
Sunday 21 March 2021

Light and shadows . . .


I was awake quite early this morning.  Being Sunday morning, I wanted to be able to watch the Zoom service from my old Ward in Chester.  I do that most Sunday's if I can. That way I am fed with spiritual nourishment twice on Sunday mornings. It has been a real God-send to me at this particular time in my life, and over these past months. In a way I will be sad when I can't do this anymore, even though that will mean that the Pandemic has ended and life has returned to normal.

I just watch it on my iPad.  I lay there in my bed with the headphones on and I watch and listen to the talks. What a special comfort it is to me as I watch, seeing and hearing people who were such a huge part of my life over the past 11 years, and who made a huge difference in my life, helping ultimately to shape the person I am now.  

The people who float in and out of your life have a lot to do with your personal growth and who you become, and they surely did.

After the service was finished, I lay there for a few minutes.  There is no curtain on the window in my bedroom. My sister and Dan had been working at putting in new windows in the Autumn of last year and so they are not quite finished.  The top of the window is bare and the bottom is covered with brown paper to keep out the light.

Plenty of light comes through the top part of the window however.  At night, when the skies are clear I can look out the top of the window as I lay there and see hundreds of twinkling stars.  Sometimes I can even see the moon as it moves across the sky . . .  the branches of the trees that are outside that part of the house silhouetted dark against its brightness . . .  the moon creating a special glow in my room.

This morning as I lay there I noted that there was a beautiful pattern of light and shadow on the wall at the end of my bed from those same tree branches, silhouetted against the brightness of the rising sun.  It was pretty to watch, flickering and moving slightly in the light wind outside.  Light and shadow  . . .  it brought a special joy and warmth to my heart and mind, just as the speakers I had just listened to had.

Our lives are filled with light and shadows  . . .  influencing us, painting our souls alternately with whatever it is they bring to us, or what we choose to take from or see from the ways that the light and shadows have touched us. I believe that we all have the ability to be guided in our lives if we can just take small steps in following the goodness that is within us and the light and understanding we receive from God.  

At some point we have all felt that we were inspired, directed, or uplifted by a guiding thought, a sudden crystal clearer understanding, or other experience which we feel are from a greater power outside of ourselves.    You can call it God, or whatever it is you choose to believe is where you draw your strength or inspiration from.  Our "a-hah" moments . . . 

There can be no light without shadow.  It is the shadows which help us to discern or to see the light. They may even help us to be able to focus better on the light in our lives. 


In November of last year I had to step into the darkness in faith.  It was the light of Christ, of my faith, of my testimony of the goodness of God, of the love and goodness of the people God placed around me, earth angels . . .  that enabled me to do that and that has kept me moving forward.  

I am so grateful for the darkness, for without it . . .  I would never have been able to see all the light that surrounds and has surrounded me over these many months.  Yes, I have a ways to go for sure, but I will get there, I have no doubt. And as I continue to move forward, the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming brighter.  The light and  shadows that dance and flicker across the walls of my inner being are working together in tandem to create a better me.  I am certain of that.  And in the meantime, I am grateful, so very grateful that I can be spiritually nourished and uplifted from both sides of the pond. What a special blessing that is. 


I was talking to our Doug last evening on my iPad on the facetime. His boys are just finishing up their March break this weekend, Anthony's finished it last weekend.   I am so grateful for these boys of mine who take time out of their busy lives to spend these special moments with me, to share their lives with me. 

Doug, as you know, had a heart attack about a year and a half ago now.  He is still only 39, but will be turning 40 in November of this year.  Next Monday he is going to Charlottetown to have a special procedure/test on his heart to see why it is still only working at 40% of it's capacity. He has been on an experimental drug over these past few months to help with that, but they are still not sure what the problem is.  I hope and pray that they can get to the bottom of it and fix what is wrong.  Please could you keep him in your happy thoughts that all will be well and that they will be able to find some solution. We live in a day of medical miracles.  I hope and pray that there will be a medical miracle for him so that he can see his boys grow up and become fine men. 


This is my sister's latest little painting. I hope she doesn't mind me showing it to you.  I am in awe of her talent. It is only a small painting, but it took her hours and hours to do it. I wish she could see just how very talented she is and that the world could see it too. Its a watercolor.  I love it.

I best get a leg on and get off here as I need to get ready to watch my church service from here in Nova Scotia. I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.We are not diminished
when someone else
is added upon.
~Jeffrey R Holland° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 


In The English Kitchen today, Raspberry & Rhubarb Eve's Pudding.  Quite simply delicious.

I hope you have a beautiful day.  The sun is shining again here.  Whatever you get up to don't forget! 

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And I do too!!


  1. Her street scene is delightful:)
    Happy you have your faith..I've always said that:)Bon Dimanche Marie.

    1. I would not be without it Monique! Happy week! xoxo

  2. Will pray your son will be ok and that doctors can help him!! I agree...your sister's painting is beautiful indeed!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth. He acts unafraid, but he has to be. I think he is very brave to play racketball! He wants to be there for his kids. xoxo

  3. Ah, the sun is shinning here today and I'm thankful for the warmer days of Spring. I will pray for your son and his doctors that they find out what is causing his problems and they can fix it for him. Hope you have a wonderful blessed Sunday!

    1. Thank you so very much Pam. It means a lot to me! xoxo

  4. Good thoughts, prayers and best wishes to you and yours, Marie.
    Have a lovely Sunday. xo, V
    ps, I looove that painting!

    1. Thank you so very much V! You are a treasure! xoxo

  5. Your post reminds me of this line from the poem "The Gate of the Year". Put your hand into the hand of God and it shall be to you better than light and safer than the known way. Love Cindy's painting. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I will have to look up the poem. It sounds familiar! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. I'm praying the doctors will be able to discover why Doug's heart is working at only 40%. Hope the test will prove it's an easy fix. Such a worry for you all. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you so much Elaine. He is a very brave man. Much braver than this mom. Love and hugs always, xoxo

  7. I will pray for your son Doug that the Doctors can find a better solution to make his heart better!

    Oh, I love Cindy's painting!
    Safe safe and healthy Marie!xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!