
Tuesday 5 September 2023

A Day Book . . .




Its a partially sunny day today. Its not supposed to rain. It is supposed to get up to 26*C today which is pretty warm.  I am not sure if the children are back to school today or not? If not today, then it can't be long now, perhaps tomorrow. I wonder how excited they are?

Its garbage day here today.  It actually makes a change that it's not raining!  I wonder how much longer these warm days will last.  I see signs of change all around me.  Things are transitioning.  I still have a few hummingbirds coming.

People think that if you leave your feeder up you will prevent them from leaving and flying South. That just is not true. Hummingbirds are migratory species and are genetically programmed to head south in the fall. It’s not a lack of nectar source or colder weather that makes them leave. They know it’s time based on changes in the length of the day and the angle of the sun.   However leaving your feeder up a bit longer will still provide food for any stragglers that are a bit late leaving.



This is a photograph that I took of dad yesterday when we were in Annapolis. He was enjoying a bit of sunshine with me on a very comfortable bench. He does very well for his age, although his mobility is greatly compromised. It is a struggle for him to walk very far. He gets tired very easily. There is nothing wrong with his brain, but he does not have the body strength that he used to have.  I don't think it will be long now before we are moving him to live with my sister.  My dad has said that he thinks he is ready to do that and wants us to help him to get rid of some of his things. That will be the hardest part.  We always think that the things we own are worth far more than they are.  In reality they are worth only so much as someone else is willing to pay for them. I think that the Salvation Army would really appreciate getting some of his things and that is a good thing to do, to donate things to them.  He does not need much living at his sisters.  Perhaps his television, his comfy chair, etc. things will work out.



We are on the precipice of the autumn color show. Yesterday when we were driving down through the valley Cindy and I were saying how very beautiful it was going to be in just a few weeks time, with all of the changes in the color of the leaves, etc. It is time to start thinking soon about putting the garden to rest for the Winter. Maybe I can get Eileen and Tim to come and help me do that some afternoon. I can pay them some money for helping out and then I can take them out to dinner afterwards. It sounds like a plan.


I am looking forward to seeing my brother at the end of this month.  He is flying down on his own this time.  He will only be here a week. It will be so nice to see him and spend some time with him.  I know he is coming mainly to see our father, taking advantage of every chance he gets now while he still can.  Now that he is out of the woods health-wise (my brother) and the soaring season at his flight club is about  done for the year, there is time to do so without any concerns.

Doesn't my sister in law look young?  You wouldn't think she was in her 60's!  My sister looks really young for her age also. Its only me who is looking old I guess. Its probably the grey hair, but I am not about to dye it.

(Mary Englebreit)


I know all about that!  I am so grateful for the smile putter backers in my life! (That includes YOU!)



Making altered tins, boxes, etc.  I used to love making my Matchbox dolls.  I don't have the resources to do them anymore. But I did really enjoy it while I was doing it.  If you have one of my matchbox dolls, you have a treasure. (Hope that didn't sound conceited.)


I'm late getting this finished today as I had to go to the hospital for blood tests. I had put them off for a couple weeks due to my cold.  They took five vials and I guess I was supposed to bring in a urine sample.  Nobody told me. They gave me a cup to go and do it, but, to be honest, I always make sure my bladder is well emptied before I go out anywhere, so they didn't get much!

I then had to pop into the grocery store on the way home to get some jars, etc. Cindy and I are going to be making crabapple jelly tomorrow!


There is always a paw in this house to help me get my work done. Laundry, making the bed, putting away the groceries, etc.  Cinnamon always likes to be involved.

Nutmeg is more of an observer than a helper.



These Apple Hand Pies from Pretty. Simple. Sweet.  look really delicious. Who wouldn't enjoy a tiny pie just for them!!


I am cooking my first full menu from this Vintage Cookbook. Five items.  Its exciting.  Its from the Hurry Up Dinners section. We will see just how "hurry up" it really is!


Don't Forget to Write, by Sara Goodman Confino

Marilyn Kleinman is let’s say unique…especially for a young Jewish woman in the 1960s. What she wants and what her father is expecting her to be and do are two very different things. Especially after her and the Rabbi’s son come crashing through the glass kissing at the synagogue in front of the entire congregation. The solution after she refuses to marry the boy…send her off to Great Aunt Ada’s for the summer. Maybe that strict Aunt can set her properly in the path she needs to take is what she is told by her parents. Stay with her over the summer (her mother had done it when she was her age) and maybe her father might allow her to go back to college in the fall. 

 Except the only true thing about what she has been told about Great Aunt Ada, is that she is a matchmaker. Marilyn now learns where she gets the sharp comeback, quick witted, personality from. Ada makes Marilyn work for her business of matchmaking over the summer, first in Philadelphia where she lives and then in New Jersey where she goes for the summer. She is using it as a way to build up the number of male clients she has because right now she has more females than males. But she also is using it as a way for Marilyn to find out who she really is, what she wants, what love is and more… Especially when going through all the photos that are in boxes in Ada’s house, she learns about the family’s past and who the women in her life truly were. Now she just has to come to a decision of who she really wants to be.

I got behind when I wasn't well.


She Wolves on Acorn.  Hosted by Dr. Helen Castor and filmed on location in England and France, this BBC series explores the lives of seven English Queens who challenged male power. If you like Historical Documentaries, then you will enjoy this interesting series.



Every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day. At the end of each day I make a point of going over all of the good things I have experienced in each day. There is always something.  Yesterday it was going to my sister's for supper.  BBQ chicken and homemade blueberry pie.  Loads of sunshine.  Cheeky chipmunks. Hummers.  Cats. Not having much garbage to put together to put out for collection.  The list is endless.



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 *.˛.A great man is
always willing to be little.
~Emerson•。★★ 。* 。


In the kitchen today, Quick & Easy Chicken & Dumplings.  Delicious, simple and oh so comforting!

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with love and light. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Kids back to school in Ontario today. It's really hot, humidex close to 40 Celsius, supposed to last all week. Your dad is so lucky that he will be able to live with Cindy. Have a good day.

    1. ahh so hot for them to start back with those temperatures. My dad is indeed very blessed. He is also very appreciative! xoxo

  2. Lovely picture of your dad and your brother with his wife. She does look very young. You'll enjoy David's visit. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks Elaine! My dad is quite an easy to get along with person. Nothing fazes him. I think that is a part of the reason he is still going strong! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Thanks for the lovely visit today, I enjoyed every word.
    Happy day. xo, V.

    1. Thank you so much V! I hope you ha a lovely day also! xoxo


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