
Tuesday 16 January 2024

A Day Book . . .



This was early yesterday.  We did get a bit of snow, but not a lot as compared to past years.  This January is very odd. We get snow, but it seems to get washed away by rain or milder weather. I am not complaining, but I do think it very odd. Out west they are getting extremely cold temperatures.  In the U.K. cold temperatures, even snow in some places.  It just seems odd that we are not.  


I have decided that the town I live in is very lazy when it comes to snow removal.  When I went to pick up Cindy the roads here in town were very greasy, slushy, not nice.  As soon as you hit the town limits and crossed over the bridge. Clear. Totally clear.  Even on the back roads. Apparently the county sprays some kind of salt mixture on the roads which melts the snow and clears the road.  In town here, they only drop grit and do not have much in the way of snow removal.  And yet the town property taxes are really high.


I got myself a Fitbit yesterday. I was needing a watch anyways. I have gone long enough without one.  This one is good in that it is going to encourage me to get up and get moving. I am also interested in checking out my sleep patterns. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I will have to get Cindy to show me. I thought it might be uncomfortable to wear in bed but it really isn't.



Dad will be 90 tomorrow. I would have never believed that he would have outlived our mother if you had told me that 30 years ago. Like me, dad has always struggled with his weight. He goes up. He goes down. Mom was always slim.  They were both fairly active and liked to go dancing on Friday and Saturday nights.  I think the difference is that Mom smoked and Dad quit smoking when he was in his 20's.  Mom smoked right up until after I moved over to the U.K. She always chewed Nicotine gum however. Even after she quit. For quite a while. I am not sure about after Cindy moved down.

I don't understand, with all of the knowledge we are armed with about tobacco smoking,  why young people start smoking, and yet many do.  A lot do vaping I think, which is probably just as bad for you.  


CUTE ...

How cute is this. Warm and welcoming.  To me it looks like a little one room cottage. I would love to see inside it. Maybe there is more that we just are not seeing, hidden by the bushes, etc.  My first husband's grandfather lived in a little tar paper shack on the corner of their property. It was just one room. Inside was a bed, a chair, a small table, a wood stove and a television.  The walls were papered with and insulated with old newspapers. That was his happy place.   It was actually very cozy.


This is so true. It is the comfort season.  A time of year when we are perfectly happy to be lodged inside by the fire, under blankies, sipping hot drinks, reading good books, watching films, having cozy chats.  A time when we can enjoy jigsaw puzzles etc. without feeling the pull to get outdoors and pull weeds or some such.  We can dig out our paints, or our knitting needles and feel grateful for the warmth of a growing blanket upon our laps.  I need to get stuck back into mine. I have been taking a break from crocheting, but the lure of the hook is calling to me.



It looks like a marshmallow exploded. A blizzard can be a beautiful thing if you are tucked up all safe and warm in your house. Looking out from your windows you can watch as the snow falls and the drifts form, piling up, muffling the world in a thick cozy cold blanket. The world goes silent it seems.  Unless the wind is blowing overly much.  The pines stand black green in the veiling snow.  The sugar maples lift their bare arms towards the pewter sky welcoming the flakes as they fall and envelop their branches in a cold blanket. No two flakes alike you think as you watch thousands of them falling and wonder at the miraculous. How can this be, and yet . . . it is fact. No two flakes are alike.  How wonderous is that!



I love the foods of winter unapologetically.  The soups, the stews, the heartiness of it all. Pot roast for instance. It waits for everyone, and only gets better with the long slow cooking. Baking beans, thick with molasses and flavored with salt pork, crusted over with brown goodness.  Begging for thick slices of buttered bread to sop up all of their tasty juices.  I could happily sup on that every night.  Indian pudding, brown bread, corn muffins and breads . . . hot and steeped with plenty of butter melting into them. A pot of hearty oats bubbling on the morning stove top, bacon curls crisping up in the oven.  This is the time of year that we can enjoy these things like no other.  Unapologetically.  We need them.




Something I really miss is the snap, crackle and smell of a wood fire.  For years my ex husband and I depended on the warmth of a wood stove in the winter months to keep the house warm.  And it did.  I loved the smell and the sound. I loved to lay on the sofa and watch the flames flickering behind the glass  . . .  most mesmerizing. Lulling you to sleep almost.  I never  minded the mess. The pleasure of the warmth and flickering flames was well worth it all.  I always kept a pot of water filled with warm baking spices simmering on the top.  Mingled with the smell of the crackling wood, our home always smelled so wonderful to me.  I have a candle now that I like to burn.  Oak Barrel and Cider.  It's flame will have to do.


JOY ...

What brings you joy?  For me it is the simple things. Good music. Good, yet simple food.  Good books. Faith, family, friends. A comfortable home.  A place to call my own.  I don't need gold and pearls, diamonds and luxury.  To me the simple things in life are luxury. I  rejoice in them and they give me great pleasure.  A warm pair of socks. A pair of wooly mittens. A flannel nightie.  A blanket on my lap and a cat purring next to me while I dig into a good book, an intriguing mystery on the television, or the dulcet tones of the Mormon Tabernacle choir on YouTube. The smell of bread baking in my bread machine while a soup bubbles on the back of the stove.  I know many might not enjoy or appreciate these things. Many crave much more excitement than this. But it is more than enough for me.



A reminder to help us embroider our words and actions with the threads of love rather than angst . . .  to relish each moment given and to participate in life with presence and meaning.  Make each day count for it is a day that will never come again.



Bird watching.  Feeding the birds.  Listening to their song and chatter. I don't get many here. My sister does. Yesterday I was watching cardinals and chickadees at her feeders. Squirrels too.  Her garden is a really interesting place to be and to watch.


The Magic of Ordinary Days, by Ann Howard Creel

The powerful story of one woman's passion in a world at war. Olivia Dunne, a studious minister's daughter who dreams of becoming an archaeologist, never thought that the drama of World War II would affect her quiet life in Denver. But when an exhilarating flirtation reshapes her life, she finds herself in a rural Colorado outpost, married to a man she hardly knows. Overwhelmed by loneliness, Olivia tentatively tries to establish a new life, finding much needed friendship and solace in two Japanese American sisters who are living at a nearby internment camp. When Olivia unwittingly becomes an accomplice to a crime and is faced with betrayal, she finally confronts her own yearnings and comes to understand what she truly believes about the nature of trust and love.

Also reading my scriptures, poetry, re-reading Susan Branch, etc.  There are never enough hours in the day.


I started to watch this last night. I like a good mystery. Not a fan of gratuitous sex.  I don't see the need for it.  There was one scene. Not a fan.  Other than that though I was intrigued with the show and am looking forward to the next episode when it comes out.  I am a fan of Jodi Foster.  Always have been. She is an actress who has made the transition from childhood acting to adult acting and done it well. She also looks the same as she always has. I don't see much plastic surgery there. I admire that.



Blue has always been one of my favorite colors.  Blue and red.  Those two colors bring me joy.


When will I get to it?  Soon I hope! Lego for the adult woman in me.


Corn salad and bean tacos. These look fabulous! From This Savory Vegan.  I love tacos.


Breakfast for Dinner Naan.  These are quick easy and delicious!


Finding joy in small and simple things and pleasures. Faith.  Family. Pets. Home.  Friends.  These things matter most and are the source of true joy.



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.You have within you the strength,
the patience, & the passion
to reach for the stars, ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
to change the world.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛
~Harriet Tubman° * 。 • ˚ 
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

And that is my daybook for this week. I hope that you all have beautiful days.  Blessings to you all and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I saw those Legos at Costco:) I hope you get a lot of happy with your fitbit..It's not for me.I should have worn it again yesterday ..The steps in outdoor winter maintenance and heart rate have to be great.Unlike staying in..and painting lol.We don't have that channel I love JF..But am LOVING Boy swallows universe.A lot.
    Its snowing as I type..

    1. I have always loved doing Lego. I think I will enjoy this also. I have managed to get a lot more steps in today than I thought I would! And the day is not finished yet! Boy Swallows Universe. What channel is that on? It is snowing here now as well! xoxo

  2. True saying on the poster today. Also never had heard that so many favor the color blue!! Have to agree!!
    Elizabeth xo

  3. Another snowy, stay home day for us. More birds visiting the feeders as the ground is now covered in snow. Hope you like the fitbit watch. I haven't worn a watch since I retired in 2011. Time is my own. A nice veggie soup on the stove today, comfort food for sure. Take care on the roads. Have a good day.

    1. So far I am enjoying my fitbit. I find it quite interesting. We shall see how it continues. I bet your soup will be lovely! Have a good day likewise! xoxo

  4. Happy Birthday to your dad tomorrow. I know he has seen and experienced a lot of things in his lifetime. You are so right....this is the time that we look for comfort foods, books to read and a nice fire. Beautiful post...Stay warm!

    1. Thanks Shug. Yes, he has a lot of tales to tell! You stay warm also! xoxo

  5. Lovely post today, Marie, chock full of interesting information. You certainly have a way with words, lovely descriptive phrases. Stay safe if you're out and about in the snow. We got some accumulation last night so we're staying in today. In fact, I'm off to make your "Mostly Apples Cake" with maple frosting. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto). PS are you watching the new season of "All Creatures Great and Small"? It's such a good show.

    1. Thanks so much Elaine. Oh, that is such a lovely cake. I wish I was there with you for supper! What channel is All Creatures Great and Small on? I love that show! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Marie, I am commenting on your post from yesterday, and the things we do to hurt our health, such as smoking and not paying attention to our health as much as we should, perhaps. Your sore feet after eating the cake reminded me of my mother's foot that I massaged as she lay dying. It felt like a piece of wood, almost, and she had no feeling much in it. She had out-of-control diabetes, and her blood sugar rocketed all around so much that it was impossible to even it out with insulin shots. I think of my mother, and how she was addled at times, and I wonder if the diabetes affected her ability to think, which in turn affected her ability to decide about what she ate. You give a lot to others through your writing and just being who you are. Please remember that too much sugar can affect your body negatively, and be aware of how much sugar you feed to yourself. Your doctor can advise you about how to monitor your blood sugar levels, and what to do about craving sugar. You are so creative and a talented baker, and it would be interesting to see what goodies you make that are low in sugar. Sending you hugs.

  7. Happy Birthday to your Dad! And thanks for the lovely post, you sure have the right words to take me ‘away’ into your stories. Stay warm and well and have a nice day with your family….be super safe on those roads! Best, V.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!