
Saturday 20 March 2021

Welcome springtime . . .


It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: 
when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. 
~Charles Dickens 

Hooray for Spring!  Its all uphill from here. It may still feel like Winter, but we have turned a corner and we have nothing but goodness to look forward to from here on in! 


Frolicking lambs  . . . 


Primrose and hyacinth  . . . 


Nesting birds  . . . 


Daffodils  . . . 


Tulips  . . . 


The earth begins to wake up after the long cold sleep of Winter  . . . 


Buds appear and sap runs  . . . 


Blossoms wait to unfurl along with the leaves  . . . tender shoots of promise  . . . 


Baby chicks  . . .  


The promises of the Easter Season  . . . 


Bumble bees  . . . 


Days happen when we can open up the windows and blow away the cobwebs of winter  . . .  


"I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o'er vales and hills, 
when all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils; 
beside the lake, beneath the trees, 
fluttering and dancing in the breeze." 
~ William Wordsworth 

And just like that Spring has arrived and with it the promise of better days, brighter days, warmer days  . . .  the earth will soon be laughing in flowers  . . . you'll see . . . and we will be laughing right along with it.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Spring is the time
of plans and projects.
~Leo Tolstoy•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . . Chocolate Chip Treasure Cookies.  A chocolate chip cookie, but similar to a coconut macaroon.  

There was a strange knocking on the ceiling/roof the other day. We thought perhaps something was in the attic. It ended up being a crow on the rooftop trying to crack open a nut. And something has flown off with the whole bird cookie, either that or a racoon has feasted.  Probably the latter  . . . the trials of country life.

Have a great Saturday!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Lovely spring blog, Marie. It lifted my spirits. It's nice here today, sunny and dare I say, warmish. We're going to Michael's for a looksee. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I hope you had fun at Michael's! I love it there! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. It was in the 50's yesterday and today in the 60's! Yay!
    I hope it's sunny and bright where you live too Marie!xoxo


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