
Thursday 7 September 2023

The Rainbow Bridge . . .


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. 

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. 

 All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. 

 They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. 

 You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. 

 Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... 

 Author unknown...

I don't think you are ever prepared to love someone as much as you do when you invite one of these precious little souls into your life.  I remember the ride in the car home from where we got Mitzie, how she fit perfectly into my lap and how she snuggled right in like she knew already that she was home. Little did I know it at the time,  but my heart was already totally and fully invested in this wee treasure.  She walked into my home and my heart like she already knew it was hers, and  . . .  it was. My constant companion for 10 years, she was never far from my side.  Always close by, always loving, never more than a stroke away, even during the night. She slept right by my side of the bed.

It broke my heart not to be able to bring her with me when I had to leave the UK and come back to Canada.  But I was very grateful to have found her a new and very loving home, with kind, kind, people. My loss would be their gain.  Through these last almost three years, they have been so very thoughtful to me, always keeping me up to date with her goings on, sharing photographs, etc. It was very clear to me that they loved her every bit as much as I did, and that she was living the best of lives.  Beloved.  She was beloved. I have been so grateful for that and for their kindness in keeping me in the loop. It was not something they had to do, but they did do it, and I was so very thankful for this tender mercy.

Monday, the 4th of September, Mitzie spent a peaceful last day, going for a walk by the seaside, enjoying her very favorite taste of chicken and a spot of cheese.  She passed, surrounded and held by people who loved her every bit as much as I did.  She was 13.

They say grief is the price you pay for love. I know it is a price we all gladly pay for those that we love.  I would not have a life without having had the love which I have had in the past,  and do now have in it.  This has hit me really hard.  I cried myself to sleep last night and I have not been able to stop crying this morning. Even though I knew this day would come,  I was not prepared for how very much it would hurt.  She was my baby girl. This has been a hard, hard, hard few years.  I would not wish them on anyone. Saying goodbye once was hard. Saying goodbye twice  . . . I never knew it would hurt so much.

I haven't the heart to say much more this morning, but  I know and am hopeful that I will see her again one day. She was a very lucky soul to have been loved as much as she was and we were lucky to have loved her as much as we did and to have had her bright light in our lives.


  1. I'm so sorry, Marie, to hear of Mitzi's passing. She had a lovely life, and a peaceful passing. I believe we will see these loved ones again eventually but it still hurts now that they're gone. So sorry, take some time for yourself. Kat in New England

    1. Thank you very much Kat. I thought I was prepared for this. I was not. I sure hope that I am able to see her again one day. xoxo

  2. Marie I am so sorry for the loss of Mitzie, prayers and hugs,

  3. Tears in my eyes as soon as I saw the title of today's post. She had such a wonderful life. She will live on in your heart forever. Love and hugs.

    1. I am devastated Linda. I know we all have to say farewell to our pets. I was so not prepared. Thank you. xoxo

  4. Marie, so sorry for your loss. 💕 sending heart healing hugs. Paula

  5. We all know how dear she was to you..Sorry Marie:(

    1. This too shall pass Monique. I just feel very raw today. xoxo

  6. So very sorry Marie. 💔. xo, V.

  7. Oh, Marie, you're never prepared to lose someone you love. I'm so sorry. It's kind of like you lost Mitzie twice. I'm sure she knew how very much you loved her. She would not want you to be sad. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks Elaine. I have so many feelings surrounding all of this. Its just very hard. Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. I M sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you feel as I lost all of mine a good while ago now. Thankfully we have good memories to keep of them in our hearts right close to us.

  9. So very sorry to hear this Marie...give yourself plenty of time to grieve. Some dogs are beyond special...our last one was and we have not, nor will we, get another...just too hard to say goodbye! Yes, we do believe we will see her again in the next life...very much so!! Why not, after all, life does not end here!!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am glad I did not get another dog. I don't think I could bear anything like this again. I am like you, I don't believe life ends here. xoxo

  10. Becky in California7 September 2023 at 20:17

    Hugs, Marie. I totally understand. Now she will be able to watch over you.

  11. I have been reading your blog for many years(2011)...incognito but there. I know how much Mitzi meant to you. Your personal journey has been one of immense growth. I am so sorry. I lost my Harvey the Cat a few years ago, I empathize with your loss.

  12. Some angels choose fur instead of wings. Deepest sympathy <3

  13. Hugs to you and my sympathy - been there too many times also and it seems worse every time. When my kitty passed in March, I decided no more pets. I'm 76 and just couldn't bear it although I know there are so many sweet animals out there who need a good home.Mary

  14. Oh Marie - I am so sorry. I know your heart is breaking right now. And, my heart is breaking for you. I know how much you loved Mitzi and how hard it was to leave her behind. My deepest sympathy and love to you, sweet friend. Extra tight Hugs and Love to you today. Barb

  15. My American bulldog bella died on February 20th this year. She talked, complained and let you know her every thought. She was loved, cared for and had a wonderful life.
    I'm still crying even now.
    My heart hurts for you. .
    Hug those kitties honey,they will be balm to your soul.


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