
Sunday 9 August 2020

Morning thoughts . . .

The morning comes, the drops of dew 
Hang on the grass and bushes too. 
The sheep more eager bite the grass 
Whose moisture gleams like drops of glass; 

The heifer licks in grass and dew 
That make her drink and fodder too. 
The little bird his morn-song gives, 
His breast wet with the dripping leaves, 
Then stops abruptly just to fly  

And catch the wakened butterfly, 
That goes to sleep behind the flowers 
 Or backs of leaves from dews and showers. 

The yellow-hammer, haply blest, 
Sits by the dyke upon her nest; 
The long grass hides her from the day, 
The water keeps the boys away.

The morning sun is round and red
As crimson curtains round a bed.
 The dewdrops hang on barley horns
As beads the necklace thread adorns,
The dewdrops hang wheat-ears upon
Like golden drops against the sun.

Hedge-sparrows in the busy cry ‘tweet’,
O’er nests larks winnow in the wheat,
Till the sun turns gold and gets more high,
And paths are clean and grass gets dry,
And longest shadows pass away.
And brightness is the blaze of day.

~Morning, by John Clark 

The carly morning is my favourite time of the day. It is so quiet, at least until the sun starts to come up. It’s a time when I can be with my own thoughts, and not have to worry about anyone else. My brain is at its best early in the morning. That's when I do my best thinking and writing. It’s also a time when I can pray, in peace and quiet  . . . a one on one conversation, just God and myself.

It is a time for me.

On warmer mornings,  I might  go and sit in the garden. The air is so fresh and the grass still damp from the night-time dew. Little beads of it cling to my toes, along with errant bits of dry grass and leaves.

It is a privilege to be there and hear the earth awakening, to listetn to the soulful song she sings. Who thinks the earth does not speak is deaf . . .  for she surely speaks to me.


There is a tender sigh in the sun that slowly peeks above the horizon and begins to bathe the earth's skin in it’s golden glow and gentle warmth. There is the tickle of a laugh in the whisper of the breeze that dances upon the tops of the hedgerows and brushes against the leaves just so. She smiles at me in birdsong, and cloaks me in her peace. There is no other time of day just like it.

Early morning . . .  it is a gift to you and to me. 

What a week it has been.  Earlier this week I discovered a site that has been scraping all of my content from my food blog.  Photography, words, recipes, etc. I've had to spend hours this week compliling lists of all that they have stolen from me with links, etc.  Plus I had to do an identical list with links of  all of my original content to compare. Its a lot of work trying to get these sites taken down.  I'll let you know how it goes, but I can tell you its been quite distressing!   I need to figure out how I can prevent this from happening in the future! 

I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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If your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more, do more
and become more, you are a leader.
~John Quincy Adams•。★★ 。* 

I don't have anything new to share with you today in the kitchen, but I can share what I was cooking last year about this time.  Blackberry Bakewell Pudding. Yummy yummy!  

Have a wonderful day.  The sun is shining here, so far at any rate!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. So sorry about the theft of your site contents, Marie...what a world!! Oh my this cake looks beyond wonderful!! Will have to try that out indeed!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It is criminal Elizabeth, if you saw the page you would be shocked at the audacity of it all! You need to try this dessert for sure. Happy Sunday! xoxo

  2. Oh good luck I hear you..why do people act so meanly?
    I just don't get it..
    Awful!How did you find it?

    1. I was looking up a recipe from my blog for my daughter on Google, and clicked on the photo and it took me to the offending blog, originating out of Canada it is. And they have scraped every single post since January. Really annoying! They only started the blog on the 20th July, but they have taken everything. I suspect they have some kind of software that is doing it becauses as soon as I post new content, its on there. Probably even before it registers on my page! xoxo

  3. I love early mornings too, especially in the summertime. It's always a joy to sit out on the patio and enjoy the sites and sounds. The birds have got it right when they say the early bird catches the worm. We catch the best part of the day! So sorry for the troubles with your site. Hope you can get it all figured out and righted. Not sure what you can do but there must be a way. Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

    1. You are right Pam. Its also blessedly cool in the mornings now which I enjoy! xoxo

  4. I wish you luck in stopping the culprits stealing your material, Marie. You work so hard on producing your food blog. I love morning, too. It's pleasant to eat breakfast and read the paper while it is so quiet. The day starts in ernest when my husband gets up and makes his oatmeal, turns on the radio and chats away. You asked about our pets in a previous comment. We had our beautiful calico cat, Patches, for 19 1/2 years. She was a parting gift from work colleagues when I transferred to another department within the same company. They sent me home in a taxi from downtown Toronto with the cat, her carrier, kitty litter and tray, food and a toy. When I called my husband to tell him, he said give it back. It took all of three minutes for the two of them to bond. We were without a pet for 9 years when Daisy found us. She was a neighbour's cat but seemed to like us better, lol. She had been declawed in a previous life and should not have been allowed to roam outside. But she was and she found us. She had been adopted to provide company for an existing cat and dog but I think Daisy wanted to be an only child and so looked for a new home. Sadly, no one knew she had cancer. We only had her for a little over two years and we really miss her. But...we will get another cat soon. We were all set to adopt when the pandemic hit. But that's life, I guess. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. That's why I enjoy the quiet before Todd gets up. My day gets noisy afterwards! Your cats sound sweet. I would love to have a cat, but here it is impossible to keep them indoors and I would not like a pet of mine roaming about. There are no screens on the windows or doors! Love and hugs, xoxo PS - Hoping you can get another pet soon.

  5. I do feel so sad that you had things stolen from your blog; that is distressing.
    I loved the poetry today. I think your words today are like poetry too. You just have a way with words and you described the morning time perfectly. I love when I can have total time just alone with my thoughts and especially with my prayers.
    Loved all your thoughts on this one!
    Blessings and hugs!


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