
Monday 15 January 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

I took this photograph from my front window on Saturday afternoon.  It was a little mini snow storm.  It got quite windy and blustery as well. Then the rain came and high winds and washed it all away so that Sunday morning when we left for church there was none left.  Now this morning I have awakened to about 2 inches or so on the ground.

The power went off about 3 a.m. and was off until about a quarter past 5 this morning.  Not sure why. I only know because my white noise machine went off.

I am so grateful that I have  a cozy house to keep me warm and lots of blankets. We are having the weirdest weather here. It can't seem to decide if it is Winter or not.  Our Temperatures are fluctuating widely each day from bitter to mild. I just dress for cold.

I finally got to give my talk yesterday. It went well. I had a lot of positive feed back from it. I focused on one word, "Invitations."  I then talked about and revisited some of the Invitations that our church President had given since he became President of the church over these past six years.  I had another talk written, but my mind kept coming back to that, so on Friday I decided I was going with Invitations.  It was meant to be.  Oddly enough it went well with everything else which was said, and all the hymns that had been picked out.  Funny how that works out!  It must have been meant to be!

I loved our lesson in Relief Society yesterday. It was based on the talk from last conference by Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf, entitled, The Prodigal and The Road That Leads Home.  That had been one of my favorite talks from the last conference.  No surprise there as Elder Uchtdorf is one of my favorite speakers.   It was wonderfully taught by my friend Christine. She had the talk broken into sections and had a different sister get up one at a time to read each section with emotion.  And we discussed our feelings and thoughts about each section after it had been read.  I actually don't think there was a dry eye in the house.  There was so much that we could relate to in the talk and for many different reasons. 

Though choices may have taken you far
from the Savior and His Church,
the Master Healer stands at the road that leads home,
Welcoming you.

Having been alienated by two of my own children, I could relate to the father and his hope that his son would come home and all the emotions and feelings that go along with that. Some sisters could relate to the older son and how he must have felt and still others could relate to the son that had strayed.  Anyways, it was an excellent lesson based on an excellent talk.

We had a mini celebration for my father's 90th birthday at Cindy's yesterday. He is actually not 90 until Wednesday, but we wanted to do it while Dan could be there as he works during the week until six and Dad has already eaten and gone home normally by the time Dan gets there.  We (Cindy and I) will of course be having supper with him at the Big Scoop on his actual birthday on Wednesday and we will do something then as well.  What the heck! Turning 90 is a huge milestone and we can celebrate it as many times we we want!  Cindy and I are going out this morning and I think I will pick him up a lei to wear at the dollar store and something to decorate our table on Wednesday night.

The thing about turning 90 is most of your friends are gone already.  There really wasn't that many people to invite to help us celebrate.  My sister has requested a birthday card from the 
Governor General and the King.  Mind, it probably won't be here in time, but he will still be chuffed when it does arrive.

My new sofa is being delivered this afternoon. (Its not as grand as this to be sure!)  My cousin's daughter and her husband picked up my old one yesterday afternoon. Well, as you know it really wasn't that old, but you know what I mean.  The cats thought it was quite strange in here last night without any sofa.  I really hope that the new one will be a lot more comfortable.  The cushions go right up the back so you can really lay back and relax on it.  The old sofa had half cushions on the back and they were quite uncomfortable and the new one is higher as well. Hoping this will settle my comfort problems once and for all!


Cindy got a Fitbit for Christmas and I have been very impressed with it and all that it does.  We have been cycling together each morning and I have been trying to push myself to be more active.  I am wondering if one of these might not help me to do so.  Make me more accountable. I am thinking about it at any rate!

After having had a piece of Birthday Cake at supper my  feet were really sore in bed last night.  I don't like it when that happens. It is a sign to me that I shouldn't have had the cake!  I need to do better.  My Uncle had both of his legs amputated because of Diabetes. I don't want to end up like that.

Dad has diabetes. He checks his sugars all the time. I should be doing that also, but I only ever rarely do.  Those sticks are so expensive.

I have an appointment Wednesday morning to have my RSV shot at the drug store in town.  It is not cheap.  The shot itself is $280 and then you have to pay $20 to have it administered.  I have been thinking about it for months.  I finally decided that my health is worth the expense especially where I have more than one health condition that make me more vulnerable to things like infection.  That last cold I had in July was really bad and I have never totally recovered from it.

I am grateful for Modern Medicine. Our health care system may not be the best and in sad shape but at least we have it, and they are doing their best.

I am so grateful for this life I am living. I was thinking one day I should change my blog name to Small House, Big Life, haha.  I am living a very good life and I am grateful for each and every day of it. I have my moments when I feel sad, or I feel regret. I think that is only human  It is all a part of living.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day!  Cindy and I are cycling this morning and then we are having a quick jaunt out and about and I need to be back here by 2:30.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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*I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
~Martin Luther King Jr.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ 

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Wheat Berry Apple Salad with Cranberries.  This is quite simply delicious and very healthy as well!

I hope you week ahead is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!  Be happy and be blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. Happy Bday to your dad 90! That is great.Still it makes us think we are much closer to the end..way past middle..I think about that sometimes..New sofa looks comfy.Ive had so many shots..and still need my second shingles which is close to $200.00 also..I was told to wait till march.We have had lots of snow the last few days..requiring maintenance.J gave me a fitbit for my 60th.WE do not exchange gifts..but at 50-60-70 he does.He has 3 and is a FAN.I never remember to put mine on:( I reg have to charge the poor lonely thing lol.

    1. I try not to think about it Monique. I can't imagine him not being around, but I know it will happen some day. I have not had the shingle shot. It is next on my list. Having had them once already I am not wanting a repeat! xoxo

  2. Starting to get really cold here this week, but the sun is out. We had lousy weather all weekend, snow storm, rain, more snow, high winds. So glad your talk went well. We did go out for fresh veggies this morning, now will enjoy the warmth and coziness of our home. Enjoy our quick jaunt out with Cindy.

    1. We have had a few flurries off and on today Linda, but nothing dramatic to speak of! Cindy and I had a great time! Thanks! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~ I always love visiting your beautiful blog! It sounds like you are doing well, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your dad!! 90 is quite a milestone indeed! Your talk sounds wonderful! What great inspiration to speak on, inspiration. Pres. Nelson is truly inspired for our day. Your RS lesson sounded amazing as well. I have to teach in February, and it always makes me nervous! Staying healthy is so expensive! Bob has to check his blood sugars each morning as well, not fun, but I'm glad he does it. Enjoy your week! Hugs and Love, Barb

    1. Thank you so much Barb! I know what you mean about teaching. I always agonize over any lesson I need to teach. It doesn't really come naturally to me. Healthy food IS expensive and it should really be the other way around! Enjoy your week also. Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Reaching 90 is indeed quite an accomplishment!! I think it is wonderful that you are celebrating your dad this way...why not indeed? As to sad moments...yea, me too. Our lives have not been the worst, but plenty far from perfect. Plenty of lacks to go around I think. Glad for the good times you have...I think having a sister who loves you so is quite the gift and that you can be together so often!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xo

    1. I am so grateful to be able to celebrate my father's 90th with him. I am so grateful to be living close to him now. I never thought I would be able to see him again, so this is an extra special blessing! xoxo

  5. Yes, it is a blessing that you are back in Canada so close to your family. Happy Birthday to your Dad. 90 years! Wow! Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Love my dad so much Elaine. Being close to my family now, feels like a reward and gift after so many years apart! I will share your Birthday greetings with him! Love and hugs, xoxo


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