
Monday 22 March 2021

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.    


Raisin bread toast for breakfast.  Love, LOVE. 


We have had a few really beautiful, sunny, mild spring-like days.  Yesterday we even had the windows open to blow out the cobwebs. Took a drive to the cemetery to visit mom and take her some roses. It was just a nice, nice, nice day. 

Sunday roast beef. There is something really nice about having a pot roasted beef dinner on Sundays.  The smell of it cooking all afternoon, sitting down together as a family to enjoy it. My sister does a really nice pot roast. My father never liked roast beef but he loves my sister's. He says she cooks it like his mom did. 

March, will it go out like a lamb or a lion? It came in like a lion so  traditionally it should go out like a lamb, but we will see.  Loving the sight of crocus popping up their little purple heads. 


Its a special connection. I would not want to be without it. 


Sometimes I think that my life is quite quite boring by comparison to many other lives. It becomes more boring all the time. It is really quite ordinary, but I love the ordinary and I am grateful to be a person who is able to just this . . . find joy in the ordinary. 

My father's "bum" chin.  I have it, and so do four of my five children, and I see it in almost all of my grandchildren. Family traits that are passed on down through the generations.  They are a special thing.  


Its all in your perspective.  You can choose to be a half glass full kind of person or a person who sees the glass as always being half empty. I choose to see it as half full.  If you do this with regularity it just becomes a way of life, your way of life. Sure, there are some days I need to remind myself of this, but for the most part, I am living a life filled with gratitude. 


Its true. I am so thankful for each one of you. For sticking with me, for your support and love.  Through thick and through thin. You help to make my world a better place.  I appreciate it.  There are days when you lift me more than you will ever know.  You are valued and your coming back again and again brightens my days beyond measure. I truly look forward to our little visits. Thank you. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today.

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I never know how strong I was
until I had to forgive someone 
who wasn't sorry,
and to accept an apology,
I never received.
~Unknown     •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today . . .  7-Layer Dinner.  An old, old favourite from way back when. 

I hope you have a lovely day and that your week is filled to overflowing with many small and wonderful things.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!



  1. A few ther lovely days coming up here too..How do you find yourself adapting to Canada's climate after the UK?
    And your village to here..? Is it like leaving Provence in a way but UK way?
    Have a good day!!

    1. Its not been too bad actually, but I think we had a really mild winter here this year. We never had our heat on except for a few hours a day in the UK in the winter months, so that probably helped also. I will need to get some warmer clothes for next Winter for sure and some shoes. All I have is the ones I walked onto the plane wearing. Its much more rural here than where I was living in the UK. Interestingly enough however, as small as it is, I have yet to run into my ex or my son or their wives. Odd that. xoxo

  2. PS I live a very ordinary life.Prior and during Covid and it will be after also...But..I am used to it and I like it. Funny the boys were giving us a test yesterday to determine if we were bears..turtles..hummingbirds question my husbands was qualify his answer he said this IS my world and looked at the boys:)

    1. That sounds like a cute test and I love J's answer! Perfect! My life has always been fairly ordinary also. That's me, dull and boring! xoxo

  3. There is always much to be thankful for. I too love a roast on Sunday. Having the leftovers to make things with during the week is a pleasure. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead that brings only more things to be thankful for!

    1. I don’t understand why people think a roast is too expensive, by the time you use up the leftovers, you will have gotten 3 meals from it at least!! Hope yiur week is equally blessed! Xoxo

  4. Ha! I don’t think you’re dull and ordinary! I see talent, thoughtfulness, creative and a brave spirit that shares and inspires. A published author who gives voice to her experiences and faith and curiosity for all to hear. Thank YOU!!
    I love ordinary, no news is good news, the little things. Enjoy this lovely day and thanks again. xo, V

    1. Aww thank you so much V! You made my day! I agree no news is good news! Xoxo

  5. Lovely spring weather here, perfect for sitting on the deck. I'm sending it your way Marie. Have a lovely day.

    1. We had a beautiful day Linda! Had my bedroom window open most of the day! Xoxo

  6. You might like to know, daughter brought over supplies yesterday and she and Hubby water colored 2 tiny was such a nice thing for them!! Thanks again for that link!! She says she will do that again!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Oh that makes me so happy Elizabeth! You are so welcome! Xoxo

  7. Your life is not boring! Your thought for the day is very apropos for my estrangement with my sister. She simply has no remorse. Take gentle care. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I am learning not to stress the things I cant control! I think your sister is missing out on a treasure in you. I am blessed to call you friend. Love and hugs. Xoxo

  8. My Aunt Mary use to make roast beef for many Sunday's when she was alive! Yum!

    You are not boring Marie by any means, infact you are just the opposite! Vibrant and full of life!

    It's been in the 60's for the last 2 days! I've even opened my doors all day!

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!