
Monday 10 August 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard   

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  


Fresh garden peas.  Does anything on earth taste as good as they do?  Probably, but for now they are delicious and a real summer treat.  I adore them raw and eaten out of hand, freshly picked. We did not grow any ourselves this year but were gifted. Nothing we tried to grow made it.  The slugs got it all. Bad, bad slugs. But they obviously have good taste.


The bees.  They love the clover in the wild part of our garden. Clover is not the most attractive flower to have but so many insects love it, especially the bees and so we keep it for them. 


Cloud watching . . .  I love to watch the clouds that float across the sky at the back of our house. We have a really long garden and so the sky isn't totally obliterated by somebody else's house.  I get to see the sky in all its glory.  Sometimes I like to take photos of the clouds.  I find clouds fascinating.  


In science in Grade Six we learned all about the different clouds and their names  . . . Cumulus, Nimbus, Cumulus Nimbus, etc. I could not tell you what is what now, but I do love to watch clouds and take photos of them from time to time.  


Jackdaws and crows . . .  sitting there every morning.  I love how the moss grows along the tops of the rooves and down the clay tiles, don't you?  So much colour  . . . 


Knowing this to be true  . . . 


God grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to 
change the things I can,
and the wisdom
to know the difference.

This sounds like a plan. There is so much out of our control at the moment. This virus has really thrown the world for a loop. So much information is flying back and forth, but in truth nobody really knows anything for sure. Most of it is conjecture or guess work. One thing for sure is people are dying all over the place and it doesn't look like anything is going to be getting better anytime soon.  I have a feeling this is our new normal for the unforeseen future.  Wearing masks, social distancing, staying put. 

They have started to let people go back to church. Our church has had two meetings now. But only those who are invited to attend can go and there are very strict rules in place. At this point we have not been invited and to be honest I wouldn't go if I was.  Instead we watch it via a Zoom meeting on the iPad. The sound is awful, and Todd can't make out anything that is being said because of his hearing. In truth I can only make out half of it, and I have no hearing issues that I know of.  But we watch it anyways because that is what's being asked of us. 

Our other lessons are great though. Relief Society, Sunday School, all done via YouTube and they are excellent. You can hear and see everything perfectly. We are so blessed to have modern technology. 


This little lady. She is getting older and so are we. We are both slowing down I think. Every afternoon I talk to my daughter on FB messenger and she asks me what is Mitzie doing and I take a photo to show her, and Mitzie is always sleeping.  She sleeps a lot more these days. She has brought so much joy into our lives.  Dad and I were talking yesterday about how much good having a pet does for us. He has a really fluffy cat that he adores.  Pets are good for the soul. 


I am not sure what I did to my neck in the night, but I woke up with a really sore neck this morning. I hope its not my new pillow that I spent a fortune on. 😢  I doubt it as I hav ebeen using it for a few weeks now and this is the first day I have had an issue with it. I know it was okay when I got up to go to the bathroom at 2 am. so something happened between then and when I woke up at 5:30. I can hardly move it. I have put cream on it and am hoping it will gradually improve as the day goes on. In the meantime, ouchie. 

Oh, and first thing this morning I opened the refrigerator to get Mitzie's food out to give her and a glass jar of green enchilada sauce jumped out at me and broke on the floor.  Glass and green sauce everywhere. I somehow had to clean it all up with a neck that isn't working right. I managed, and washed the floor, but will have to hoover it to make sure I got all the glass.  I hope this isn't a portent of the day ahead of me! 

And I am still trying to sort that thief out.

But yay, Tina is supposed to come today to pick up her Sunday School Print Outs. (A friend of ours does a lovely blog post about them each week and I print it out for Tina as she can't seem to get to his blog.) It will be nice to see her!  She had wanted us to come for lunch one day this week but I am not ready to do that just yet.  Mostly I don't want to do that because she would have to drive here all the way from Wales to pick us up and take us to their place and then do it again in reverse. I think its too much work for her and she is still in incredible pain since her car accident last October. She has yet to receive the settlement from the insurance as her Doctor has not been able to sign her off yet.  When she does finally get the settlement I hope it is a lot because she deserves it! 


The art of puttering.  That's all I think I am going to be doing for a few days until this neck business sorts itself out!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. .Its nice to be important,
but its more important to be nice. .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

On Saturday I did a half batch of my ex MIL's Green Tomato Chow. I had not done any pickling in years. I used my instant pot to water process the finished jars and it worked a charm. I was so pleased with how it all turned out.  This is a taste I have been missing for what seems like forever! 

Have a wonderful week. I hope its filled with lots of small and wonderful things! Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     Stay safe!    


  1. Oh, dear, Marie. You and I make a great pair, you with your stiff neck and me with my sciatica. Sure hope your neck feels better soon. I'm having a better night. Managed a few hours of sleep. Hoping I can go back to sleep. You had a rough start to the day. It's got to improve. Enjoy your visit with Tina. I think you're right about this Coronavirus being around for a while. My friends and I were even talking about Christmas and not exchanging gifts this year or having a Christmas lunch. We have decided to have a Christmas Tea with all the goodies purchased from a wonderful bakery close by. It will seem strange not to exchange but who wants to risk going to the shops or eating out right now? All three of us are seniors so must be extra cautious. Well, best be going back to bed or I'll be wanting breakfast, lol. Hugs and love to you all, Elaine.

    1. I think our lives are going to be impacted for a long time with this Elaine. My son's wife had to be tested at the weekend. We are still waiting on results. I hope and pray she doesn't have it. You are right, its not worth the price we might pay to go out shopping or eating out these days. I feel bad for the businesses that are losing out, but we all have to adapt. Here many are switching to home delivery, which is nice. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Take care Marie..usually these things leave us:)
    It's just a pain while it lasts..What a start to your morning!:(:(

    Cute cute jars..
    In France in certain could buy soups in beautiful Weck style big jars..maybe they were Wecks..:)

    1. Oh I bet the soup looked really nice in the Wecks jars. What a fabulous idea! xoxo

  3. We love peas too. We grew some this year, but my husband thinks they taste tart. I think we can throw them in a salad. I do think it is smart to have a plant for the bees. We need more bee population. We have some, but not as many as I think we should.
    I love to lay in the grass and looks at the clouds. We take photos occasionally.
    I really like the thoughts on your To do list today. I need to work on letting somethings go. Right now, I have a daughter in law that is against wearing masks and she is busy on Facebook with all sorts of posts against masks and other stuff. I feel masks are very much needed and people should wear them because we should care for one another. This has been really hard and I need to let it go.
    Our church has met once and we are not encouraged to go. I wish they would do a Zoom for it and also the fun you tube lessons.
    We do enjoy our own little Sacrament meeting though; it's very sweet and I always feel the spirit.
    Our Sammy is almost 12 years old, and he is slowing down to with us. How we do love our pets.
    I'm sad that you are having pain in your neck. I assume, it's like a stiff neck. I get that every once in a while. I would use some heat and ice alternating.
    I pray things get better so you can have some moments with Tina. I too feel like we aren't getting out of this very soon.
    However, they are starting to open the temples in phase two. A few will open next week here in Utah. Regretfully, not our temple yet. The cases need to come down more. However, there is some preparatory work going on for opening. I know we will probably go back at some point. We do feel safe in the temple and what they are doing to protect us all.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!


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