, with dark hair and eyes and his mother is from Bolivia and so he was quite handsome, with long dark hair framing his wonderful little face and he lay there so calmly in my arms, without a care in the world, so trusting, oh so very beautiful. I really could have held him forever, or at least until he fussed, which he didn't by the way, but I had to get to Young Women's so the bliss had to end . . .
It got me to thinking about things that make you sigh and pluck at your heart strings . . . like raindrops on roses and long whiskered kittens.
like baby toes, all pink and soft . . . you can kiss each one, one at a time and when you have finished kissing the last one, you go back and start again at the first. You could kiss them forever and ever . . .
Or little puppies that waddle and scamper around your feet and roll over to let you scratch their little bellies so tender and sweet. (I didn't really mean to make that rhyme, but it's fun that it did) . . .
fresh rosebuds, all tightly closed and waiting to burst forth in brilliant colour, laying perfect amongst their leafy beds . . . their perfume still locked in like a special secret waiting to be borne . . .
Big fat fluffy white snowflakes falling down from the heavens, catching on your eyelashes and brushing against your cheeks, soft floating down and silently hitting the ground. You want to catch them and hug them close, but you can't because they fade away and melt, so you just watch in wonder . . .
Tiny kittens at play with each other, tumbling and wrestling at your feet, their tiny noses and soft little paws, and awkward jumps and fumbles, so tender sweet . . . so innocent.
Baby anything is adorable . . . fawns, bunnies, colts, calves. God made them all so very beautiful and endearing. I reckon He did that on purpose so that we would naturally love them and want to take care of them . . .
Funny how all these things and more, the things that make you go mmmm . . . are all fresh from God, as yet barely touched by the world . . . and they are so pure and innocent and beautiful. It sure makes you think . . . or at least it makes me think . . . Heaven must surely be a wonderful place, more beautiful than we can ever hope to imagine . . .
Speaking of things that make you go mmm . . . I baked a delicious raisin pie the other day. I just adore raisin pie. It's one of my most favourite things in all the world. The Amish call it funeral pie for some reason. I think because they usually bring them to funerals or some such. It doesn't really matter what you call it though coz any way you name it . . . it's delicious! This has always been my dad's favourite kind of pie too!
*Raisin Pie*
Makes one 9 inch two crust pie
Crisp pastry stuffed full of delicious, plump and sweet raisins. I could eat this every day for a year and never get tired of it!
pastry enough for a nine inch two crust pie
(your own recipe or store bought)
2 cups seedless raisins
2 cups water
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
3 TBs cornstarch
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
pinch salt
1 TBS cider vinegar
2 TBS butter
1 tsp finely grated orange zest
Topping (Optional):
2 TBS white sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F.
Place the raisins, and 2/3 cup of the water in a large saucepan and place over medium heat for five minutes. In a small bowl, combine the white sugar, brown sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, allspice and salt. Gradually stir in the remaining 1 1/3 cup of water. Mix until smooth. Stir this mixture into the raisins. Cook and stir until the mixture bubbles and thickens. Add the vinegar, butter and orange zest. Cook until the butter melts. Remove from the stove and allow to cool to lukewarm.
Roll out half of the pastry into a round large enough to line a nine inch pie pan with a two inch overhang. Spread the raisin filling inside. Roll the remaining pastry into a round large enough to cover the top. (or you can do like me and make a lattice top, which is a bit more fiddly, but quite pretty) Trim and pinch the edges together to seal and then cut a few slashes in the top to vent. Mix together the sugar and cinnamon for the topping. Brush the top crust with a bit of milk or water and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar evenly over top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the crust is done and nicely browned. Allow to cool before cutting.
Yes indeed... all of those things that you've mentioned make me go mmmm too... sweet...precious things.... little blessings amid everyday life.
ReplyDeleteI have not had raisin pie in the longest time. My mother used to love raisin pie and mincemeat pie too. My kids are not that fond of either so I stopped making them. This post makes me want to try raisin pie again. I think it would bring back sweet memories of sitting at an old table in a little apt. with my mom, having a piece of raisin pie with a cold glass of milk before she sent me off to bed.... that memory makes me go mmmmm too.
I am off to bed. Have a good day.... I am almost down to counting the hours now....are you too???? Can't wait. Love, Lura
Great post Marie - Love the pie!
ReplyDeleteBaby love is undeniably the best.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a grat way to start my morning Marie:D
ReplyDeleteYes Marie I agree with your every word.As in the Hymn,one of my favourites."All Things Bright And BeautifulThe Lord God Made Them All.Isn't it just wonderful when we look at things this way.Oh! how I pray the world will get better one day for all these new babies who are being born.Priceless they are.Love th elook of the raisin pie,but I am not a lover of raisins unless they are in mixed fruit,then I can enjoy them.Wonderful posting.Have a lovely Thursday.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
ReplyDeleteA lovely post Marie and yes all of those things make me go mmmmmm... Priceless is the word. your pie looks lovely.
ReplyDeleteRosie x
What a sweetie of a post, Marie...and LOVE the photos that accompany your writing...dreamy! Babies, puppies, kitties, snow...all little miracles...mmm, mmm moments for sure! This pie today is very interesting. I don't think I've has raisin pie before. This reminds me somewhat of shoo-fly pie from Pennsylvania Dutch country/Lancaster, PA near where I am from...I imagine the taste to be similar. So sorry not to have gotten to chat with you last night. But I know you are swamped with working and making ready for your trip. We'll catch up soon! Just sooo excited for you about this trip! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! OXOXOX ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteThank you so for the wonderful words this morning. I needed a comforting touch as I just shoveled the snow again and had one of those slow slippery drives into work. I was way late, but couldn't go any faster for sure. This winter is wearing me down and I'm trying to perservere here. I hope your Wednesday is a lovely one.
ReplyDelete'On Ya'-ma
Ohhh I love babies. Babies of any kind. I'm always thinking up ways to visit friends with babies, human ones, animal ones, doesn't matter as long as I get to go mmmmmmmmm
I had the pleasure of cuddling my daughter's friends one year old little girl when she came to visit us late yesterday afternoon. She has been walking for two months now and was sooooo dainty! Precious little angel that she is!
ReplyDeleteI just know how you feel Marie.
I just felt like kissing her little cheeks and nuzzling her little ears forever. sigh!
Any baby is special..they are tiny packages of wonderful future fruitful promises to come.
A lovely thought provoking entry today Marie.
Much love
Jeanie xxx
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful pictures Marie! Don't you just love little babies? A girl in our neighborhood brought her baby to church for the first time on Sunday and she had her little eyes closed and hands folded on her chest. Like a little doll. Made me yearn for another one...
ReplyDeleteYour raisin pie looks so wonderful. I have never had it, but I do love cookies with raisin filling. Is that similar?
Counting down the days!
I love baby puppies really love!!! and for these I have now three dogs, Rex when arrive have 4 months, but Mouska and Ares were a little hair balls, lovely, I sleept with Mouska because cryed a lot at begin and after when Ares borned sleep under my table light.Love the pictures
ReplyDeleteLura, all we know you will meet Marie!!! yeah!! (kidding dear) Imso happy you finally meet Marie Im a little envyous!!! yes! but maybe the next years we never know or maybe at the Heaven we finally know (I hope).
The pie is wonderful!!! xxxGloria
I enjoy babies of all kinds too and envy you holding that new baby! I haven't gotten to do that in a long, long, time.
ReplyDeletetake care
I've never had a raisen pie, but I'm sure I'd adore it. It's the simple things in life that matter, you know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteOh Marie....what a beautiful post. I so love anything fresh and newborn.
ReplyDeleteHere's an interesting fact: my dad's favorite pie was raisin as well!! Honestly, when I was a youngster, the thought of raisin pie made me gag, well...because I don't like raisins. But... I must admit, I've never actually tasted a bite of one.
Garden Painter Art
holding a baby is the best(especially when they aren't crying! :)
ReplyDeletemmmm...and that pie looks soooo good!
Ooooh...loving all those babies! Especially those toes! and that raisin pie! yum!
ReplyDeleteYour pie is absolutely PERFECT Marie, look at that crust, you are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI really like the sound of a raisin pie.