
Wednesday 8 November 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .


No matter how much money you have,
how famous you are,
how many followers you have,
how good looking you are,
or how many places you've been,
You'll only experience the full extent
of human happiness through 
the loyal and loving people around you.
Happiness is about relationships.
~Hank Smith

This is so true.  I found this and I fell in love with the words. People in the world spend hours, days, and oodles of dosh looking for happiness.  Its not to be found in the fancy car or the picture perfect house, the expensive clothes, perfect looks or anything else that money can buy.  Its not even to be found in the talents we hone.  It is all about the ones we love and who love us back.  Its about caring for those less fortunate than ourselves and in trying our best to make a difference in the world, a change for the better.  The Beatles had it right when they sang, "Love is all you need."  If you don't have that, you don't have anything.

 Ever been in the right place at the right time?  My sister and I were yesterday.  After we had our shots and waited the pre-requisite time we went to the Superstore to pick up a few bits and when we were on our way out the lady at the customer service desk gave us each a hamper basket for free.  No reason except that we happened to be walking by the desk on our way out of the store.

This is what was in  mine. There was also a big package of coffee, which I gave to Cindy because I don't drink coffee.  It was our lucky day!  I love maple syrup and I now have two jugs of it and some tasty maple candies.  I had some of that jam last night on my toast. It was really yummy. I will probably give the candies away as well. I don't really need them and they might help to brighten up someone else's day. Sounds like a plan.


Aren't you glad that we have a better way of ironing our clothes? I can't imagine what it must have been like to have to wait for one of these to heat up to press out all the wrinkles.  Ironing is not my favorite chore.  I tend to buy clothes that don't need ironing. My tops, I never put in the drier. I just shake them out and hang them up and they dry on the hangers.  They stay pretty wrinkle free.  I never have been and never will be a fashion icon.

I got myself a couple of sweaters at the Superstore yesterday in colors that match my church dresses. I never find things that I like that fit me in stores.  It is very rare. These fit just beautifully and are so comfortable.  Yesterday was really my lucky day I guess between the hamper and these sweaters. Now if I could only find some pants. I am not a leggings girl. I hate leggings.  I am wearing the same pants that I have had for about 15 years now and they are looking rather worn.  I keep thinking maybe I will just make a pattern from a pair of them and make my own.  But I am rather lazy and not sure I could do it.  Best laid plans and all that  . . .


Got our Covid boosters and other than a really sore arm, I feel pretty okay.  Cindy had chills and aches last night and this morning. We had the Moderna one and it seems to me she feels that way after every Moderna shot. At least we have given ourselves a measure of protection, which is the smart thing to do.  I noticed all the people in there were older people like ourselves. I wonder if young people are even bothering with the boosters?  Interesting thought.  I asked about flu shots and they are having trouble keeping them in.  So that would be why we haven't been able to make appointments yet. I also inquired about the RSV shot.  $300   That's how much it would cost me.  $280 for the shot and $20 to have it administered. It bears thinking about.  I will probably get it.  I should get it. It is not covered by medical insurance.


I think it was Dan had given me a Hot Chocolate Bomb last year for Christmas. I finally got around to using it yesterday.  I wasn't sure if it would still be good after all that time, but figured I didn't really have a lot to lose. It was actually perfectly fine.  I enjoyed it.  First time I have ever had a Hot Chocolate Bomb. It was quite nice actually.


Picked up another basket of those pink/red inside apples yesterday. They make such beautiful applesauce and I love applesauce. The girl at the farm market was saying it was a new variety that they had just managed to produce.  I had thought maybe it was an heirloom. It doesn't even have a proper name yet. They are calling it Sweet Tart.  She was really excited to know that it made great applesauce and that we loved them.  I forget what she said they were a cross of.  I think its so neat that you can just invent a new apple. Cindy got some more Japanese Melon Apples.  She is wanting to can apples in syrup for the winter. I bet they will be some good.

I fell in love with this bracelet from the Good News Brand. It is called the Vision bracelet. 

"He will give you eyes to see. 
Inspired by the miracle where a blind man receives his sight (described in John 9:1-41), the symbolism of this miracle is depicted by a dalmatian jasper bead that represents the clay on the eyes—the moment of touch and the miracle in the mess. He will open your eyes to His workings and goodness. Wear this bracelet as a reminder that He is a God of vision."

I really love it.  I love what it represents and the way it reminds me of how God truly can bring miracles out of the mess.

I really love the meanings behind each one of their bracelets. I decided a few years ago that I would only invite things into my life that held meaning and joy for me. That spoke to my inner most feelings and heart.  I love this bracelet.  It feels good. There is a whole collection of them.

I have really enjoyed studying the New Testament this year in Sunday School.  I always thought I was very familiar with the New Testament and its stories.  I have been reading and learning them since I was a child.  This newest study has opened the New Testament even more to me.  I love how the Scriptures have the capacity to always speak to our hearts in new ways each time we read them.  They are able to reach us in exactly the way we need to be reached.  For me this has been the year of "Jesus" in a profound and meaningful way. I will be sorry when the study finishes at the end of the year.  I know I don't need a specific study to get what speaks to me from the Scriptures. I can read and study them any time I want.  Every year can and should be the year of Jesus because He is present in all of the scriptures. Next year we are beginning the Book of Mormon again and I am excited about that as well! I am excited to see how He shows up there.  But first  . . .  finishing the New Testament.


Love this map of Scotland. People are just so clever.  I regret that I never got to see Puffins when I was in the U.K. I always wanted to.  Apparently there are also Puffins in Nova Scotia. They live on the Islands off the coast of Nova Scotia, not on the mainland, so you need to take a specific tour to see them. I get boat sick, so I am thinking I will probably never do that. 

I did get to see Highland "coos" (cows) and they were amazing, and the highland sheep. Actually Scotland was such a beautiful place. I could happily have lived there.  But now I get to live in the next best place, New Scotland. (Nova Scotia)  How lucky am I!!


Not sure what I will get up to today. A bit of this and a bit of that I think. I do need to vacuum and I want to wash my floors. Maybe I will get some painting or some sewing done. Maybe some baking or whatever.  I am going out to the Big Scoop with my dad and Hazel later on. Maybe I will get lucky and my sister will join us. I love it when she does. But then again, I love all the time I get to spend with her. I am just a really blessed person to have someone in my life that I enjoy so much!  I wish everyone did.

And now a thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Beautiful faces are those
that wear whole-souled
honesty printed there.
~Ellen Palmer Allerton
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •  ° * 

Sorry for the lousy photos. It was later in the day when I took photos of my recipe for yesterday.  BBQ Pork and Apple Patties, served with a tasty autumn salad.  This was really, really good. Quite healthy too I think!  I do try to get in my five a day!!

I hope you have a lovely day.  Its going to be windy and a bit cooler here today. I don't think its as cold as it has been in years past however, so I will take it!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!    


1 comment:

  1. Lucky day at the Superstore, protection from Covid, a free hamper and sweaters to fit. Hope Cindy is okay today after her shot. We are off to do a pick up order from Walmart and a visit to Giant Tiger for a couple of sale items. Then off to the landfill to get rid of bags and bags of leaves. Supposed to get some wintery weather tonight, snow and maybe ice rain. Guess it will be a warning that winter is coming.


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