
Tuesday 17 January 2023

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .



FOR TODAY, January 17th, 2023

Outside my window ...
It's pretty light out now. I am late getting started this morning. It's cool and cloudy. It's about as warm as its going to get today. Dry at the moment, but they are expecting a wintry mix of weather after 2 pm. I hope it's not too bad as I am going to Cindy's later on to celebrate Dad's 89th birthday!

I am thinking ...
Happy Birthday to dad! I sang Happy Birthday to him on the phone this morning. I feel so blessed to still have dad with us.  Other than slowing down physically, he is all there mentally and that is such a blessing to us all.  I love him so much.  Being able to spend these last few years with him has just been the best thing ever!

I am thankful for ...
Being able to spend these last years with my father. I never ever thought I would see him again and look! I've been blessed with over two years and hopefully at least a few more!

In the kitchen ...

This is the BEST chili recipe.  I had my doubts. I mean if someone calls something the best are they bragging? Sometimes perhaps, but in this case, I think not. This really is the best!

On my "to cook" list ... 

Seasons and Suppers, oven or slow cooker pork and beans. This looks fabulous!  Baked beans are a real family favorite!

I am wearing ...
A pink M&S nightie. It's not quite as warm as my flannel ones, but it's quite comfy. I love M&S nighties. I have summer and winter ones. I am wearing them out. I will be sad when they are past use as I won't be able to get more.

Good to know ...

I am wanting to create ...

White Wood and Linen   Fabric wings. How to.

Make It From Scraps  Free scarf tutorial.

No source, but seriously cute! 

Little Bird Lane  on Etsy. Instant download pattern for this sweet kitty kat pillow.

UpCycle My Stuff   Fabric Wrapped Hangers.

I am reading ...

The Four Winds, Kristin Hannah

Texas, 1934. Millions are out of work and a drought has broken the Great Plains. Farmers are fighting to keep their land and their livelihoods as the crops are failing, the water is drying up, and dust threatens to bury them all. One of the darkest periods of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl era, has arrived with a vengeance. 

 In this uncertain and dangerous time, Elsa Martinelli—like so many of her neighbors—must make an agonizing choice: fight for the land she loves or go west, to California, in search of a better life. The Four Winds is an indelible portrait of America and the American Dream, as seen through the eyes of one indomitable woman whose courage and sacrifice will come to define a generation.

I have just started this book, but I am hooked.

Looking forward to ...
Celebrating my father's birthday later today at Cindy's! 

Dreaming about ...


Weather Vanes  . . . 


The winter garden  . . .  all natural  . . .  love this.


Goose down  . . . 


Cozy and warm . . . such a cute little stove.


Wellies  . . . 

Makes me smile ... 

They're so cute  . . . 

Corners of my kingdom ... 

Ever watchful. Just a few minutes ago.  Nothing  misses their gaze. 

A thought to carry with you ...

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛The night will never stay, the night will still go by,
though with a million stars you pin it to the sky,
though you bind it with the blowing wind,
and buckle it with the moon,
the night will slip away like a sorrow or a tune.
~Eleanor Farjeon •。★★ 。* •。★★ 。* 。

 And that's my daybook for this week! 

   ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
 ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆   

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!       


  1. Freezing rain warning for us, won't be heading out anywhere. A good pyjama day! Hope you are able to celebrate your dad's birthday with good weather. I have lots of covered hangers, both material and crochet. Hm-m-m thinking birthday and Christmas gifts, maybe I should get started now.

    1. Stay safe Linda! This time of year the weather is so iffy when it swings back and forth! I am thinking I need to get started on Birthday and Christmas gifts now myself! xoxo

  2. Your chili looks awesome. Has taken me some time to develop, but being Hubby is so troubled with acid reflux, I have had to develop one with only a small can of V8 juice for the tomato part and way less spices, some left out entirely. When daughter comes, I have to cut the onion down to almost nil too...but you know I have found oregano and basil and garlic can still do a lot in taste...we do what we must!! Got ahold of THE BEST tasting hamburger recently...well, it was ground red meat ever!! Always good to try out new things. Carried in Aldi store here. Thanks for the other project ideas...these days all I do is look and dream some...have so many other things to tend to, but maybe one day!! Glad you still can be with your small gift.
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I have found that eating earlier in the day is helpful to me. I normally eat my big meal at noon and then eat sparingly for the rest of the day. Onions, tomatoes and garlic are the worst culprits! I have never had Bison, but I bet its good. I wish we had Aldi here in Canada where I live. I am sure they would be quite popular. I used to shop there and at Lidl all the time in the UK. You are right, being with my dad is no small gift! xoxo

    2. You are right about it being better to not eat too late in the day...we try not to have supper later than 6 PM and most days closer to 4 PM...and it not be too much either...and just small snacks here and there...we try to eat something fairly substantial in the late AM...trying to have at least 12 to 16 hrs in evening until mid morning without eating in order to get more control of the blood sugars. Doc knows and approves...
      Elizabeth xoxo


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