
Wednesday 18 January 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .



No snow here yet much to speak of. It's been the weirdest January. Mostly rain. Not that I am complaining. I only ever really like snow for Christmas. The rest of the year it can take a hike. We will have some snow tonight they are saying however, bout 2 centimeters, which isn't even an inch.  I have seen on Good Morning Britain on BritBox that they have had snow in parts of the UK. My next-door neighbor there also posted a photo on Facebook of the snow on the street. I felt somewhat nostalgic seeing it.  

I do miss the UK.  Living in Chester was the longest I had ever lived in any one location. It had started to really feel like my home. One of the consequences of having been an airforce brat and a military wife is that I moved around frequently in my life. I had lived in Nova Scotia for the most part I guess, but in broken up bits. And Nova Scotia is where my heart lays, my sister, father, three of my children . . . my mother . . . so Nova Scotia is my home.  But Chester was also my home.  I lived 10 years in that little terraced house.

I have lived almost 2 years in my now-house.  I hope that I get to live here for at least 10 years, if not more! 

This was dad last night, after supper with his birthday cakes. 89 years young.  He had a really good day yesterday. My sister had baked him his favorite chicken wings and he had lots of messages via the telephone and on Facebook, etc. He was well pleased.  He called me late in the morning to tell me that he was having a good day. One of his friends had bought him a big breakfast and another one had gotten him a muffin as well.  I told him he had better skip lunch so that he didn't ruin his supper.  I was going to bake him a cake, but I ran out of time so stopped at the grocery store to pick up one, but couldn't decide between the two of them, so just got him both.  

I know vanilla cake is his favorite, but that chocolate mousse cake was calling my name. (I hate it when that happens. 😜) Anyways,  it ended up he wanted the chocolate mousse cake! (Go figure) I must have been inspired.

It's been a great blessing having him here for 89 years. I love my father so much. I do hope that we get to enjoy him for as long as possible.

I think that Princess Anne is probably the best example being set by the Royal Family at the moment.  No scandal attached to her. She simply goes on in her role, doing her best with whatever, no fuss, no muss. I have always looked up to her.  I don't think he gets enough credit for all that she does, but neither does she ask for any. They would all do well to take a page from her book, in my opinion. She has class.  So does her younger brother and his wife, (the one I can never remember his name) Prince Edward. All great examples and a credit to the late Queen. 

I think I can speak for quite a few people in saying, I am beyond tired of all the royal nonsense going on at the moment. Wish it would all just go away.

This was Little Mac yesterday while we were waiting for supper. He has so much personality, that cat. Dad was playing his Solitaire game on his phone, and it was so loud. (My father's hearing is getting really bad, so everything is on extra loud.)  Little Mac didn't know what to make from all the sounds coming from dad's phone and found them more than a little bit disconcerting! I found them really loud and I can only imagine what he thought with his extra strong hearing powers!


I'm probably a bit late to the table, but I have been enjoying The Servant on apple tv. I love a good horror mystery.  I am about 4 episodes in. I am still trying to figure out the baddie in all of this.  There is also a series 2 I believe.  Rupert Grint from Harry Potter is in it.

Apparently, there is a new show coming on Netflix on Valentine's Day called Perfect Match.

"Some of Netflix's most famous singles are getting another chance at love! The streamer's latest dating series Perfect Match will see 23 alums from Netflix's unscripted series including Love is Blind, Too Hot to Handle, The Circle, Sexy Beasts gather in a tropical paradise to find love."

Will I be tempted enough to watch this? Hmm . . . the jury's out. The only one of those series I have been able to handle watching is Love is Blind and there are some people on that show that I absolutely abhor that will be on this new series, so I am not sure.  Will I be able to get past my distaste for all the dislikable characters to tune in or not?  Hmmm . . . I might watch one episode to see, but I am thinking ahead of time it might be a huge miss for me. The only character who is going to be in it that I like is Shane, and I don't think that he is enough to tempt me into wasting my time. It all depends on how bored I am.

I am enjoying my study of the New Testament so far this year. I always enjoy digging into the scriptures anyways but was especially looking forward to the New Testament after having studied the Old Testament in depth last year.  I follow David Butler and Emily Belle Freeman on their Don't Miss This channel on YouTube. They really bring the scriptures to life for me with their insights.  They are calling this The Year of Jesus.  Scripture study is a much better way to spend your time than watching inane, vapid, self-centered people chase each other around.  Between Don't Miss This and The Chosen, I am being well fed.  I love that series The Chosen so much.  For series 3, they are releasing one episode a week on Sunday evenings.  I have been rewatching the earlier series during the week and am always coming across something I hadn't noticed before. This is the Jesus I want to study, follow and worship.  

I was watching episode 7 last night and, in this episode, Jesus was meeting with Nicodemus (the Pharisee). The feelings that Nicodemus must have been having whilst talking to the Savior were so tangible, it brought tears to my eyes, especially when Jesus hugged him, and I thought to myself, oh how I am looking forward to one day getting a hug from Jesus in person.  

And then when I was reflecting on those feelings afterwards, I thought about how Nicodemus had that wonderful one on one experience with the Savior and had believed that he was the Son of God and yet still was unable to take up his invitation to "Follow Him."  Ultimately, he could not bring himself to turn his back on the life he already had in order to follow the Savior and to embrace a new holier way of life.  Fear of the uncertainty of the future?  Perhaps. But it must have been a heartbreaking decision for him to have to make, nonetheless. Give up the old and embrace the new.


My sister had made these Maple & Espresso Baked Lentils last night and they were so delicious. I am going to make some myself, albeit in a smaller amount. I love lentils and these were amazing. She had also made a lentil and rice dish in her Instant Pot that was amazingly delicious, but I don't have the link to that one. (Must get.)  I need to eat more things like this.  A more plant-based diet is much better for us I think.  

She had also cooked some fresh green beans.  Even though she had cooked them for ages, they never softened?  They also had an odd chemical taste, at least I could taste some chemical, perhaps something they spray them with to keep them fresher longer?  Does anyone have any ideas about this?  Why they wouldn't soften no matter how long they were cooked? Neither of us had experienced this before.

And I have wittered on long enough so will leave you now with a thought for the day . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛We are all broken in some way,
but remember even broken crayons
can fill a page with glorious color.
~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today, Flaky Weiner Rolls.  A recipe from Ina Garten, but very similar to the ones my mother always made us. Delicious in either case!

I hope you have a great day!  I am going out for my usual supper tonight with dad and his friends. Looking forward to that. Will I have the fish and chips?  Perhaps!

Whatever you get up to today, be safe, warm and happy, and don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. I find green beans, if they are fresh but in a cello pkt are hard and don't taste like beans at all. I prefer frozen french cut beans in the winter when I can't get fresh ones. Snow heading our way tomorrow too. Winter sure has been strange, +5 Celsius today, ice rain yesterday, and snow tomorrow. Good thing we have the option to go out when we want to and not on a daily basis to get to work, Glad you got to enjoy your Dad's birthday. Have a good day.

  2. Those beans sound very strange indeed: I hope she takes them back for a refund. Those lentils, though, sound delicious so I'll be trying them myself soon. Here in western NL, we don't have much snow at all and temperatures are above zero -- more strange happenings!

  3. He had a great day! He sure looks happy Marie:) Happy year to him!

  4. I think often these days food will be never softening etc. It may have been genetically altered and going organic is usually safest!! For one thing food does not, in general at least, taste like it did when we were young...and no I do not think I have lost my taste buds!! It has been too scientifically messed with!! As to the stuff being put out by the news media, I think probably a good lot is either made up or in some way changed from actual events, in order to get readership. Terrible really that lies are so important to some. We need to remember that we can never hear or read anything and know if it is true really. When my mom took journalism in high school, they were told clear back then (1940s) to write reports to reflect whatever they wanted to emphasize, even change it if desired. Somehow I think the mess we have in reporting these days must have started a really long time ago!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  5. We had beans like that recently. I just figured I hadn't cooked them long enough. Glad you had such a lovely birthday celebration with your Dad. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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