
Thursday 19 January 2023

My Favorite Things . . .



A few of the things that make me smile, bring happiness and joy, and make my heart go pitter pat. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I say it's worth a thousand smiles.


A slice of lemon in a hot drink, even hot water.  A slice of lemon adds a lot to most drinks!  I think its also very good for you!  (I could be wrong, but I just like it.)


Carrots. I love carrots. They are one of my favorite vegetables. Mom always said they help you to see in the dark. I don't know about that, but I do love to eat them!


At the risk of repeating myself, which I often do, but you love me anyways . . . I hope . . .  ginger cats!  


Bread and honey, toast and honey . . . honey. I like Greek honey most of all. It has an almost anise flavor to it.


Little bits of embroidery in unexpected places.  They delight me . . . 


Butter bells. They keep your butter nice. These are particularly lovely.


Mmmm . . . truffles, especially homemade truffles  . . . 


Hugs. I love hugs. One size does fit all. Now that I live on my own without any other human contact for the most part, they are even more important. I love them.  I am a huggie person.


Fresh figs. I ADORE them . . . I have not had any in a long while now.


Frosted windowpanes. I used to love looking at the patterns in the frost when I was a child.  Sometimes I would use my fingertips to melt them. You hardly ever see frosted windowpanes anymore. In Winnipeg we used to have to put special inserts on the inside windows of our cars to keep them from really frosting up on the insides.


Teapots, any kind  . . . 


Red squirrels . . .  blame Beatrix Potter . . . 


Mashed potato pie . . . puff pastry . . . enticing . . .


Pottery  . . . 


Beagles  . . .  love them. We had one when I was growing up. Her name was Penny.


Warm feet . . . I don't like it when my feet are cold. 


Nib pens  . . . 


Good cheese  . . . 


Turquoise . . . so pretty . . . 


Pottery spoons  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week.  What are some of your favorite things?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Our lives begin to end
the minute we become silent
about things that matter.
~Martin Luther King Jr.•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  How to Make Your Roast Chicken Pay for Itself.

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with lots of your favorite things.  We had a light dusting of snow overnight and they say tomorrow we are going to have the first major snowstorm of the season. I guess I better go out today and get in a few bits just in case I am stuck here for a few days! Whatever you get up to today, stay safe and warm and don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Storm arriving later today for us, going out this morning to pick up milk and a couple of things, then will be hibernating at home for the next few days. Stay warm and safe.

    1. Hibernating is the best thing to do in a storm Linda! There is naught like being safe at home in a storm for comfort! xoxo

  2. Figs on sale..might pick up..Squirrels you know me and squirrels ..gardeners don't usually love them;)Pottery:) Spoons they are so darn cute:)Have a good day!

    1. I adore fresh figs. When I worked at the manor, they grew their own! So delicious! Yes, squirrels can be real pests! xoxo

  3. PS yes turquoise.I love.And that cute chicken in your pie isthe cutest ever.

    1. Sadly I had to leave it in the UK. I wish I had not now! xo

  4. Lots of lovely favourite things, Marie. I'll be roasting a chicken on the weekend so will keep your good advuce in mind. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. I hope you and Larry enjoy your Roast Chicken Elaine! Wish I could be there! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. We also had a beagle when I was growing up...the lovely thing!! She was bad about running off and getting lost at times (all those scent trails to follow) but she loved us so well!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Penny used to love to get loose and trail a scent also Elizabeth! It usually took her to KFC at the mall. We always knew where to find her! xoxo


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