
Wednesday 3 January 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


They got new chairs.  Bean Bag chairs.  My sister made them. We went and picked up the fabric and plastic pellets the other day and then she sewed them up for me.  The pellets are held inside another bag which is placed into the bean bag chair so that there is no danger of them spilling out.  I just love them!  Damy and Ally sit very comfortably in them!  So sweet!  Thank you sis!

I sure do love these dolls. 💗

Anthony, Anne and the boys are heading over to Nova Scotia later today.  I am really looking forward to spending time with them. Tomorrow is actually both of my ex's 70th birthdays, so Anthony's biological father's birthday and his stepdad's birthday.  He wanted to be here to celebrate both.  It is a quirky co-incidence that they both have birthdays on the same day and are the exact same age. It didn't happen on purpose.  

It will be really nice to see and spend time with the whole family. Can't wait! They will be here until Sunday, so my posting may be a bit sporadic.

I picked Cindy up yesterday and she came back here to help me clean a carpet, and then we went on our first jaunt of 2024.  We didn't do too much damage.  First we went to Canadian Tire as she wanted to pick up some equipment which would turn her bicycle into an exercise bike indoors.  Then we stopped at Sobey's to pick up a few bits.  Then we went to Goucher's but it was for naught as they aren't getting in any new bread for a few weeks apparently.  Then we did some banking and that was it.  Missions accomplished.  Very dull for us actually. We usually do a lot more damage than that!


Time to break out the Thermals as the temperatures are set to drop on Friday. It's -4*C (24.8*F) at the moment and I don't think it is going to get much warmer today.  The forecast says +1. So not a lot warmer than what it is  now.  Last night I was sitting here and realized that it was Josh's birthday on the 9th so I better get a card out to him.  Thankfully I had already bought all my Birthday cards for the year so I quickly did it up, tucked his Birthday money inside, put a jacket on over my nightgown and popped out  to put it into the mailbox. It was dark and everyone on this street is tucked away once the dark hits so I wasn't too worried about anyone seeing me.  It wasn't that cold, or at least it didn't feel that cold at any rate.  I hope that he gets it on time. It has 6 days to get there. 

I just happened to be talking to my friend Jacquie on the phone and it dawned on me that not only was it Eileen's birthday on the 7th, but that one of my grandson's had a birthday coming up as well, or at least I thought there might. I can't keep the days all straight in my head with so many.  Sure enough I was right and its Luke's on the 30th so I might just give him his card and money while he is here.

I give money for Birthdays now. They are older and know what they want better than I do! Josh will be 16 and Luke will be 14.  They are growing up too fast!


I am wondering when it will be an appropriate time to take down my wreath on the front door.  I have been watching the neighbors and seeing when they take theirs down.  Dan still has his outdoor lights up. They are so cheerful.  The other night when I was leaving there to come home, they made me smile when I saw them.  There is something very heartwarming about light in the Winter months.  Things are so dark and dismal otherwise. A bit of light cheers the heart to no end. 

Hygge. Hooga? Hhyooguh? Heurg? I am not sure how to pronounce it, this Danish practice of introducing warmth into the Winter months. Atmosphere, experience, a feeling of safety and home. Warmth and comfort.  Light is one way of injecting it into your life, often by candles or fairy lights.  These two things just delight the heart I find.  The storms may be raging outside our door, but inside we are cozy, nestled beneath our blankets, warm drink and book in hand, candle flames flickering. At peace and at one with our own little worlds.

I love it.


It is a miracle to me that these wee creatures, with their tiny little legs and feet, manage to survive outside in the Winter months.  Through the magic of creation their bodies are adept at making the necessary changes to keep them warm and safe.  Layers of feathers that plump up and create air spaces to hold in warmth. On cold mornings they look like little puff balls all plumped up, but still I wonder.  I am glad that I am not them. Oh how wonderful it must feel to be able to soar through the skies like they do, but in the winter . . .  my, my  . . . what a price they pay for being able to soar.  Or in the rain and wind, or blizzards, etc.  How grateful I am to be who and what I am, and living where I am.


Now is the time to snuggle into a good read. Every month I get offered two free books on my kindle from Amazon. They call it first reads.  You can read these books before they are actually put out to the public I believe.  They usually have 10 to choose from.  They cover every genre historical fiction, romance, horror, mystery, etc.  I picked two yesterday.  I hope I will get stuck in and be able to read them. This month I chose this one and this one. The first an historical fiction, the second a book club fiction.  They both sounded good. I have promised myself that this year I am going to set aside an hour or so each day just to read and do nothing else.  Just put on some relaxing music, pop a blanket over my lap and then get stuck in. More "me" time to relax.


What I wouldn't give to be able to have a big old fashioned wooden rocker to sit in.  They used to be quite commonplace but you don't see them very often these days.  Mom had a glider rocker. I used to like sitting in it when I would go home to visit. She often sat there in the daytime watching her soaps on the television.  It is still there in the house, sitting by the front window. Mom would sit in it and admire her lilac bushes by the deck in the spring time as well. 


I am going to bake some cookies this morning. I am not sure what kind yet.  But there should be cookies in the house when grandsons come to visit, I think.  I am thinking oatmeal, filled with lots of raisins and nuts. A bit of spice.  What think you?  

All of my grandchildren are quite fussy when it comes to food. I don't remember mine being quite as fussy.  They don't seem to eat much at all. Burgers, hotdogs. Practically no vegetables. I wonder how they survive and yet, somehow they do.  The first time they came I loaded up on treats, soda, etc.  That was a mistake. I learned my lesson and will not repeat that level of spoiling.

And with that I best end this and get on with my day. I have miles to walk before I finish!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.The real magic is believing in yourself.
If you can do that, ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
you can make anything happen.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~J. W. von Goethe° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Dill Pickle Hummus.  Delicious, tangy, creamy.  Healthy.  I love it with veggie sticks and homemade pita chips.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Stay safe and stay warm!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Took my wreaths down yesterday, Christmas is all packed away now. Enjoy your visit with son and family.

  2. Hope the visit is wonderful!!
    Elizabeth xo

  3. Marie, leave your wreath up as long as you want. We keave our lights up till spring to provide a bit of cheer in the dark winter months. If the Christmas lights police come round I'll just say "bah humbug" to them, lol. I'll respond to your nice, newsy email a little later today. Cindy did a lovely job on the bean bag chairs. Damy and Ally look quite comfy. Safe travels to Anthony and his family. You'll enjoy their visit. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

  4. Love your dolls. They are so pretty.


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