
Wednesday 6 September 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . . .


 Reading this on this September morning. I think its from the book Heidi.  What do you think.  Three clues make me think this. One the name Peter which was the name of Heidi's friend.  The Grandfather.  The goats.  

Heidi was one of my favorite stories when I was really small. I had this Little Golden Book.  I loved all of my Little Golden Books.  They were really quite worn out by the end of their lives.  I read each one of them literally to pieces.  

I loved the Heidi movie also. The one with Shirley Temple in it.  I really loved Shirley Temple movies, even though most of them had been made when my mother was a little girl. They had a timeless appeal I guess.


The nights are beginning to draw in noticeably now.  Its full dark by about 8:30 and it is just barely getting light out when I wake up in the mornings. The grass is covered with dew most mornings and it is very cozy in here of an evening. I love the changing light and the way it flickers on the walls, as the sunlight filters through the leaves of the maple tree which is in my back garden.  The leaves on it are changing now. It is the first to break out in leaf in the spring and the first to change color in the autumn.

Everything outside is beginning to look tired.  My window boxes, wildflowers gone to seed . . . it is time to start clearing things out.


Looking forward to going over to Cindy's today to make crabapple jelly. I picked up the jars and some sugar and Certo yesterday.  Darnit, I should have run the jars through the dishwasher last night. Maybe I will have a chance to do so this morning.

I love doing things like this with my sister.  We have had quite a few culinary adventures through the years. Making sausages, tortiere, etc.  One of my favorite things that we did together happened many years ago now, back in the 1990's.  She was up visiting me in Meaford with her family and we went blackberry picking.  The woods around where I lived were full of loads of wild blackberries.  We happened upon an old Orchard which was filled with old trees no longer in use.  Each tree had blackberries growing around its trunk and wild raspberries also.  This was a great discovery.  We made lots of apple and blackberry jellies that year. I did at any rate.  

I always enjoyed the blackberry jelly rather than jam. No seeds. I have a thing for jam, even though it is not something I can really eat any more, but a rare treat. And yet, I seem to collect it.  What I need to do is to buy it in small, small jars. Over in the UK, they had a whole section of small sample sized jars of jams and preserves. You could find almost any brand of jam in small tiny jars. They were great for tucking into gift baskets and the like, and perfect for people like me who doesn't need to be eating jam in large quantities.


Fruit fly season has begun.  It doesn't seem to matter how careful I am, the little blighters still get in.  I have terra fruit fly traps set out and it is amazing to me how full up they get of those little things. I guess they come in on the fruit etc. that we bring from the shops and farm markets.  I have tried washing it all as soon as I get it home, etc., but still I end up with fruit flies.  Most annoying.  What do you all do about the plague? How do you cope with it?


I had ordered some yarn from the UK for a new blanket. I always buy my yarn from Love Crafts.  It is the Stylecraft DK yarn and I love their colors. Usually they send it in a carboard box. It arrived yesterday. When I went to check my post there was a key in my box to one of the larger boxes.  It was the yard, but it was in a plastic bag this time and it had broken open.  When I went to take it out some of the balls fell out onto the ground. 


These are the colors I got, inspired by one I saved on Instagram by Eight by Six.  I love this combination.  Muted and autumnal without being too bright.

Having the yarn already bought for the next blanket spurs me on to finish the one I am presently working on. I tell myself I cannot start a new one without finishing the old. Its what works for me and gets me to finish things, otherwise my house would be filled with half finished wip's.

The children here are all back to school today. What an exciting time. My oldest son sent me a photograph of Anne with the two boys in their new school year finery. This is the last year for Gabe, my oldest grandson.  He is going into grade 12 and Luke is in his last year of middle school.  Jon is entering his last year of high school also, being in Grade 12.  This is an important year for all of my grands, but especially for these two older ones who must now be planning and making decisions on what they are going to choose to do next year.  Josh is going into grade 10 and Jake is also in his last year of middle school.

They are growing up too quickly!  Somebody make it stop!


I was sitting here last evening  looking out the window and  I thought about how much this end of the street had changed in just a year.   Mr. Mc G. gone and new people in his place.  This summer I did not get to enjoy him sitting out on his porch watching programs on his little tv.  The people who moved into his place were barely home at all throughout the summer.  They must have a camp somewhere. They were only ever home periodically.  Mr. F. on the end gone also.  You never see the lady in his place, although she has two lovely bright Adirondack chairs on her deck and some lovely flower baskets.  Mrs. W to the right of me gone also.  She always spent each day sitting on her deck smoking and watching her husband garden.

I guess that is the nature of places like this.  Filled with people of a certain age, things can change drastically from one year to the next. You just never know.  It is the fluidity of life I suppose.

Which reminds me, I need to call and make an appointment to have my will done.

Well, I must be about my day and so I will leave you with a thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Crying does  not indicate that you are weak.
Since birth, it has always been a sign that
you are alive.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
 ~Charlotte Bronte  •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today I cooked my first Vintage Menu from one of my vintage cookery books.  A main, three sides and a dessert. All quite simple, and quite quite delicious!

I hope that you have a brilliant Wednesday. I hope you get to enjoy something you love today and that is is a very very good day for you!  Be happy, be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. Have a ball..Marie there are small small jars.. I bought some at Walmart 2 yrs ago.Maybe 1/4 cup..or 1/3rd.Perfect for small gifts.I received a jar of raspberry jam as a gift and I was touched.Perfectly made and packaged.She's 42 and LOVES to bake and cook..I don't remember Hansel and Gretl yet I knew it back then .Your memory of Little yrs is outstanding.It's starting to be alarming the people that leave..And I honestly think we are just dust in the wind at the end.How's that for a happy thought.

    1. Thanks Monique. I was only able to get the next size up, so half pint jars, still a nice size, however smaller would have been nicer as I could have given them for gifts! My friend Eileen whom I have known now for over 60 years gave me a lovely tiny jar of her homemade strawberry jelly and I was thrilled! xoxo

  2. Heidi - a classic from my youth. Have fun making jelly with Cindy, and then have fun enjoying it later on. New yarn is always a treat. I noticed something I order online that usually came in a box came in a plastic bag. Not as good as far as I am concerned. But guess it is cheaper. Still hot and humid here. Have a wonderful day.

    1. We had a great time together Linda and our jelly turned out beautifully! I know plastic is cheaper, but not to good on the environment! I wish they would stick wit cardboard. Hot here today also! xoxo

  3. The fruit flies here are awful this year too...we have all kinds of traps, the terro ones, a couple different plug in the wall ones...and still they are here. I read recently that the best and only way to rid the house of them is to boil a good quantity of water and pour it down all the drains in the house at the same time as their eggs are in the drains. Have not done that yet, but planning on maybe today. Its cheap so why not?
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I am going to pour some boiling water down my drain right now Elizabeth. That makes sense! Thank you! xoxo

  4. Wishing you a brilliant Wednesday too! xo, V.

    1. Thanks so much V! It has been brilliant so far! xoxo


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