Tuesday 25 June 2024

A Day Book



FOR TODAY, June 25th, 2024


   It is cloudy and I think we are in for rain. No surprise there. It's garbage day.  It is very rare that we don't get some kind of precipitation on garbage day.



Sometimes I can't believe the world we live in. Yesterday on a local ask a question page on FB someone had posted that somebody had hit and killed their cat with a car.  The vitriol towards the person who was clearly grieving was horrendous.  Things like, "That's what you get when you let your cat roam outdoors," etc.  Why are people so mean?  Rhetorical question. I know there is no answer.  I just think it is so wicked to kick someone when they are already down.


Not only did he graduate with Honor and the highest marks in two categories, but he also won a $500 bursary and two $50 awards.  This was a wonderful achievement and a great testimony to all of the hard work he puts in. Despite having a disability he has managed to excel and we are so proud of him. But then, we are proud of him anyways, no matter what.  Congratulations Jon!


small carrot cake


In the kitchen today a Small Carrot Cake. All of the deliciousness of a full sized carrot cake in a small, six-inch single layered cake with a lush orange and maple cream cheese frosting.


Maple Bourbon Brown Butter Peach Pie. Now that's a tasty mouthful. From Host the Toast.



It is truly the smallest things in life which matter most of all. 


Small Raggedies.  Cloth Doll Patterns on Etsy.

Primitive Painted Gingerbreadmen. DIY Beautify.

Beautiful throw. On Instagram.

Embroidered Pillows.  No source.

Again, no source  . . . 


Remembering when Cinnamon was a wee kitten and first came to live with me.   

Nutmeg too  . . .  both so adorable. 


PRETENDING TO DANCE, by Diane Chamberlain

Molly Arnette is very good at keeping secrets. She lives in San Diego with a husband she adores, and they are trying to adopt a baby because they can't have a child on their own. But the process of adoption brings to light many questions about Molly's past and her family—the family she left behind in North Carolina twenty years before. The mother she says is dead but who is very much alive. The father she adored and whose death sent her running from the small community of Morrison's Ridge. Her own birth mother whose mysterious presence in her family raised so many issues that came to a head. The summer of twenty years ago changed everything for Molly and as the past weaves together with the present story, Molly discovers that she learned to lie in the very family that taught her about pretending. If she learns the truth about her beloved father's death, can she find peace in the present to claim the life she really wants?

I love books by Diane Chamberlain.



Ruffles on sheets  . . . 


Painted stair risers  . . . 


Painted dressers  . . . 


All of this  . . . 

Little surprises  . . . 



A meal enjoyed out of doors with the people you love most in the world.  Look at that table and bench.  How beautifully rustic.


Breathe on Netflix  . . . 


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 *.˛.°Yesterday I was clever,
so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise,
So I am changing myself.
~Rumi° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!    


Monday 24 June 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


We have been busy watching birds and chipmunks at the bird feeder this weekend. We don't get much more than jays, blackbirds, the odd small woodpecker and occasionally some gold finches.  All are welcome.  The blackbirds have fledged. It is very easy to tell which are the parents and which are the fledglings. The fledglings tend to crouch with their mouths open and wings spread apart, waiting for the adult to feed them. It is beautiful to watch  . . .  this dance between adult and child.  It is pure  magic.  A commonality between human and animal, bird, etc.  A built in instinct for the adult to want to care for the infant, and it is a great honor to witness it in such a way.


This is my grandson Jon when he was only about 2 years old.  I remember him as being a happy little boy. Filled with light. I only got to see him a couple of times during those wee growing up years. One time when I came over to visit mom, we all went in Mom's car to New Brunswick to visit both Anthony's and Doug's families.  Mom went with us.  I really appreciated her doing that for me.  Normally mom was not a person who would let you drive her car, but she did that time and she paid for our motel room, etc.  It was a wonderful gift to me. To be able to see my grandchildren was such a special thing.  I did get to see Jon when he was this small and he was such a sweet little boy.  Thank you mom for that precious opportunity. 


Now he is a young man.  And today he is graduating from high school.  I am so proud of him (and of Gabe) for reaching this point in their young lives.  I wish both of them the very best in the chapter of life that is to come.  Jon has met and conquered some great challenges in his life. He is autistic.  To graduate from high school is huge.  His parents and maternal grandparents have been a great support system for him throughout all of his growing up years, and I know that they will continue to support him as he moves forward, so that he can become the best that he can be.  Congratulations Jon! We are very proud of you.

The Chosen.  I have been watching The Chosen, season 4, on YouTube as each episode drops.  What a well done series. I have loved every moment of it. Each episode has touched my heart in a special way.  I, who have always known the Savior, have found myself drawing even close to Him and understanding Him and His followers in an even more intimate way. If you have never watched this series, I really cannot recommend it enough. From the very first episode in Series one to this latest episode 7 in season 4, all have had me totally mesmerized.   I have watched the first three seasons several times over and each time this show has touched my heart in a beautiful way.  It is just done so very well.  If you have never watched it, I highly recommend it.  You have nothing to lose.

I understand that certain Evangelicals are telling their people not to watch it.  I can't believe how very small minded that is. How can anything which draws people into wanting a closer relationship with God and Jesus Christ possibly be bad??  I cannot comprehend such narrow thinking but then again, I have been affected by it for almost 25 years now. On the 8th of July I will have been a Baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ for 25 years. I consider that day to be the single best, most smartest thing I ever did in my life. It has helped and shaped me into a much better person than I was when I first came into the gospel. I truly believe that.  I know that. How can anything which helps to shape a better you ever be a bad thing.  Simply not possible.


Front porch sitting with my sister.  That was so much fun. I really enjoyed it. Mind you, I pretty much enjoy every minute spent with my sister.  I am so grateful to have her in my life.  She is a great blessing to me.


The bleeding hearts are about done now. Oh how I have enjoyed them this year.  They were a gift a few years back, I think my first summer here, from my next door neighbor Sheila.  Oh am I not so very blessed to be surrounded by such good people. God has been very good to me.  All the flowers on our street are beautiful Glenna has some gorgeous foxgloves that I love looking out and seeing. Almost every house has a lovely well attended garden, with nice hanging plants, etc.  That is why I wanted so much to get someone in to care for my own garden. I wanted it to look as good as all the others.  And now it does.

The lilies are coming up nicely and it won't be long now before they are in bloom.

I actually got two of these made over this past weekend. I did not like the way my book shelves looked.  I thought they looked cluttered and so I decided that I was going to make some curtains to hang in front of them.  I bought the rods and I sent away for the fabric. I have had the fabric for a month or so now and this weekend I finally got around to beginning them. I only have one more to do and I will be done in this room.  I might end up covering all of them in the bedroom as well. I don't know.  We will see how it goes.  At any rate I really like the way it looks in here.  I can't stand anything to look cluttered.  Clutter makes me feel anxious.  When you live in a really small place, keeping on top of the clutter is an on-going proposition.


Dad spent some time here on Saturday and then again yesterday. He had gone out without his key to my sister's house and then they had gone out and he couldn't get back in. So on Saturday he came here and spent quite a while actually. I didn't mind. He watched Seinfeld and had a nice tall glass of ice water and dozed a bit on the sofa while I worked. Then when my sister got home, I called and he knew it was okay to go back.

Yesterday he did not stay for too long.  Its actually a good thing I did not go to church yesterday as had I done so he would not have had anywhere to go.  He wanted to watch the French Catholic mass that he usually watches on Sunday but I couldn't get it on my television or on YouTube, so I gave him my key to my sister's place so that he could go home and watch it in the comfort of his room.  

I am grateful that I was here both days so that he had a place to sit in comfort.  He really needs to be better at remembering his key.  Perhaps he should have one in his car for just in case.


He is pretty much settled in to Cindy's now.  He has a few tweaks, etc. to do and of course we are faced with emptying his old place. I think he and Cindy are going over this morning.  His cat Princess is terrorizing Little Mac though.  She seems to get along with all of the other cats but she really doesn't like Little Mac. I feel sorry for him as she is being a big bully.  She had him cornered yesterday when I was there for supper.  Hopefully she will stop this as if she doesn't we will have to find another place for her where she can be on her own without any other cats. That will break Dad's heart but she can't be terrorizing the other cats. I am not sure what we can do to stop her from doing that.

Life is a beautiful balance of things at the moment.  I have enough . . .  more than enough of most things   . . .  and to be able to say that in this modern world is a great blessing.  The greatest blessing of all. God is good.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Let us hold unswervingly
to the hope we profess,
for He who promised 
is faithful.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Hebrews 10:23 ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Bacon & Potato Hash with Cheesy Beans

In The English Kitchen today, Bacon & Potato Hash with Cheesy Beans. This was such a simple supper to make and was oh so delicious.  I really enjoyed all the flavors of this easy supper!  Meals like this are my favorites!

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with goodness and mercy.  May you be thoroughly blessed with all that you need and may you be happy.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Saturday 22 June 2024

All Things Nice . . .


I am a part of all that I have been;
The hawthorn's shade, the robins wistful note,
I have the bitter berries in my heart,
The robin's happy message in my throat.

Just as a tree is part of all the sun
That ever shone upon its smallest leaf,
So is my heart a living manuscript
of all that I have known of joy or grief.

I am the laughter of the waking spring.
The pulse-beat of a root below the ground,
The small hands of a vine against a wall,
a clump of tangled willows closely bound.

I am a part of all the friends I've known,
The love I've shared, their laughter and their tears,
The seeking and the finding of a dream
The braggart's boasting and the widow's fears.

I am a part of all that I have been;
The years have multiplied the bread and wine,
The harvest waits beyond the river's brim
Where all that I have lost is truly mine.
~Edna Jacques, I Am A Part
Aunt Hattie's Place, 1941

I was posed the question the other day is there anything in my life that I would change.  Any choices I would have made differently. This required a lot of thought. Who has not made poor choices in their lives, or has things they wish that they had done differently.  At the end however, I came to the conclusion that I would not change a thing.  I would not  forego a single poor choice, mistake, or a shed tear, for to do so would also be to forego all that has also been good in my life, and all of the joys and gifts I have been given that are a direct result of those poor choices, mistakes and shed tears.

I would not be who I am now were it not for those things, and I finally like me.  Oh, for sure, I would like to be thinner, or younger looking, have thicker hair and thinner ankles, but  . . .  those are all superficial things.  The things in life which really do not matter. I have a strength of character and a tender and forgiving heart, and many other qualities I would never have developed were it not for all that I have experienced in my lifetime. So, no, given the chance I would not change a thing.

Except for maybe not eating all those cakes  . . .  😋


Cindy and I got 10kg (22lb.) of sausage meat put together yesterday.  We did half apple and we did half sweet Italian. In the end we did not put any of it into casings.  Instead we just mixed it all up, taste tested it (we fry little bits in a skillet) and then divided it into small packages.  At the end of the day, we both agreed that we actually like sausage meat better outside of the casings.  Made into little meatballs or patties, crumbled and browned and stirred into sauces or casseroles, etc.  What is the point of stuffing it all into casings if we are only wanting to take it out to cook???  What point indeed  . . . 

We did have fun though. It is just fun to do something together.

We sat out on the front porch for a time and we talked and laughed and talked to Sheila next door.  We tried on false eyelashes and giggled a lot at our ineptitude at putting the things on.  In the end  we discovered that it was actually easier to put them onto our eyebrows than on our eye lids. Oh what fun we had.

 You have heard that saying about a fool and his money being soon parted?  Well, a few weeks back I kept seeing all of these ads on IG and FB about these magnetic eye lashes.  And you could get them in a variety of styles.  From the very simple and natural looking to outrageously caterpillar looking.  I was so tempted. My eyelashes are very faint. You can hardly notice them.  And so  . . .  I caved.   If you bought two pairs you got three more for free!  (That should have been my first clue.)  The videos of all the ladies putting them on looked super easy.  Just in an instant they were clipped on and looking fab. This fool parted with some of her money. 

They came a few days ago. I tried for at least an hour the first day.  They kept sticking together, etc.  I never could get them on. Not at all.  Yesterday Cindy and I tried for a while. We could not get them on either. Like I said, they were relatively simple to apply to our eyebrows, but our eye lids were not co-operating in the least.  (Cindy has beautiful thick, dark eyelashes.)

My takeaways on them were this, in order for the magnets not to show, you would need to apply dark eyeliner. I do not wear dark eyeliner.  In order to see to be able to separate them, etc. you would need to be wearing your glasses, at least my old eyes would  . . . how can I  put them on wearing glasses?  The mirror supplied to view the process in looks like tinfoil and is about as effective as looking into a tinfoil mirror.  Not good.  

A fool and his money . . .  but they provide Cindy and I with a good laugh enjoyed together.  Perhaps that means that they were worth it??? Hmmm . . .  what think you on that?

It reminded me of a time when I was very pregnant for my oldest son. I found a dress, normal sized, that I really loved. It was pink and covered with beautiful flowers. It was floaty and really pretty, silky.  With a pleated top and skinny spaghetti straps. I bought it and brought it home and then proceeded to try it on.  (What was I thinking?)  I managed to get it on, but could I get it off?  Like as heck not!  I tried everything. It was as if I had stuck my head through a stair railing and could not pull it back out afterwards. I ended up having to cut the dress off . . .  a fool and his money.

I learned something however.  Not all that seems like a good idea at the time  . . .  IS actually a good idea, lol.  You just have to laugh at yourself sometimes.

I have a confession to make here.  I like to watch shows like Love is Blind, Perfect Match, and Love Island.  I don't know why. They are full of preening, self-indulgent young people, who are scantily clad and who behave in a manner that is unbefitting most of the time, especially the latter two.  I really shouldn't like watching these kinds of shows, and yet I do.  Perhaps it is because I never had the opportunity to behave in such a way. I got married right out of school and was a mother a year later.  I did not get to preen, or explore, dress scantily or flirt. I didn't even really get to date.  I married my high school boyfriend  . . .  twice.  Perhaps this is why I like to watch these shows??? I don't really know. 

These young people are doing things I never had the chance to do and trust me when I say, I don't think I would have ever in a million years done the things I see them doing, but for some reason I like to watch them.  And I think to myself when I am watching them  . . .  uh-oh  . . .  I wouldn't do that  . . .  oh no  . . . eek . . . what is she wearing  . . . you're going about it all wrong.  It is easy to make these kinds of judgements when watching others, and a lot of the behavior I just don't "get." But still I watch. I wish them well in their endeavors to find someone to spend their lives with, but  . . .  they really ARE going about it all wrong!

The cats and I have had a very good week. They really enjoy the tunnel I bought them.  Sometimes Nutmeg will come charging in from the back room and run right through it at full speed.  Cinnamon likes me to dangle things into the cut outs on the sides and she attacks whatever it is I am dangling. I think that it was the best twenty dollars I ever spent for the joy that it is bringing them. 

I have been filling the bird feeder out front with black sunflower seed and both cats have been really enjoying watching the birds come to feed.  Mostly I just get jays, blackbirds and a couple of morning doves, but the occasional wood pecker comes and I have seen some gold finches.  The morning doves are funny. They strut back and forth across the railing.  The cats really enjoy them. I can see Cinnamon's mouth chattering away as they move back and forth. I don't fancy their (the doves) chances if the cats ever got out. A lot of feathers and fur would be flying I think.  

I put my birdbath out this week, but so far no birds are bathing or splashing in it, but I did think that with such high temperatures as we have been experiencing that they also might like a fresh source of water.

I constantly marvel at the lovely community of online friendships I have made over the years.  I do love and appreciate each of them and the things which they bring to my table.  For beauty shared, for listening ears, and for treasured advice . . .  for the love and care that they show me.  Where would I be without them, without you?  

I do believe that I have the best online friends in the world.  I have always said that and I mean it when I do.  

These friendships mean no less to me than real life friendships. We may not be able to see each other in person, and, in fact, we may never see each other in person, but we care about each other just the same. Hearts have been invested.  For the few that I have been able to meet in person, what a treasure those moments have brought into my life. 

How very wonderful it is to be able to care about, and share with, people from all the corners of the globe. We are all kindred spirits. Like goes to like I believe.  What joy is mine to have such beautiful people in my life.  I value each one a great deal.  I do believe that many of them I have discovered via our mutual love of Susan Branch.  I wonder does she know how much I appreciate her community? We meet in the comments of her Willard posts.  

I do not always comment I admit.  But I always read. She gets such lovely comments from really genuine, caring people. Kindred spirits.  They become real to me from the comments that they leave. I really should comment more myself. 


I am not sure what I will get up to today  . . .  for the past three days I have said I am going to vacuum and then I haven't. So that will probably get done. Some more clearing out to fulfil my mindfulness goals perhaps.  Some laundry. A bit of work.  Perhaps I will change my bed. I hate it when the sheets get all stretched and wrinkly, so much so that no matter how much I pull them and try to tuck them back into place, they aren't having it. They are like, NOoooo  . . .  just let us play.  I cannot tame them into submission.  So I will probably change my bed.  Mom always had certain days for changing the bed.  It was always Friday.  I am a person of routine in almost every way but that way  . . . 

Maybe I will even get some sewing done!  Hope springs eternal!!  A lot depends on how well my knees behave. So far so good  . . . 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *It is astonishing how short a time it takes
for very wonderful things to happen.
~Frances Burnette  
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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Homemade Butter Pecan Ice Cream.  Creamy, rich and delicious. A real treat! Very nice.

I hope that you all have a beautiful weekend whatever you may get up to. It is a bit cooler today and not as humid. Good times!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Friday 21 June 2024

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . maybe they will do the same for you!

One Little Project.  Glass Bead Sun Catchers.  Simple.

Beaded Wind Chimes. Again, One Little Project.

Pressed Flower Book Marks.  Entertain Idea. 

One Little Project. Paint Pouring on Terra Cotta Pots.

From Scratch with Maria. DIY Pineapple Lamp.

Made to be Mama. Watermelon Coasters.

A Cultivated Nest. Painted garden markers.

Crafts by Courtney.  DIY Lighthouse for the garden.

On Sutton Place. DIY Citronella Candles with Herbs.

One Little Project.  Plastic Bottle Butterflies.

Instructables Faux Stained Glass Feathers.

Tissue Paper Fish Bowl Lanterns. Juggling with Kids.

Sea Glass Mason Jar. Country Chic Cottage.

Craftsy Hacks. DIY Bird Bookmarks

Renee Romeo No sew chair pin cushion.

Happiness is Home Made. DIY Felt Flowers

Makyla Creates. How to sew a Bandana.

Nancy's Notions. Quilted Hugs.

Heather Hand Made. Free Bucket Hat Pattern.

Handmadia  Fabric Gift Pouch tutorial.

Birch Fabrics.  Bins made from fabric.  Sweet.

Off The Hook  Crochet Waffle Stitch Blanket

Love Crochet  How to crochet a pretty edging.

And those are my Friday Finds for this week. I hope there was something to interest you here today!

A Thought to Carry with You ...

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 *Happiness is always there.
You just have to choose to see it.
There's no point in dwelling in the dark
and ignoring the light of the stars.
~Carrie Hope Fletcher° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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In The English Kitchen today, Air Fryer Chicken Drumsticks. No need to put the oven on in these horribly hot temperatures. Use the air fryer.  Crispy flavor coated skin, tender and juicy inside, very little fat.  Never greasy.  These are delicious!

I hope you have a lovely day today.  It is still going to be plenty warm here today, but mixed with showers. We will see how that goes.  Cindy is supposed to come over and we are going to be making sausage again.   I think we are just doing two kinds this time.  Sweet Italian and Apple.  Its always fun to spend time together and I am sure she can use the break and a change of scenery.

Whatever you get up to today. Stay cool, and don't forget!

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And I do too!