
Wednesday 17 January 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



I had a really busy day yesterday.  I had my toenails done, then I slipped over to Cindy's so we could compare Fitbit notes and to bring her some gelatin and the wheatberries and Red River cereal that she had ordered.  We spent a tiny bit of time together and then I had to dash home as I still needed to write up my EK post for today.  Once I did that I had some time so tried a bit of paper crafting.  Then I cooked myself some supper, ate, cleaned up, fed the cats and  had my shower.

I had just sat down and started to do my scripture study when my phone rang. It was my sister.  I thought to myself, this can't be good, and it wasn't.  Our dad had been in a car accident on his way home from her place after supper, and written off his car again. 😢 Thankfully he was not hurt, at least not too badly. He banged up his knee and is sore this  morning.   He was driving on snowy roads and the car in front slowed down and to avoid hitting him he went to go around him, lost control of the car and hit a pole.  Thankfully when he went across the road he wasn't hit by someone coming in the opposite direction. Thankfully it is only his car that is a write off.

It is not the nicest thing to happen on the eve of your 90th birthday and today is not feeling like the happiest birthday for him unfortunately, but he is alive, and thankfully relatively unscathed.  He did say to me on the phone this morning that maybe it is time for him to stop driving.  I hate to say it but, I think he is right.

Change. Its never easy. This will mean changes for all of us.  We will just have to figure it out. I am very grateful that he was not hurt badly.  Very grateful.

Change is never easy for anyone to cope with and Cinnamon is having a hard time at the moment.  She has always loved laying underneath my sofa and with the new one she just can't do that. It goes right down to the floor almost. She keeps trying to figure out a way to get under or behind and it just isn't happening.

She will adjust.  Change, it doesn't come easy to many of us.


I got in almost 3000 steps yesterday and was quite chuffed about that.  2803 to be exact.  Maybe today I will get in even more.   I know it is a far cry from the 10,000 that are recommended, but I am pleased and will work towards that goal. I think one of the drawbacks of living in a small place is that you don't have to go very far to get close to anything. I have started using my cubi every morning which is good. Thank you Cindy for pushing me and biking with me.

Today I am going to get my RSV shot and then I think we are going to dad's to see if he needs anything. Hazel will pick him up to take him for supper tonight.  She usually does on Wednesday nights, so that is good.


This is the paper craft I was doing yesterday. It is from Instagram. I got so far as to make all of the tulip tops, but they are quite large. I think I need to make them smaller.  I used a sheet of four inch square origami paper, which I broke down into 4 two inch squares, but I think that they need to be even smaller.  I will try again. I also don't have the right glue.  I thought they were really cute however.  I will keep working at it.

It is good to keep the brain active by doing things like this.


Someone was asking about the talks we give at church.  The church I belong to, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has no paid clergy.  All of the positions in our local congregation are assigned.  There is a Branch President and he has two counselors, and this is the same with the Youth, the Primary children and the Women.  Everyone involved also had a regular daytime job, family, responsibilities, etc. Everyone in the church is given a calling/responsibility.  That way everything gets done.  Because we have no paid clergy there are no weekly sermons.  Instead each week two or three people are invited to give "talks"  as inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes the youth will give a talk which will run about 2 to 3 minutes in length.  They are never very long.  Then two adults will give a talk, each running about 10 minutes in length. This can be somewhat daunting to many.

I never mind the talking aspect of it. My mother got me into public speaking when I was 11 years old. I did not like it then, but I did it.  I don't really mind it now.  It is the deciding what to talk about that I struggle with. I have no problem writing it.  I usually try to make my talks as engaging as possible and I try to be led by the spirit when writing them.

Having said all that, I do hope that I don't get assigned a talk for a while.  I guess on average, since we are a very small branch, I can expect to give a talk two or three times a year.

You are under no obligation to give a talk. Many people don't. You don't have to say yes.  I always say yes because I have learned through the years that my life has been greatly blessed in doing so.  I always learn something, grow in some way and I actually kind of enjoy giving them.  Like I said, it is just deciding on a topic which causes me angst, and that is only minor.

This is my desk calendar this morning. I think it is so me.  I am persistent if nothing else. Most of the time I do not give up anything easily.  I am a persister.  It is a character quality that has held me in good stead for many, many years.  There is nothing to be gained from quitting without trying your best.  Sometimes our best is not good enough, and that's okay. It is in the trying that we are blessed.

Lemon Curd, that is the very first recipe I posted on here back in June of 2007.  I also  posted two ways to use it.  It was very basic to be honest.  It is hard to believe that was 17 years ago now. I like to think my recipe posting has vastly improved since then!  And, I had actually been blogging for a few years previous to that on AOL Journals. I reckon I have been blogging in one way or another for nigh on to 20 years now!  This is actually quite a good record of the ebbs and flows of my life I suppose.  A lot of water has flowed underneath my bridge. They say time flies when you are having fun, and I have been having a blast!

I guess that is pretty much all I have to say this morning. I have a busy day ahead of me again so I need to be getting on with it.  I will leave you with a thought for the day now . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.Beautiful faces are those that wear
whole-souled honesty printed there.
~Ellen Palmer Allerton•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Easy Chicken Quesadillas.  These make a nice, quick, easy midweek supper!

I really hope that you have a lovely day.  Stay safe out there. Stay warm. Be happy. Be blessed.  Never forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. So sorry to hear about your Dad's accident and so happy he wasn't injured. Scary for all of you. He is very wise to think that perhaps he should give up driving. Is there a good taxi service in town? I'm sure you and Cindy will be there for him. Thanks for the information about your talks at church. Three or four times a year is not too onerous. Take gentle care. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  2. Happy Birthday to your Dad, but not a good way to start celebrating with his car a right off. Good he wasn't seriously injured. Scary, regardless. You did great for steps, don't worry about what they say you should do, just keep increasing your personal goal each day and you will get there. Enjoy Wednesday.

  3. So sorry to hear your dad had an accident but good that no one was badly injured!! We have chosen NOT to go out anywhere whenever the weather is rainy or icy. PERIOD!! I postponed a dr appt the other day as the next day was for sure going to be nasty weather. They understood. In fact, a lot of businesses shut down. I think it was not so bad as expected, but it never hurts to be cautious. Hope a good solution is found for your dad!!
    Elizabeth xo

  4. Oh, so sorry about your Dad’s accident but glad no one was hurt. Change is very hard for most of us, all we can do is say our prayers and persist! Have a good day and take care. xo, V.

  5. Oh Marie....I am so sorry that your dad had this collision with the pole and I sure hate that it happened right here at the time of his Birthday. So thankful that he is ok and that the Good Lord took care of him... Happy Birthday today, to your dad. The lemon curd looks so good. I like lemon desserts, but no one else in my family does. Change is very hard, and especially in dealing with those even older than your dad's age. My husband's dad is 94 and it is definitely time for a change for him, like taking the cars keys away. Bless their hearts. this is difficult.

  6. Oh I missed this one..Oy I think it is perhaps time..but Its not my business..It gives freedom to drive.he is lucky to have your girls..I hate this getting older thing..yay on the steps:)


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