
Saturday 8 August 2020

All Things Nice . . .

Today I am flooding my page with all things that are nice, because in the light of what we have been going through in the year 2020 to date, we could all use a little bit of nice.  



There is a voice that doesn't use words.
Listen. ~Rumi

I don't think anything on earth can bring more peace to the soul than having a pet. Dog, cat, turtle, hamster, whatever.  There is something built into the human soul that has a need to look outside ourselves and nurture and care for someone other than ourselves.  Our pets provide us with the opportunity.  Pets, like friends  . . .  are family we get to choose for ourselves.  I have always had a pet. We had cats when I was growing up and a dog, and then as an adult I had several cats and three dogs. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat and care for their pets. Some pets require more care than others, but the reward is always unconditional love. I would not be without one.  Stress-releasing, calming, comforting, etc.  If you don't have a pet, you should get one! 


I have some issues with my past self but
she was young and I forgive her. 

I think its pretty easy to look at our past selves with the eyes of today and judge ourselves harshly. We are often our own worst critics. What we need to be doing however is forgiving ourselves and acknowledging that we would never have gotten as awesome as we are now without the mistakes, failures, and poor decisions of the past. 



You can learn a lot from a cow.  They are such gentle animals. When I first moved here to the UK we lived in a small maisonette apartment at the other end of Blacon. We had farmer's fields to the back of us and they were full of cows. We used to often walk our Jess across them.  It was lovely to wake up to the sound of them in the morning, to the sound of their gentle moo's.  There are no cows there now.  Things change I guess  . . . 


Embrace uncertainty.
Some of the best chapters in our lives
won't have a title until much later. 

It can sometimes be very hard to do that, especially when you are going through a really tough time.  Life has taught me the value of four little words however  . . . "This Too Shall Pass."  Everything always does and there is always light at the end of our tunnels, but we refuse to move forward and drown ourselves in things that cannot be changed.  Often once time has passed we can look back and see something positive, some kind of growth, etc.  Not always but often . . . growth is often uncomfortable, messy, and full of feelings you weren't expecting. 


"Walk with the wind brothers and sisters, and let the peace and the power 
of everlasting love be your guide."
~John Robert Lewis 

We are all God's children . . . true spirituality makes us loving and grateful, and forgiving, and patient, and gentle, and long suffering.  True spirituality breathes reverence into every act and deed. If all that you do is done with sincerity and in the spirit of love, then how bad can it be? 

Their story, by Daniel Gerhartz 

True friendship takes us by the hand and
reminds us we are not alone on the journey. 

I have had many acquaintences through the years and many, many friends. Some of my friends have been lifelong friends . . .  the kind that no matter how long it has been since you have seen each other, the minute you do, its as if no time has passed.  I am so grateful for the many women in my life that I have felt comfortable enough to laugh with, to cry with and to pray with.  Sorrows shared are halved and joys shared are multiplied.  


I know of nothing in life that doesn't seem better when looked at in the light of a cup of hot tea or a glass of cold milk and a warm chocolate chip cookie, fresh from the oven.

Hmmm . . .  perhaps that's my problem
Too many fresh cookies. 😉 


Books give a soul to the universe, 
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
and life to everything.

By small and simple things
are great things brought to pass.
~Alma 37:6 

I'm pretty sure that when I was younger I had no understanding of how much the patterns of my life would be written from the small and simple and seemingly insignificant things I would do over and over.  From the art of practicing good and kind small and simple things, comes a happy and fulfilling life. If you do even just one kind thing a day your life will be transformed. 

I got myself a rosary recently to replace the one I had which was broken.  It has been a valuable exercise at the end of each day to hold it in my hands, close my eyes and say some prayers, and then to think about the best thing, the nicest thing, the most wonderful thing that has happened to me during the day I've just spent. Magically, even on the most horrible of days . . .  there is always something.  The grand or the simple, it matters not. Just remembering lifts my spirits and a special warmth of spirit always fills my soul.  And the beads which were cold to the touch when I first grabbed them in my hands are filled with that warmth. Tis a simple thing . . .  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Fruit and Nut Muffins.  Very nice.  Believe it or not there are no refined sugars in these muffins, just the sweetness of the fruits themselves.  Dates, raisins and pruned.  Delicious!  

Have a great day.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!    


  1. So true, this too will pass. Nothing ever stays the same. A smile is something we can all to do every day to show our kindness. Nothing says I care better.

    1. Thanks Pam. You are right. Smiles are free and one size fits all, just like hugs! Although now at present all we can share is smiles! xoxo

  2. "Let the peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide." That is beautiful, Marie. I sure could have used some of that peace last night. My sciatica flared up big time and I spent a terrible night. Could not lie down because of the pain so sat in a chair all night. I tried Tylenol, heat, ice, finally in desperation I had a very hot bath. It worked well as long as I stayed in the bath, lol. But it is a little easier tonight so I'm hoping to get some sleep. Loved all your "nice" things. I agree 100% with you about pets. We all need one and they need us. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Oh Elaine, I am so sorry to read that you were in so much pain. Sciatica is so horrible! You must have been exhausted at the end of it all. I hope you are feeling better soon and that you did manage to get some sleep. You need to tell me about your pet! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. This is a refreshingly positive post, Marie. I have had several events in my life where I had to remember that "this too shall pass" and it does.

    The muffin recipe looks so delicious with all that fruit in it. ~Elaine

    1. Thanks very much Elaine! They are beautiful muffins! I hope you will try them! xoxo

  4. I always enjoy your positive thoughts. You just have an amazing talent in writing and I love reading your posts. I agree everyone should have a pet. Ours bring untold moments of joy. He's smart and does some incredible things that surprise us. He watches our every move and loves to be with his Daddy.
    Ode to a cow was cute! I do love watching cows in the field. I did grow up around them.
    I agree "This Too Will Pass". I hope this plague does soon.
    I'm tired of it all. It wouldn't be so bad, but they have made it politically here in the States.
    I do know we are all God's children and I wish we would all love one another and stop all this violence and etc. It's all sad.
    I do love the thought that great things come to pass by small and simple things, and it is true.
    Gosh, now I am hungry for a chocolate chip cookie. That's not good!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!