
Monday 1 January 2024

And so it begins . . . .



I'm January bringing you 
A year of days—all brand, brand new; 
I step upon the frosty ground. 
When chimes and sleighbells ring around; 
You welcome me and children sing, 
And joy comes into everything. 
I bring you love and lots of cheer, 
And work and friends for all the year.
~Annette Wynn, I'm January

A light dusting of snow covers the ground and roof tops this, the first day of the year 2024. There are two tiny mince pies left from Christmas and a small baggie of potato wedges left from our New Year's Eve supper.  (We had a treat of Mary Brown's)  I am trying to decide which one I will have for breakfast. I know I should be having oats or gruel or something much healthier, but the mince pie wins out. We are still celebrating today and tomorrow is early enough to begin paying penance for the misdeeds of the year just gone.

Its been an oddly mild Winter thus far. I don't know whether to applaud that fact or to be afraid. Even today on the first day of the year it is -4, even though my aging bones decry that fact and try to tell me it is much colder than that. But we all know the weather app never lies.

Cold is cold however and I have a blanket wrapped snug around my bottom half whilst the heat pump blows out warmth across my shoulders, which is never really warm enough, but I would rather this than the stinking hot and sticky days of summer. I do not enjoy them very much at all.


For today however, we have an appointment with Winter, and I am ready. I sit and wonder how much snow we will get this year.  Last year we hardly got any at all. What does the almanac say . . . it predicts "snow, seasonable cold, and all of Winter's delights.!"

I don't know about you, but I really only like to see snow around Christmas time. Once the holidays are over, as far as I am concerned, the snow can take a hike elsewhere.  That's not how nature works however and we have learned to take the bad with the good.  What other option is there?

This is the season of canoodle and hygge.  When we can feel well justified in curling up with warm blankets, candles and good books. The wind and weather may rail at our windows, but we can be warm and cozy in our own little spots of heaven on earth.  And know that we are the lucky ones.

My heart goes out to those without shelter at this time of year.  I think of how utterly miserable their lives must be. We should do more to help them. We must do more to help them.

Nutmeg is here next to me trying to convince me that I have to give him something else to eat. He has already eaten all of his breakfast and the leavings from his sister. He has chased cat treats around the  living room as I throw them out and I have just filled his dish with fresh dry kibble. It is not enough it seems. He seeks something more.  

He will just have to be content with what he has already had. Mother knows best and he is already a bit overweight I fear. I wonder why is it that all of my animals end up a bit on the pudgy side and then I look in the mirror.  The answer is clear. We all need to get into shape.

And mince pies for breakfast do not help that cause.  Tomorrow  . . .  


I wish I was the type to do picture puzzles, but I am not. I have neither the space nor the time.  There is nowhere in this small place of mine where I could keep it laid out as I put the pieces together.  Plus I do believe the cats would try to help far too much.  I could be wrong, but somehow I think not.

For Dan's Christmas card I had got him one where he could build a Lego figurine. I knew he would like that and he showed it to me yesterday. All done and it is really cute.  I have always loved doing lego.  I may get myself a set to do over the Winter and try not to build it all in one day. 

Then there are the doll things.  We have plenty to do with that, and my job.  I want to work a bit less this year and play a bit more. I want to have some hours during the day when I can curl up with a good book.  I want a much larger life than I have been affording myself.  All work and little play is not good for the soul.


My father has just called to let me know he is awake.  The mall is closed today so he won't be going there for his  morning coffee and toast. Usually I will call him at 7 am to make sure he is up and getting ready to go out. He likes that.  This morning however, because he is not going out, he slept in.  He sounded positive and content when I spoke to him.  He will make himself some oatmeal and toast and have a glass of orange juice. He has no eggs, but he has eaten six eggs over the weekend with his breakfasts out. Three each morning. I said to him he doesn't really need to eat more eggs today. And if he was at the mall it would only be toast and coffee and peanut butter.  He loves peanut butter on his toast. 

We all do.  Oh and if it has a piece of bacon added, so much the better. Dangit, now I am thinking of Bacon and Peanut Butter on toast.

At any rate, here we are . . .  a new month and a whole new calendar to write upon.  I hope that 2024 is good to us all. Happy New Year!

And with that I will leave you with a thought to begin the year on . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.As we grow old,° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
the beauty steals inward.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Ralph Waldo Emmerson° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Inward beauty, the most treasured of all.  

In The English Kitchen today  . . Biscoff Cheesecake Cups Light and tasty.  No bake.  Sized for two. so there are no leftovers to tempt you with.  Don't you just love my little Toadstool lights?  A Christmas gift from Cindy and Dan. I love them!

I wish for each of you a very Happy New Year and blessed 2024. May it be all that you hope it to be.  May we all enjoy peace and joy and good healthy.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Have you thought of the roll up puzzle mats? They might work. Colder today, and I'm with you about the snow, land somewhere else but not on my space. At least the sun is out today, was beginning to forget what it looked like. All the best for 2024.

    1. I have never heard of those Linda! I will check them out! It is very overcast here today and at early afternoon still -3. So very cold! xoxo

  2. We have had a very mild winter on the westcoast too, but it is not over yet. By the way, my son’s cat became diabetic, a problem for indoor cats I think.

    1. No, its not over yet. We have plenty of cold days and snow to look forward to methinks! I will have to keep an eye on that as far as the cats go. Not only are they indoor cats but they don't have much of a house to run around in as my place is very small. Thanks! xoxo

  3. Wishing you everything good, fun, happy, healthy, smiley, creative, sunny, safe, cheery, thoughtful, delightful, exciting, playful, loving, prayerful, relaxing, sweet and fulfilling for this new year. xo, V.

    1. Thanks so much V! All the same to you and your family! xoxo

  4. Happy New Year to all. I recently became aware of Biscoff cookies and love them. I will certainly be making your dessert, Marie. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Happy New Year Elaine! I hope you enjoy the dessert! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I would have picked the mince pies for breakfast as well.


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