Saturday 17 February 2024

Saturday Nice . . .


Speak well of people -- tell kindly things
the neighbors do and how they always try
To make the day a little easier,
Talk about sun and wind and open sky,
Have praise upon your lips like jewels rare;
Talk about peace and eventide and prayer.

Speak well of neighbors, let your voice be raised
In words of comfort for the sore oppressed,
Take time to listen to an old man's yarn;
Greet every morning with a happy zest,
And pass along to others along the way,
The lovely tidings of a brand new day.

Speak well -- for I have heard the old folks say
That words are arrows made with golden tips,
And each will find a target ere the day
Is gathered to its close -- so guard your lips
Lest you might wound a heart already sore,
And give a tired back one burden  more.

Speak kindly words, they are such precious things
To brighten up a day and give it wings.
~Edna Jacques, Speak Well
Back Door Neighbors, 1946

I thought this was a good poem to share this morning.  I think it to be a wonderful message to share in a world which is becoming increasingly unkind. In fact, that is a challenge I have set for myself this Lent. To be kinder in thought, word and deed. To not participate in gossip and to try to not think unkind things about others.  To give the benefit of the doubt. To ascribe to the idea that everyone is doing the best they know how to do according to the sum of their experience.  To spread a message of love rather than division and hate.  I can but try. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone ascribed to that idea?

After I had finished all of my work yesterday, I  lay back in my easy boy chair and put my feet up for a bit of a snooze.  Cinnamon decided to join me. She lay on my lap for quite a while, grooming, sleeping, etc. This is not a usual occurrence, but very rare. Usually if one of them joins me at all it will be Nutmeg.  Cinnamon is much more independent.  I find that more and more she is joining me.  In fact I call her  my little puppy because she follows me around it seems.  When I go to make my bed in the  morning she always joins me, trotting ahead of me, tail raised, with a jaunty step.    She doesn't interfere too much with what I am trying to do, and at the end she always rolls over for a bit of a belly rub.  Sometimes she comes up next to me on the sofa and makes bread on my lap as she sings me a purring song filled with love.  Special moments. 

Oh how I love these two creatures that I have invited in to share my life with me. That was a very wise decision on my part and surely heaven sent.


I had not bought dryer sheets in a very long while.  I had read that they were bad for the dryer once upon a time, and I suppose I thought that it  must be true, but earlier this week I read some really interesting plus's about this indispensable disposable.

-They help to cut down on thread tangles when sewing. Just run a dryer sheet over your thread.

-They wipe up fine, dry spills such as talcum powder and flour more efficiently than a paper towel or damp cloth can.

-A used sheet makes a great dust cloth, especially for television screens, where static and dust combine.

-Wipe window blinds with a used sheet and the blinds will stay dust free longer.

-Since used sheets retain their scent after use, use one wherever you want light freshening. Tuck them into gym bags and linen closets, slide them under the litter box and floor mats of the car, or cut them into pieces and place between the pages of books that have begun to smell a bit must. (Always handy when you have a collection of older books.)

-Wrap a dry sheet around your hand and ust it to brush pet hair from clothes and furniture.

-Not all creatures love that subtle fresh scent. It repels mice and stuffing used sheets into crevices they might use as entry points will keep you from hearing those disturbing rustlings in the middle of the night.

-If you plan on spending time outdoors, tuck one in a pocket or tie one to a belt loop - mosquitoes and other summertime pests will leave you alone.

-When you don't feel like scrubbing the pa with the baked-on food, add a dryer sheet fill with water, and your job will be easier in the morning.

-Wrap one around the head of a mop or broom and use to sweet dust and cobwebs from high corners and gently dust ceiling fixtures.


One of my goals when I started to settle into my own place was that it be a place of comfort and welcome, a place that I felt totally at ease and where I longed to return to whenever I left it. I think that for the most part I have achieved that.  I love my little place here in the Valley of my ancestors.  Nestled within the bosom of all who came before. It was always my design to return here to end out my days, just not under the circumstances in which is happened.  But nevertheless here I find myself by whatever means and manner and I am where I have always wanted to be.  

This is the first time I have found myself living in a place that is entirely my own. I have never lived on my own. I went from my father's home to my husbands, back to my father's, and then to another husband's, to my mother's and to another husband's, and then to my sister's. Now finally, I am in a place that is just mine and that can reflect all that I love and hold dear to my heart.  I am free, finally, to be me.  Usually people start out their adult lives in a place of their own, but that's me, doing things backwards!  I am ending my life a place of my own for the first time ever!

In many ways it has been a blessing not to have to find space for the many things I collected over the years.  Getting to start fresh without a lot of baggage gave me the freedom to fill my space with the things I really love and which bring me joy.  And I know that I have said that before, and I am sorry for repeating myself.  I have created a space for myself that is totally "me" and I love that.

And I have collected new treasures. Special gifts from much beloved friends that have found their place not only in my heart but in my space.  Every time my eyes fall upon these objects, or I pick up one to use it,  I am reminded of the love of friends and the love of my Heavenly Father who so wonderfully put such caring and kind people in my life.  They delight all of my senses, but mostly they delight my heart.

I don't know how long I will have to spend in this sweet, sweet space of mine.  Does anyone?  One thing I know for sure though is that I am surrounded with love.  Faith, family and friends.  The three legged stool of all that is truly important in life.

I live in a space that loves me back.  That is a great blessing to me.


It had been softly snowing when I went to pick up Cindy yesterday morning.  The dirty snow from the days before, having been covered with a fine pristine layer. I wondered at the tiny footprints left in her space.  Tiny bird feet and paw prints . . .  left behind by all of the wildlife that dwells in her little world.  She has red squirrels, a plethora of birds, deer, etc. all year round, and in the summer, chipmunks. And they make their presence known in wonderful ways . . .  in the winter leaving the imprints of their presence in the snow. It is hard to miss that they have been there.

The thought occurs to me this morning that we are the same. We also leave vestiges of our presence behind us wherever we go. Small leavings that say we were there. Maybe they are not as visible to the naked eye and other senses as those tiny prints in the snow are, but they are there all the same.  God willing they are positive prints. Kind words spoken.  Good deeds done. Examples of care and positivity. A perfume that is not obvious to the nose, but rather more to the heart. 

Do I want people to feel good having spent time with me,  or around me  . . .  or do I want people to be happy that I have gone?  What fragrance will I leave behind  . . .  what imprints in the snow of life?  Each day I pray that I will leave my best and be the best example to others that I can be. And, if I fall short of that mark . . .  that others will be generous of thought towards me and forgiving. And I to them.

There is enough unkindness in this world without us creating more.


How do you walk into your days?  With anticipation and excitement, a bit of hope  . . .  or with dread? I am a pretty positive person all told. I try to enter my days with anticipation and hope.  With a bit of wonder and I am, to be honest, never really disappointed.  I think you find what you are looking for.  If you look for the bad, you will always find it, and if you look for the good and the positive, then that is always there as well.  I am a seeker of joy, which is not to say that I am always happy and on the up.  For sure, I have my moments where I feel blue and under the weather, but I don't let myself dwell there.  I keep moving upwards and forwards. Anticipating that better things lay ahead.  Maybe I am a bit of a Pollyanna, but I have been blessed by being so.  My life is much much better for seeking out and sitting in the joy.  I open my eyes each morning and I breathe out my gratitude to God for giving me one more day to enjoy, and my prayer each night, as I end my day, is also one of gratitude for the day I have spent.  I see each day as a gift and I approach them with hope and with faith.   Good, bad, and everything in between.  The cracks are how the light gets in.  I remind myself of that fact often.


I have something really special to look forward to today.  I have a bit of work to do this morning, but then this afternoon we are all going as a family up the valley to New Minas, where Dan is treating us to a meal out.  We are going to Boston Pizza. He has wanted to do this for a while and had this planned for us.  I am really looking forward to it. I have never been to Boston Pizza before, so this is a first for me.  The nicest part will be being there together as a family.  I never really got to go to places like that as my husband did not like pizza or pasta for that matter, two things which I really love.  This will be a real treat for me!  I don't really go out to eat unless I have someone to go with.  Just as misery loves company, so does joy. Joy shared is joy multiplied!  And I am really looking forward to this meal out together.  Monday is a Bank Holiday here, known as Family Day and we are celebrating Family Day today, on Saturday.  Yay!

I wonder what I will have?  I hope I don't have too hard of a time making up my mind! How very kind it is of Dan to treat us all like this! Thank you Dan!

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*We live in deeds, not years;
in thoughts, not breaths;
in feelings, not figures on a dial.
We should count time by heart-throbs.
He most lives who thinks most° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
-feels the noblest - acts the best.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~P.J.Bailey ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚  

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  4 Ingredient Lemon Loaf.  I was intrigued and so set out to make this. It is a good lemon loaf. Not the best, but also not the worst. Fat free, simple to make and quite lemony. Nice with a hot drink.

I hope you have a beautiful Saturday no matter what you get up to and a lovely weekend!  Whatever happens, don't forget!

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And I do too!     



  1. You are kind! And in such a happy place in your life.I have never lived on my own either.You have outdone even your vision of yoursef.A million kudos.I'll be with family tonight too.Best place to be:)Have fun.

    1. Thanks Monique and a very Happy Birthday to you! xoxo

  2. What a lovely post, Marie. That is a beautiful Edna Jacques poem. Do you have all her books? I think you'll enjoy your visit to Boston Pizza. Choose wisely! I've just prepped ribs to go in the slow cooker. They get so tender the meat falls off the bone. We are having coleslaw and devilled eggs with them. Enjoy your long weekend. Family Day has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. No, I don't have all of her books. I am collecting them as I find them, one at a time. I have 8 now. Your ribs sound fabulously delicious and I love the sides you have picked to have with them! Wish I could be there! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. The world definitely needs to be a kinder place. You have such a wonderful home, cats and family, so many things to be thankful for. Enjoy your trip out and dinner with family. A lovely weekend excursion.

    1. Thanks Linda! I really am blessed beyond measure! xoxo

  4. Actually I think the way you went from your parents home to a husband was exactly correct...we cannot assume because the men were unworthy husbands, that we did a thing wrong!! (Other than saying yes to them!!) Neither of my daughters went from our home to a husband as it turned out...always have felt sad about that, as it was how I did...and one of them at age 40 now has never even found someone worth having. I think in her generation the pickings are extremely thin. Not to say all women are great...but more of them are I think. I think we should not have to live alone Marie, in order to be our true selves. But in this world, only some have ideal marriages. I am glad you are able to experience having a home that is YOU, finally. Even though the reason was imperfect, at least you have it now. And are still well enough to be independent...what a blessing!! I admire your driving and handling the car needs alone!! Have fun with the fam...what a treasure you have there!!
    Elizabeth xo

    1. I am very grateful for the children that I got from out of those failures Elizabeth! Thank you! My family is a treasure for sure! xoxo

  5. Lovely words to live by…trying to be kind each and every day…best way to live, I say! Have a most delight weekend. Monday is our Presidents Day, honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, a holiday here as well. Enjoy every minute. xo,V.

    1. Thanks very much V! Happy Presidents Day! Enjoy also! xoxo

  6. You are very welcome! I had a great time with my family and I do appreciate each and every one of you also! Our furry family members are so special, I agree! Would not want to be without them! Love them dearly! xoxo

  7. Beautiful uplifting post, Marie. Full of lovely thoughts, starting with the poem at the top, and ending with your own. I really enjoyed reading it.

    1. Thanks very much Sandra! Happy day to you! xoxo


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