
Tuesday 7 November 2023

A Day Book . . .


The sun is just coming up. The maple trees in the back are all empty now. It is a bit warmer  this morning than it was yesterday at +1*C. It will go up to +11 today, or at least that is the high predicted, but they are also saying a mix of snow and rain for later.  I think we are in for a bit of a mixed bag weatherwise today.  That is this time of the year.  We are in transition between autumn and winter. Autumn not wanting to loosen it's grip, Winter wanting to grab hold.


My Lomi in motion. This is the third time I have used it. It is very quiet actually. You hardly hear it, just a slight humming in the background.  With it I can even compost the packaging that it came in, which is amazing.  I did one batch the day I got it, so I could set it up and see how it worked. That batch I put out into my window boxes.  Then I did another batch a couple days after, and then yesterday I started this batch on top of the second one. They say it is good sometimes to do one batch on top of the other so I am trying that. 



I spent some time last night reading through my posts of this time back in 2020. I don't know how I  managed to get through all that I got through. I am not sure how helpful it was to rehash it all, but I did it anyways.  I must be made from strong stuff because that was probably one of the most horrendous episodes of my life.  And I know it is not a patch on what some people have to go through in their lives. I am grateful to have gotten through it and I am grateful for the strength it gave me.  When people say to me, prove to me God exists, I can just go back and say, without my faith in God I would not have gotten through this.  So many times I wanted to just lay down and cry or give up, but somehow He gave me the strength to keep moving forward. Quitting was not an  option. I am so grateful for all the support I got from my family and friends, and YOU all at that time. Angels on earth.



I am having my Covid Booster this morning and my flu shot.  I am picking up Cindy so she can have hers also.  Who would think that three years later this Covid is still on our radar.  At least we sort of have it under control now.  And we have boosters which can help to  prevent us from getting really bad cases.  They are saying that 40% of all people over the age of 60 have still not gotten it and they are the most vulnerable.  I have had it the once and I never want to get it again if I can help it. I will keep getting boosters for as long as they keep offering them!


This is my easy boy chair. I keep it pretty much covered because of the cats. Cinnamon really. She is the one who likes to scratch the furniture.  She still manages to get at it anyways.  I don't think there is much you can do to prevent it. I have supplied scratching posts and scratching boxes, etc.  She just likes the furniture and Nutmeg likes to scratch the seats on my dining room chairs. Thank goodness for covers.  That is having cats. They like to scratch. I wish they didn't, but it is what it is.  I am grateful for the company.  They bless me far more than they bother me.


fast asleep
Can you remember when they both
fit in this?



Little Women was one of my favorite books when I was a child. I have been looking for the film to watch which starred Winona Ryder as Jo. I love that version most of all. I was living in Gagetown, NB when it came out just before Christmas that year. I remember going to it with my then husband.  I can still hear the music. We always  liked going out to the movies together, even when we were teenagers. I really would like to watch it again.

When I was a child I went to the movies almost every Saturday afternoon. Back in those days you could get into the movie, buy a drink and a popcorn and still have a nickle's change from a quarter.  25 cents.  Ten cents for the move.  Five for each the drink and the popcorn.  Those were the days.


I bought a pack of these the other day.  They are positively moreish and dangerous to have around. Far too tasty. They are cashews roasted with toasted coconut and sea salt. Crunchy, salty and a little bit sweet.  I can remember when I was growing up my mom always got us a big can of roasted  nuts at Christmas time.  Everyone wanted the cashew nuts.  Of all the nuts in the world, cashews and macadamia nuts are my favorites.  Followed closely by pistachios. Nuts are good for you, but only in small quantities.  They are very high in fat.


Toadstool anything. These toadstool cookies from Bri Heiligenthal make me smile. I love toadstool anything. I really do. It will soon be cookie making season.  I love making Christmas Cookies.


Apple Pie Bars from the Food Charlatan.  These look positively decadent. I don't eat many apples raw, the skin bothers my teeth. I need to peel them and then cut them into slivers.  But cooked?  I cannot resist!  I think we are going to go pick up some more apples today. I am hoping to get more of those Sweet Tart Apples to make some more applesauce. That was fantastic.


The Isle.
“On a remote island off the west coast of Scotland in 1846 a heavy storm hits, causing a ship to sink. Three survivors row through a thick early morning mist, lost and disorientated. The mist begins to clear and The Isle appears before them. They soon discover that it is almost abandoned except for four sole residents: an old harbor man, a farmer, his niece and a young mad woman. Once rested and recovered the sailors are desperate to leave and return to the mainland, but the promised boat never appears. One of them starts to investigate and learns of a tragedy at sea that occurred five years previously causing several young men from the island to perish. When his two shipmates meet with accidents, the myth of a ghostly siren haunting the island leads him to uncover the truth whilst he battles to save his own life.”

A real thriller . . . 


Bridges of Madison County, by Robert James Waller 

“The Bridges of Madison County” is a novel by Robert James Waller that was published in 1992. The book explores themes of memory, loss, sacrifice, desire, dreams, loneliness, love, sexual satisfaction, and contentment 1234. The story revolves around the relationship between Francesca Johnson and Robert Kincaid. Francesca is a married woman who falls in love with Robert, a photographer who is visiting Madison County to take pictures of the covered bridges. The novel explores the choices that Francesca and Robert make and the consequences of those choices. It also examines the impact of their relationship on their lives and the lives of those around them. The book has been adapted into both a movie and a musical

I have only just watched the film and fell in love and now I am reading the book.  I just had to after seeing the film.  So far so good.  



Candlelight. I really love candlelight. It is so cozy and so welcoming. It just draws you in  . . . 



Every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in each day.  I have so much to be thankful for. When I think that three years ago all I had was two suitcases and 9 boxes and I look around me now at my little home that I have built for myself, I am amazed at all the goodness which has prevailed in my life. No God?  I am surrounded by proof of His existence and His goodness. My life has been richly embroidered by His hands.  I am blessed beyond measure.



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 *.˛.Magic is always pushing & drawing
& making things out of nothing.•。★★ 。* 。
~Frances Hodgson Burnett*。*˚
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  My Vintage Menu for the week, with Top Hat Pork Chops, Potatoes Margaret, Glazed Squash Rings and Creamy Lemon Pudding.  All very delicious!

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with lots of things and people that you love. Be safe and be happy. Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Making gluten free pie crust has not been all that successful to me, but this apple dessert recipe looks like it would taste about the same and more workable...going to have to try it out...thanks for sharing!!
    Elizabeth xo

    1. I haven't attempted gluten free pie crust, perhaps one of these days. I made strudel for hubby a couple of weeks ago, and just had the filling for me.

    2. Linda, if you can eat tapioca flour, then your pie crust made with some portion of it, is almost identical to the one you made with gluten...but alas I am worse allergic to there goes that...but the flours I can have are more nutritious than either wheat or at least that I guess. Oh well, I am far from starving...but one likes to be able to have pies every once in awhile...cakes I have been much more successful with making gluten free.

    3. I'll check out the tapioca flour, thank Elizabeth. I can't eat chickpeas or cauliflower, both of which are used in certain types of gluten free products. We have to learn what works for us.

  2. Hope the booster and flu shots treat you well. We didn't have reactions to them, but we didn't get them together. Good to hear the Lomi is working, will have to look into them. Picked up the walker I will need for after surgery today, so just about ready. I don't eat apples either, but do love them stewed up. Temperatures are about the same as you today, but it sure is windy, which makes it feel cooler. Little Women was one of my favourite books as a girl too. Yes, you came through that ordeal really well, seems just like yesterday you left the UK.
    I remember the photos of you all in protective gear. You've been moving forward ever since. Have a good day.


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