
Tuesday 23 March 2021

This and that on a Tuesday??? DUH!!

What a gorgeous couple of days we have had here in Nova Scotia. I do believe almost all of the snow is gone in our yard now and the ground is dry (fingers crossed).  For two days in a row I have been able to keep my bedroom window open for most of the day, letting the fresh spring air blow out all the cobwebs of winter.  Its been just lovely. It won't be long now before the buds which are forming on the trees begin to slowly unfurl.  People are gathering in the pussy willows.  The North American harbinger of spring, like the robin.  I haven't seen one of those yet, but, to be fair, I haven't really been looking. 

When I think back to last year about this time, this darned pandemic was just starting to grab hold of the world, and I read yesterday they are waiting for the third wave of it to hit the UK.   I also read yesterday that we will have to live with masking and social distancing for some time, even after we've all had the  vaccine.  I am okay with that. I just want to feel safe.  I also want to be able to gather together with my family. If I have to do that masked and socially distanced, then so be it.

When the virus first hit I thought it would be finished in a matter of weeks, possibly a few months. I never dreamt we would be sitting here a full year later still battling it. Life has a way of surprising you eh? 


Looking out my bedroom window this morning there was a big fat crow sitting in one of the tree branches, with two blue jays flanking him, screaming at him for all they are worth. Blue jays are quite cheeky birds. Some people don't like them.  I like all birds, even the crows.  I have always loved watching birds.  I hope that when I get my own place I am able to set up a few bird feeders in the back yard. I have plans to set one of the bedrooms up as a spare bedroom/office.  Perhaps I will put a small desk in front of the window so I can work and look out at the yard at the same time. We will see what happens.

I think I am going to buy that original car my father told me about.  I have been researching it and the guy's price seems fair for what it is.  I will just use the money I had been saving for a house.  I don't know what I was thinking when I thought I was going to buy a house. DUH, at my age? We all have dreams and I suppose I thought it was better to have the money I spend on rent every month going into an investment in my future, but really at the age of 65 how much of a future do I have?  And do I really want to be bothered with all the problems that come with owning your own home?  Renting is much better and then the problems are someone else's.  Plus these senior's bungalows have all the snow removal and lawn care included in the price. Not my problem.

I won't be moving into it in April at any rate.  Maybe May.  The landlord is still waiting for the previous tenant's children to come and move out her belongings.  Because of Covid and the quarantine rules they haven't been able to get down here to empty it.  In the meantime they are paying the rent and as far as the landlord goes so long as someone is paying the rent he doesn't really care.  I am willing to wait because there is just nothing out there to rent and at least I am in the queue.  But really I hope it won't take much longer.  I would like to be in there by summer, please.


Easter seems to be coming earlier this year. I know it really isn't that much earlier, but it seems earlier for some reason.  This whole year seems to have flashed by, which is amazing really, considering how we have all been pretty much locked down for most of it.  

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday.  I remember as a child being given dried palm fronds in Sunday School on Palm Sunday.  I would keep them in my bible the whole year through like a sacred token.  I know some people keep them on the crucifix's they have hanging in their homes.  My father has one above his bed.  I guess I just prefer to remember the Savior in other ways.  But really it doesn't matter how you remember Him just so long as you do.


I had been going to buy myself a sewing machine once I moved and sew some things for myself.  I don't know where to buy clothing here and I am not a small woman. I thought perhaps making them for myself would be the perfect solution, but time marches on and I haven't been able to do that yet.  I am not a leggings kind of a girl.  I hate leggings, or at least I hate them on me. I was wanting to make a few cotton sundresses that I could wear in the warmer weather.  I remember how hot and humid it gets here. I won't be able to wear the same clothes all year round like I did in the UK.  I also need to be getting myself some shoes. I still have just the one pair, the ones I left in.  I have short feet, but they are wide feet. I have bunions. No, my feet are not very pretty.  I can't/wont wear sandals because of this,  and I just can't go into a normal shop and buy a pair.  

All the more reason I need to get this car, so I can go out shopping for myself I guess.  I hate to bother my sister all the time asking her to take me places and, to be honest, she has far better things to do with her time.  Although I know she would willingly take me, because that's what family does. 


I did a bit of a different post in The English Kitchen this morning.  I called it The Well Stocked Kitchen. There is no recipe.  I've had a lot of time over these past months to think about how I will stock up my kitchen. Its been a long time since I had to stock a kitchen up totally from scratch and so it is my thoughts and plans for going about it.  I have slowly been gathering things. My bedroom looks like a store house of small boxes, etc. Gathering in.  Plans in the making.   Scary and exciting at the same time and I know I have only gathered in a fraction of what I really need, but as I see things go on sale, etc. I have been buying them and of course I have been very generously gifted with some things as well, for which I am most grateful.

Just after Christmas I was able to buy a set of pots and pans for a really good price.  They are not as good as the ones I left behind, but they will do for sure and maybe over time I can replace them one at a time with better ones.  I've been crocheting dish clothes and embroidering tea towels. It gives me something to do while I watch tv on my laptop in the evenings and it is something which brings me joy.  I need to paint some art for my walls. 

I bought two towel bales the last time I went to Michaels with my sister.  There is a Winners store across from it and they had these towel bales.  I have washed both now and am quite surprised at the quality of them.  If we go again, I may buy another one.  I have also managed to gather in three sets of sheets for my bed and a bedspread. All bought at sale prices online.  And I bought a blanket at Walmart.  So I think for now my bedroom is pretty set up. I have mom's bedroom set and I did get that new mattress before Christmas. I love it. It is the most comfortable mattress I have ever had and my back problems have disappeared. (Knock on wood.)


I've been toying with changing the banner on my food blog. I think it is a bit deceitful because people go there expecting to find British cookery and sure, there is lots of that, but it will probably be focused more on North American cookery now. I don't want to change the name however as I have spent over 11 years building my reputation on there and it is my only source of income. It will at least pay the rent now which is a bonus!  I cannot put that at risk, but I don't want to disappoint people coming to the page either.  It is a bit of a conundrum actually.  I am also a bit afraid to change anything because I don't really know what I am doing and I am a bit afraid that I will miss up the blog totally.


I emailed Steph yesterday morning to see how Mitzie was doing and she wrote me back and sent me some more photos.  I don't like to pester her about Mitzie. I think having to leave Mitzie behind was the single most heartbreaking thing I have ever had to do.  I know, silly me. I left her in a very good home and she has settled in well and is very content and happy.  I know the journey would have been very difficult for her, and the cost involved was outrageously off the charts.  I did what was the best thing for her and for me.  But I miss her so very much.  I would contact Steph more often but in truth when I do, my heart aches with the loss. So much so that I don't know if I dare ever have another pet. It hurts far too much to let them go and the reality is that you always have to let them go eventually, and I am not sure my heart can take another letting go. 


I suppose I have rambled on long enough this morning.  That's what you get on Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturday's . . . . me rambling on, and yes . . .  I just realized as I wrote that, that this isn't Wednesday. Its Tuesday DUH!  What am I like! Tomorrow I will do my Daybook, I promise.  

I can't believe I just did that! Huh!  I must be losing my marbles!

A thought to carry with you . . .

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Healing comes when we choose 
to walk away from darkness 
and move towards a brighter light.
~Dieter F Uchtdorf  •。★★ 。* 。  

No recipe today because look up there.  Its not a recipe post.

Have a wonderful TUESDAY!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. I did wonder what happened to your daybook post which you usually do on Tuesdays' But no matter will read it tomorrow. Good you have time to stock up for your new home. It is a lot when you are just starting to do all at one time.

    1. It is a long process, but it is also fun. I can pick and choose what I want and need and finally I will have a house that isn't crowded with junk! Yay! xoxo

  2. Just a thought regarding the rental - could the landlord suggest to the family that they either rent a storage room for the stuff (they'd have to hire a person to pack it up and move it) or could they move it all into your spare bedroom and the landlord put a lock on that door?
    It seems a crying shame that the storage of "stuff" takes priority over someone having a home....

    1. He seems very reluctant to contact them. He feels its a very sensitive time for them, having lost their mother and with covid and all, not being able to be here to bury her, etc. I can totally understand that. But it is a crying shame that storage of "Stuff" takes priority over someone having a home, I agree totally! xoxo

  3. How about adding a word or two to your English cookery site, something like from a north American perspective, or from my Nova Scotia home, or something similar. Good to hear Mitzie is doing well. Enjoy the open window letting spring ibside.

    1. That's a great idea Linda, thank you! I have my window open again today. It smells like fresh laundry out there! Beautiful day! xoxo

  4. If money is no problem, who knows how long the family will be willing to pay rent instead of dealing with the contents. Your landlord is happy as long as he is getting paid. But that leaves you in limbo. And I hope you will have a nice long future ahead of you. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. It does, but I am really hoping that they will soon arrange to have the contents removed. I have my fingers crossed and my knees bent! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Lovely matter what day it is.......

  6. I agree with Linda, I wouldn't change your blog name, just change it up!
    It's been in the high 60's today!
    Have a fantastic day Marie!xoxo

    1. Thanks so much J! Another lovely mild sunny day here today! You have a great day also! xoxo

  7. Hi, Marie! So glad to catch up with and your newsy posts... VERY exciting about your car, and hopeful move this spring--HOORAY! The new ideas for you food blog sound good even without a name change, as you will likely always do English-inspired food. Here's to new chapters! :) ((LOVE & HUGS))


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