
Thursday 9 November 2023

My Favorite Things . . .


Sharing today a few things that I really love to do, eat, experience, enjoy  . . .  maybe you will enjoy them too.


Making and eating scones. I cannot pick a favorite.  I love them all, but I probably do love the ones with raisins or currants in them a tiny bit more. 


Washi Tape and Stickers.  Love them. I use them in my journaling, and I like to add them to cards and letters.


Warm hands. If my hands are cold then I am cold. If they are warm then I am okay!


Hot water bottles.  They are a great source of comfort in the colder months. I often throw one into the bed before I get into bed up near my pillow and then move it down to the foot area when I get in. Toasty warm is the result.  Its nice.


White linens . . . I love them more than any other kind. Sheets, towels, pillow cases, etc.  There is just something about the color white which speaks comfort to me when it comes to these things . . . 


Baking. I get a great deal of joy from baking. I just love to bake. Unfortunately I love to eat as well! 😉


The first snowfall of the year. It has always excited me, ever since I was a child.  We have only seen a few flakes so far, and I am not even sure if they were snow, more like little pellets and only a few at that.  It was bitterly cold yesterday however with the wind chill.


Awww look at his pretty white bib. Mom would have called it his white vest.  Oh how I miss mom. I know I always will. 


Red squirrels.  When we used to stay up in Cumbria we always stayed in a red squirrel conservation area. It was so fun to see and watch them. My sister has a couple in her garden.  They are so cute!


Ceramic Pitchers  . . .  especially white ones.  Or cream ones. My friend Paula sent me a little one with a bee on it. I love it!


Hot Chocolate, especially this time of the year.  Such a comfort . . . 


Florals  . . .  anything with pretty flowers . . . floral prints  . . . 


Sewing  . . .  I used to really love sewing. I know I still do. I need to make more time for the leisurely arts . . . 


Belly snuffles  . . . 


Red and white  . . .  a favorite color combination . . . 

Unforgotten  . . .  on Britbox. I love that series. The latest season just dropped. I started watching it last night!

And those are my favorite things today  . . .  I really just love pretty things  . . . 

Its quite chilly this morning. Yesterday was absolutely frigid! There was a really cold wind.  Not a lot of frost yet or snow for that matter.  It was snowing a bit in the wind yesterday, more like pellets, and not a lot.  Cindy and I both met Dad and Hazel for supper. It was nice. I think Dad really enjoyed having us both there. I know he does actually. He loves his girls.  Hazel enjoys having us also. Dad is not much of a conversationalist, probably because he doesn't hear very well.  So when I am there or both Cindy and I are there, there is someone for her to talk to.  I am a person with verbal diarrhea.  I just talk and talk and talk. I hate empty air.  Nobody seems to mind, or if they do, they aren't saying!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★•。★★ 。* 。
 *.˛.No one can make you feel inferior
without your consent.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Eleanor Roosevelt° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚

In The English Kitchen today   . . .  Crockpot Creamy Vegetable Soup. This was delicious and such a simple and economical make! A real belly filler!  I love soups this time of year.

I hope your day is uneventfully beautiful.  I hope that you get to enjoy at least a few of your favorite things.  Some precious me time and some of the things you enjoy doing most of all!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I'm baking cookies and scones today, both gluten free, to add to the freezer for after my surgery. Gotta have my treats! Off to check out your soup for today. Love red squirrels, have a few in the garden. Fun to watch. We had some icy pellets last evening, more to the north of us. Certainly chilly now. Enjoy all that today brings.

  2. It wouldn't let me comment on your soup recipes, but it looks delicious.

  3. Ah scones...have made some blueberry ones in the past...using dried blueberries from Trader Joes...I think some with chocolate chips would be very nice too. Yea, not so hard to do GF with scones and cookies and cakes....Tis the end of the warmth today here I baking weather is upon us indeed!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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