Saturday 29 June 2024

All Things Nice . . .


I love bright weather . . .  when the fields are green,
When every garden tries to steal the scene,
Flaunting its loveliness with tender pride,
And Earth takes on the raiment of a bride.

I love bright weather with a touch of rain,
To gladden up the fields and wash the grain,
'Til every leaf shines like a warrior's blade,
And fields are like a carpet richly laid,

I love bright weather . . . when the skies bend down,
To touch the little houses of the town,
When red-cheeked apples and sweet Bartlett pears,
Send out their messages like signal flares.

When wheat has taken on its golden coat,
And there is rapture in the robin's note;
When purple haze hangs like a temple veil,
Along the upper reaches of the trail.

I love bright weather . . .  sown with stars and song,
And shadows on the stubble blue and long,
Like ladders stretching out along the ground,
Showing the world where Peace might still be found.
~Edna Jacques, Bright Weather
The Hills of Home, 1946

As we near the end of the month of June I am looking forward to diving deep into summer. It hardly seems possible that we are halfway through the year, but here we are. The water's of July are near enough for us to be tipping our toes into them, waiting for us to plunge in headfirst.  Oh, I do so love the summer months with their bright and sunny days.  

A season of warmth and abundance, a time when the sun kisses the earth and everything seems to burst with life. It's the season of long days and short nights, where the air is filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of laughter from outdoor gatherings. 

There's a sense of freedom as schools close and vacations begin, offering a chance to create memories under the open sky. Whether it's the thrill of a spontaneous road trip, the relaxation of lying on a sun-drenched beach, or the simple pleasure of ice cream on a hot day, summer brings with it joys that help to warm the heart long after the season fades.  I love bright weather  . . . 


Of course not all days bring sunshine to our tables. We sometimes get rainy days as well, which bring with them their own special gifts.  

Rainy days treat us to a special kind of joy, with the rhythmic pattering of raindrops that invites a sense of calm and coziness. It's a time when the world seems to slow down, allowing for moments of reflection or the pleasure of curling up with a good book and a warm drink. 

The fresh scent of rain on the earth refreshes the air, and the lush greenery that follows is a vibrant reminder of nature's cycle of renewal. Indeed, there's a unique beauty and tranquility in the gentle embrace of a rainy day that I quite enjoy.  There is a deep pleasure to be found in being  tucked up safe and warm indoors, curled beneath a throw,  as you watch  rain and wind pelt against the windows.

Life is a mix of both sunshine and rain . . . 


My love of all things white extends to much more than my towels or my bedding.  White, the color of snowflakes gently descending from a winter sky, symbolizes purity and peace. It's the canvas of clouds against which the rainbow unfurls its spectrum. 

In the realm of flowers, white blooms like jasmine and lilies exude a delicate fragrance, standing for innocence and grace. The color white, in its simplicity, holds a universal beauty, reflecting light in a way that brings calm and comfort to the beholder. It's a testament to the elegance that exists in the absence of color, a blank slate that invites endless possibilities.

I especially love white in a garden  . . . 


One of the most breathtakingly beautiful gardens I have ever seen is the "white garden" at Sissinghurst castle gardens situated in the South East of England.  All of the individual gardens at Sissinghurst are beautiful, but the white garden holds a special beauty all of its own.  I think it is the most spectacular of all their gardens.  Each of the plants within this space are a lovely combination of white bloom and green foliage, the foliage providing the perfect backdrop for each tender white blossom . . . 

A white garden is a canvas of tranquility and elegance. The delicate blooms, from the purest of roses to the softest baby's breath, create a serene palette that calms the mind and soothes the soul. 

They are especially lovely at night  . . . as moonlight dances on their petals, these flowers glow with a luminescent grace, casting a spell of peace over the evening. 

A white garden is not just a feast for the eyes; it's a sanctuary where every breeze carries the subtle perfume of jasmine, and every corner offers a moment of reflection. It's a place where time slows, and nature's beauty whispers to us in hushed tones.

Oh how blessed I was to have witnessed such pleasures as this in my lifetime  . . . 


I have always loved the night  . . . . the night's beauty lies in its serene tranquility, a canvas of darkness that holds the twinkling stars like diamonds scattered across the sky. 

It's a time when the world slows down, and the hushed whispers of the night creatures weave a lullaby. The moon, in its silvery splendor, casts a gentle glow, creating a landscape of soft shadows and mystery. This enchanting time offers a moment of reflection and peace, a soothing balm for the soul after the day's hustle. 

Indeed, the night has a quiet magic, one that whispers of secrets and dreams waiting to be discovered.

A vision of ethereal light and sound in a beautifully breathtaking dance for the senses  . . . 

The night sky is a vast expanse of wonder, a tapestry of celestial bodies that have fascinated humans for millennia. It's where the constellations form mythological patterns, telling stories of ancient heroes and beasts. 

On a clear night, planets like Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn share the stage with countless stars, offering a glimpse into the immense scale of our universe. And sometimes, if you're lucky, you might catch the fleeting trail of a shooting star, inviting you to make a wish upon its ephemeral journey. 

The night sky is not just a sight to behold; it's an experience that connects us to the infinite mysteries of the cosmos.


It is the story of all life
that is holy and that is good to tell,
and of us two leggeds sharing in it
with the four leggeds
and the wings of the air
and all green things
for these are the children of one mother
and their father is one spirit.
~Black Elk Speaks

I loved  reading these words this morning   . . .  they spoke to my heart.  I love how our native peoples are so attuned with nature and the world around us and how their love of it all comes out through their folklore and their teachings. Teachings which are  a vast tapestry of stories, beliefs, and traditions, reflecting the diverse cultures of our continent's indigenous peoples.  They did not try to tame their world, or make it bow to their will . . .  but they revered it in an almost holy way  that we could and all should learn from.

Their tales and traditions often explored the intricate relationships between humans, nature, and the spiritual world, featuring elements like the Great Spirit, shape-shifting animals, and powerful natural forces. Characters like the trickster Coyote, the mighty Thunderbird, and the revered Glooskap are central to many narratives, embodying the values, wisdom, and humor of these rich oral traditions.

I think our children should be taught these things in our schools, the value of these traditions.  The sacredness of the world around us.

Just my thoughts  . . . 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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 *There is nothing in a caterpillar
that tells you it is going to be a butterfly.
~Richard Buckminster Fuller° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Quick Banana Split Shortcakes

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Quick Banana Split Shortcakes. A quick and easy dessert to enjoy on this holiday long weekend! 

I have managed to bring the ants under control.  Those Terro Ant Baits are miracle workers.  I put several of them out early yesterday morning and by evening. The ants were swarming.  By evening they were considerably fewer and this morning I can't see any at all.  Fingers crossed!  Yesterday they were even crawling on me.  I hate to harm any living creature, but there is a limit to my tolerance.

I hope you have a lovely weekend filled with plenty of nice things. Happy Canada Day weekend to my Canadian readers. Stay safe, be happy, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. We are having a rainy day today, always needed and welcomed. I love to listen to the rain. Glad the ants are under control. There is a big airshow at CFB Trenton today, shame about the rain as they haven't had a show for 8 years. We saw the Snowbirds flying over yesterday in a practice run, they may not fly today because of the rain. We have also seen numerous planes arrive (we are not that far from the base) Laundry day, but no drying outside today. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I have not seen an airshow in years. In the UK , we often had the Red Arrows flying over us in practice as the base was not far from where we lived. Always a spectacular watch. Have a great weekend Linda! xoxo

  2. Rain today here also..not torrential like earlier this week.You write beautifully Marie!!!

    1. Thanks so much Monique! It just comes out. xoxo

  3. The way I have felt about all insects, snakes, etc is that I am certainly not going out hunting for them, but once they come to my steps or inside my house, they made a bad mistake!! Glad the ants have seemingly gone, and hope it stays so!!
    Elizabeth xo

    1. I know what you mean Elizabeth! I cannot abide any of them in my house! xoxo

  4. Love how you focus on the many beautiful things of summer, Marie. Beautifully said. Glad the ants are gone. Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦 . Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! Happy Canada Day to you also! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Your writing is so descriptive and beautiful, thanks for sharing. V

    1. Thanks very much V! Have a lovely day! xoxo

  6. Terrorists works wonders! I try to incorporate plenty of white into my flower beds usually fail because I do like vibrant colors. My home is gray and bright colors to me, set it off. I would love to have a white night flowerbed. Four O'clock etc. Fragrant white flowers at night would be lovely.

    1. Oh, I love color also Grandma! Fragrant white flowers at night would be really beautiful. xoxo


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