
Tuesday 2 January 2024

A Day Book . . . .


This was yesterday.  Bleak and dark. The sun did come out eventually and the snow dusting the rooftops did go away. But it remained cold all day and is cold this morning. This is about what you would expect from January, but with a lot less snow.  It will come, I have no doubts. And probably in spades.

My desk calendar ME

We don't seem to get winters like I experienced as a child anymore. I can remember there being a lot more snow, hip deep.  Lots to play in and make snowmen with.  The ice at the outdoor rink stayed frozen all Winter.   Is this global warming? Probably so.


I am also thinking about a talk I have to give at church in a few weeks time. On the 14th.  I am having a stupor of thought about it.  They decided at church that they are not going to assign topics now, just have people talk about whatever they are inspired to talk about. At the time I thought, that's a great idea!  Now I am thinking, not so great an idea. Its a lot harder to do, to come up with something to talk about on your own.  It should be easy but its not. Abso-flipping-nothing is coming to me.


Its hard to believe that this is my first daybook post of the year 2024.  When I was growing up the year 2024 seemed impossibly far away and distant and yet here it is, and the time in between seems to have just melted away. Things that we used to watch on "The Jetsons" cartoon have come to pass with moving sidewalks and being able to video call people and probably a few other things as well. Things which seemed to be so futuristic that they possibly couldn't happen in our lifetimes.   When computers first came out I can remember my mother had to have a whole room to hold hers at work.  Now they fit into the palm of your hand.  


I would like to someday create an embroidery sampler book like this one.  Combining two of my loves.  Embroidery and flowers.  I have not done any embroidery in a while. I actually haven't been working on my blankets either. I need to kickstart myself back into activity methinks!


JOY ...
What brings you joy? In thinking about that this morning, I have come to the conclusion that many things bring me joy. It is hard to pin down.  I find joy and wonder in nature.   I find joy in accomplishing a chore that I have set out for myself. I find joy in spending time with loved ones and friends.  I find joy in working with my hands.  I find joy in reading my scriptures and studying them. In listening to good  music. In reading good books. In playing with the cats.  Taking photographs. Creating something new out of nothing.  Creating tidy out of chaos.  Reading poetry.  Writing. Prayer . . .  it seems many things bring me joy.


This year I hope to bring more order into my life.  So that then I have more time for the things which I really like to do.  Less work. More play. Order in all things.  I am not so great at organizing. My sister is much better at that.  I tend to collect and clutter.  I buy on impulse, even food. I need to clear out the clutter and become more organized.  I find no peace in clutter. No peace at all. It can sometimes feel overwhelming.  How do you eat an elephant. One bite at a time.  That is how to create order out of chaos.  I tend to fill up the spaces around me. I fill the air and page with words. I clear one thing away, only to fill it with something else.  I need to get better at not doing that.


Patterns and color. Bright colors.  Colors that excite and inspire.  Colors that make you smile and giddy with excitement.  Colors that wake you up and make you feel alive.  All put together in interesting and inspiring ways.


The Magic of Ordinary Days, by Ann Howard Creel

The powerful story of one woman's passion in a world at war. Olivia Dunne, a studious minister's daughter who dreams of becoming an archaeologist, never thought that the drama of World War II would affect her quiet life in Denver. But when an exhilarating flirtation reshapes her life, she finds herself in a rural Colorado outpost, married to a man she hardly knows. Overwhelmed by loneliness, Olivia tentatively tries to establish a new life, finding muchneeded friendship and solace in two Japanese American sisters who are living at a nearby internment camp. When Olivia unwittingly becomes an accomplice to a crime and is faced with betrayal, she finally confronts her own yearnings and comes to understand what she truly believes about the nature of trust and love.

Also reading my scriptures, poetry, re-reading Susan Branch, etc.  There are never enough hours in the day.


I am really hating my sofa.  Its not just that it is too low.  The back is also not supportive.  It is not a sofa to curl up on. Its just not comfortable full stop.  I should just put it onto a Facebook page to give away. Taker must collect. 


Fool Me Once, a new series on Netflix. I watched the first episode last night and quite enjoyed it. I like a good action mystery.



The sight of a well made bed. I love bed linens.  I love comfy. I love a well  made bed with pretty linens  that invite.

I love my bowl of yarn balls.  The fact that the cats have not taken to playing with them still surprises me.

White pizza. From Taste and Tell.  This looks fabulously delicious.


Easy French Dip Sandwiches.   This was fabulously tasty.  Sized for the smaller family. Tender juicy strips of beef in an au jus gravy, tucked into a toasty bun with some cheese melted on top. 


Finding joy in small and simple things and pleasures. Faith.  Family. Pets. Home.  Friends.  These things matter most and are the source of true joy.



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.If seeds in the black earth 
can turn into such beautiful roses, 
what might the heart of man become 
in its long journey toward the stars?
~G.K. Chesterton•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★

And that is my daybook for this week. I hope that you all have beautiful days.  Blessings to you all and don't forget!

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And I do too!    




  1. We started that show last night too..not sure..and Shelter..not sure..same author.Watched A Good Person.We really liked it..The night before..That Morgan Freeman:)And Florence Pugh is good in it also.Sound of Freedom was riveting..Maestro was good too I forget already what other movies we watched lol.This winter is like no other.Im in QC not a stitch of snow..Not a stitch.

    1. To be honest I am not overly fond of Michelle Keegan as an actress. But I will stick with it. I watched Sound of Freedom. Heartbreaking that this is going on in the world. We need to do better. Maestro is on my watch list! That's not usual for QC! Its always very snowy there! xoxo

  2. Ah, clutter, of all sorts...well, doesn't that come from being able to see some worth in most all things? Finding uses for things maybe others do not? Argh...constantly struggle with such myself.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I just find that I don't like clutter at all Elizabeth. It depresses me! Like you, it is a constant struggle for me! I had to get rid of things that might come in useful. Donating to Charity shops is a good thing! xoxo

  3. Sunny yesterday, but cloudy today. Winters sure are changing, not a flake of snow here ... yet! In the forecast for next week, but we'll see,. Happy Tuesday.

    1. I expect we will get a huge dumping eventually! Happy Tuesday to you too Linda! xoxo

  4. Thanks for your suggestions BD. I hope you have a Happy New Year also! You are right. We are not alone in our day to day joys and challenges for sure! xoxo

  5. Another topic for your talk is how thankful you are for your family

  6. Love this post, Marie, and it brought back some memories for me too.I remember working on one of those big computers like your mum did and wishing they would make one small enough that I could have at home. And I remember back in the day when I attended a boarding school in Canada, how we had lots and lots of snow, and it was cold enough all winter that they flooded the tennis courts and turned them into an ice skating rink.
    Happy New Year!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!