Thursday 18 July 2024

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share! 


Easy bread.  I have not made it in a long time now. Perhaps I need to make some soon.


Wooden shutters.  You see loads of them in France.  The cottage we stayed in had them on the outside and the inside. You shut the inside ones at night. Made everything really cozy.


A cozy dining nook. I love everything about this. It would be a lovely place to work as well, with the light and world just outside all those lovely windows.


Good cookbooks  . . .  they don't have to have tons of photographs.  They just have to have good, uncomplicated, recipes.


Little glass birds  . . . . any kind  . . . 


A pretty skirt.  I used to wear skirts all the time, back when I had a waist. My favorite skirt of all time was one that my sister bought  me back in the 1980's.  It was red and white. I loved it.


Studying the scriptures.  They always speak to me exactly where I am at, and show me exactly what I need to know.  At any given time.  An owner's manual for life.


Hens and Chicks  . . .  love these  . . . Succulents . . .


Open shelves, but you have to be incredibly organized to be able to cope with them.  Neat and tidy. That is not one of my strengths.


Where do I start? Such a cozy outdoor space. Very pretty also  . . . 


Robins   . . . harbingers of spring here in Canada. And yet I have not seen one this year.  What's up with that?  I guess just no robins in my area. My sister has lots.  The British ones are small and cute and reside there year round.


This, this, this  . . .  I love, love, Love those bobble curtains!


This . . .  and I bet this model still thinks she's fat.


At the risk of repeating myself, I have said it many, many times. French milled soaps.  I got myself a beautiful bar a few weeks back. Milk scented. Its lovely.


Pearls.  What an elegant piece of jewelry  . . . 


Peonies  . . .  they smell so lovely  . . . 


Pillows  . . .  especially when they have something to say  . . . 


Fresh figs  . . .  so sweet  . . . 


Good bread and plenty of butter. I could make a feast of it  . . . 


Linen  . . . . so lovely  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week!  I hope some of them were yours also!

A thought to carry with you . . .

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Life is not complex.
We are complex. Life is simple,
and the simple thing is the right thing.
~Oscar Wilde° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Creamy Pasta Salad with Peas & Bacon

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Creamy Pasta Salad with Peas & Bacon.  Simple.  Really simple. And it will have all of the Italians on my EK FB page shouting the odds about how I am ruining pasta. lol Oh, they get so nasty.  Yesterday it was my Bolognese  sauce.  I am always doing things the wrong way and serving them improperly.  According to the Italians.  To me, the main criteria is taste. If it tastes good, count me in!

Oh what a morning I had yesterday. I was on the phone literally from about 9 am until past noon. Sorting out this carbon tax rebate thing.  And its still not sorted. Apparently I was supposed to "immigrate" back to Canada, just not return. I have all these forms to fill out, etc. I finally got to speak to someone by telephoning the "wrong" number, but it worked.  I waited in a queue for 45 minutes or so, they redirected me to the "right" number and I waited 45 minutes there, but then I needed to talk to someone else, and they redirected me to them, another 45 minute queue. No need to say more, I did this at least four or five times. I lost count.  I got there in the end.  And then they sent me back to the start because apparently I failed to cash a check back in 2021, and its messing up their books.  So I need to apply to have it reissued, but I have to remember all of these things about it in order to do so.  I have to think hard to remember what I had for supper last night, never mind remembering things from 23 years ago.  Oh  my  . . . dealing the Canadian Government  . . .  enough said. Never my favorite thing.

I hope you have a beautiful day.  Its dull here this morning and there are going to be showers all day long.  Whatever you get up to today, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. I can understand your frustration with dealing with Revenue Canada, I had to do it about a year ago and it took forever. It was their error in the first place but they blamed me! In 1981 I had to re-emigrate back to Canada, after being out of the country over the required amount of time. Another hassle for you to deal with. It will help pass the time till your car i fixed.

    1. I admit I was quite ignorant of the fact that as a Canadian I had to immigrate back after having lived away for so long! You learn something new every day! xoxo

  2. Wow, dealing with government…you must have a ton of patience…and, a ton of time. Take a deep breath and enjoy your Thursday!
    Best, V.

    1. Thankfully I am a patient person. I don't really have a ton of time. I tried to do other things while I was on hold. xoxo

  3. Sorry about the troubles with the govt...seems they exist to trouble people!! I am quandering about getting set up to vote this year...cause no doubt they will try to force me to be a juror and I am too old and 24/7 caregiver does not leave a single minute for such. Yes, for decades now, if I vote, I have gotten called up EVERY SINGLE TIME...prior to that, I was never called. When I was young and would not have minded, no banana...
    As to folks criticizing your cook I know of can please every one. Plus one thing the internet has created is lots of "experts" on all sorts of things...thus more critics!! Hope you can let it all slide on by!! I think your recipes are yummy, the ones I have a lot of others I yet hope to try out!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Funny how that goes? I would be leery of voting. lol I don't think I would like jury duty. Thanks very much for your kind words Elizabeth! xoxo

  4. Government red tape is never easy. 'Grandma Walks!' (Exclamation point was my granddaughter Amelia's idea as it is a private youtube channel with my travel videos exclusively for my grandchildren)will be walking! Nova Scotia next week. Super excited as it is on my bucket list. Dilemma is; what is the weather? I have checked and a heat warning for 79 degrees F this past week, well, its been 90 in New York. I simply must pack for all weather ;) I'll wear a parka if needs must :)

    1. Oh, I missed being able to respond to your comment before you left Grandma! It will be warm here for sure. A lot depends on where you are walking. If you are close to the shore it will be appreciably cooler than other places! I hope you have a safe and uneventful journey and that you have a great time! xoxo

  5. Here's what I do, Marie. I have an ordinary note book with plenty of paper. Each month I write down what my bills are, and when they are due, and I use a page for each month. As I pay them, I line through them, and write PAID and the date it was paid, the check number, or electronic method used. I have an "Extra Expense" listing on the same page as well, where I write down all of the unexpected bills that popped up (such as your brake repair bill). Also, each month, I write down all of my incoming checks, and place a check mark next to them as I deposit them (not much of that going on). This is not a ledger type of accounting. It is simply a record of what I do each month. Very simple to do, and anyone can look back through the notebooks (several years now) and see exactly what happened each month with the budget. I also put down all charges I make using my credit card, so that I can check off the charges against my receipts. If something comes in on my charge card statement that I don't have the receipt for, I can go look at my charges that I have jotted down to confirm it. Sometimes I will have accidentally thrown out a charge receipt, and this way I know that I have not been charged for something that I didn't buy. This is a comforting way for me to keep track of what I am doing each month with my money and budget. It's a grounding type of activity too, and makes me feel more in control of what I do. Stay calm and carry on. xoxo

    1. Thanks very much for your tips. I posted the date wrong. It was the year 2001 they were wanting me to remember. 2021 I can fairly remember, but 2001 is a big ask! xoxo

  6. Oh, dear, such a lot of red tape! Hope it gets sorted soon. Loved all your favourites today, Marie. It was a pretty nice day here today, way less humid. We went out for the first time in 12 days for groceries. Still getting local strawberries, corn and now peaches. Yum! Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I hope you enjoyed the strawberries, corn and peaches! We are hoping to get to a farm market tomorrow! Love and hugs, xoxo


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