
Sunday 14 June 2020

Yada yada yada . . .

I love piano music so very much. I think next to the violin, the piano is my favourite instrument to listen to.   I never tire of it.   When I was a child I would have loved to have been able to take piano lessons . . . my parents would never have had any problems getting me to practice.  Alas . . . my parent's budget did not lend itself to pianos or music lessons. 

I'm quite sure I would have been a wonderful pianist!   But we will never know . . . I did get to learn how to play the clarinet and I got quite good at that.   My father was able to borrow one from the Station Band for me to use, so I was very lucky there.   But . . . pianos were a lot harder to come by I guess.  I did have a little toy tinkly one I drove my parents mad with when I was really small .  .  . 

I had a friend who had a real almost life sized toy piano when I was in Grade 4.  She wasn't a very nice person actually . . . but I played with her from time to time so I could play on her piano, which wasn't very nice of me either was it . . . She also wore braces which I wanted too . . . it's funny the things you wish for when you're a child isn't it???   Or maybe I was just a really weird kid???   Please tell me I wasn't alone in the oddity of my desires???  

 There was a piano in the back room of our home down in Brenchley that had sat there for years and years . . . I was trying to teach myself to play on it while we were there, but I did not get very far with it.  I lacked the time necessary to really practice.  Now I have all the time in the world, but . . . no piano.

Life is like that sometimes.  Just wasn't meant to be  . . . 

One of my favourite pianists is Paul Cardall.  If you click on his name it will open up one of my favourite pieces of his music.  His music takes me away to another place. Its just so peaceful and relaxing. Love of music, that is one of the gifts my father gave me. So grateful for that.   

 I took this photo of Mitzie yesterday . . . she was lolling about on the sofa, being cuddly and adorable.   I love to bury my nose in her belly and sniff her paws.  They smell like popcorn.  I am not sure why that is.  She is getting all shaggy, well overdue a grooming. The groomers have not been open. She is starting to really mind the heat.  I have an appointment for her with a mobile groomer, but the only one I could get was not until the middle of July.  We have given her baths/showers, which are achieved with a nice piece of string cheese and a hand held shower nozzle. 

She's an odd dog. When Todd is trying to water the garden she spends the whole time barking and trying to get in the hose spray, catch it, drink it, etc. But then when it comes to a bath, she's like no way!  

We had a Beagle named Penny when I was a child. My mother got her for my brother because she though a boy should have a dog.  Penny was my dog.  I slept with her every night, or should I say she slept with me. I loved her so much.  She had copper coloured ears. My mother had us give her a bath every Saturday afternoon, down in the twin tubs in the basement.  She never minded going down to the basement, but come bath time . . . she would hide.

What is it with dogs and baths??? 

Penny was my best friend. I could tell her everything and know she'd never tell anyone else.   It is the same with Mitzie.  She is a great keeper of secrets as well . . . who do you tell your secrets to???  


I read a beautiful piece about the Partaking of the Sacrament this week that I wanted to share with you all.  I also wanted to bookmark it here so that I never lose it. This person's thoughts on it are so profound and mirror so much my own, although they have put it into words far better than I ever could. I love this opportunity I have each Sunday to connect with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in this special way.  I am so grateful that even though at the moment we unable to go church, we can still partake of this beautiful ordinance in our homes through the presence of a priesthood holder  . . . 

 Sometimes I look at pictures like this . . . and my mind goes wandering down the path . . . exploring, wondering . . . imagining what I might find at the end of it.  I can hear the birds chattering back and forth to each other in the tops of the trees . . . and the distant hammering of a woodpecker, echoing across the wood.   I feel the crunch of last years dry leaves beneath my feet . . . and the air is filled with the scent of a million woodland blossoms . . . a dark green smell, mysteriously alluring.   I imagine that the fairies are close by, flitting here and flitting there amidst the shadows . . . perhaps twittering lightly to themselves about the path my thoughts are taking . . . a rustle of leaf, or whispered breath of air past my ear my only clues to their presence . . .  

 Would I find enchantment at the end of my walk??  I like to think that I would . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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"Poetry is the silence and speech
between a wet struggling root of a flower
and a sunlit blossom of that flower."
~Carl Sandburg
•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today . . .  Small Batch Amish Sugar Cookies  . . .  for the smaller family.  

I hope you have a beautiful day today  . . .  no matter what you get up to.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     




  1. It is odd what we wished for as children especially. My oldest daughter was so angry at age 5 that her eyes were not bad enough for glasses. Hubby and I and her older brother were all wearing them by then. She got her wish...boy did she. By the time she was 10 we were in a scramble to save what eyesight she had left. She is legally blind in one eye, without correction...and one eye sees more in blues and one in pinks. Which is helpful she tells me when doing painting and artwork which she has mastered well. But it appears she had chickepox and some other virus at the same time as a preteen and it damaged her eyes. Sadly. I am grateful she can manage as well as she can. She currently has a special kind of contacts she wears to sleep in...then during the day uses neither contacts nor glasses. And can see well enough. I had a piano and an organ actually, growing up...and some lessons. But tho I did play some for church, I am far from a master. I hear so many things in my head (no doubt from listening to my majorly talented mom playing piano) but I cannot make my hands work that good. But we still can appreciate music!! Hubby says the only wish he has for the next life is to join the choir singing at the Temple...I second that wish. Choir was one of the funnest times of our lives.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I could hardly wait to wear eye glasses also Elizabeth, but now I cannot remember what it is to see anything clearly without a frame around it! I am glad that your dear daughter is able to manage with her sight as well as she does. ((((((hugs)))))) I can't wait to sing in the Heavenly Choir also. I used to sing a lot when I was younger, but if you don't use it you lose it and now I can barely croak when it comes to singing. I loved being in the children's choir at church and in the glee club at school. Love and hugs to you always. xoxo

    2. Thank you Marie...she is one of the most determined people there pluckily charges ahead. Makes me tired just watching her. As to singing...heh, my voice has gone too...also disuse...but also age I think...all the muscles are pretty useless now too...ah well...just proves how much closer we are to the next life than we were, eh?
      Elizabeth with hugs too, xoxo

    3. This is very true Elizabeth! Sometimes I feel like I can't wait to get there and others I think, just a little while longer here please. xoxo

  2. Not weird at all! I wanted my thighs to not touch..

    So grateful to have legs now.

    I wanted straight thin hair..

    I wanted a canopy bed.I think I even threw a fit..oh dear me..

    LOL and you playing with her for her piano..You were young..don't worry..I just wrote to you on my blog..have you watched Filthy Rich? Jeffrey Epstein?
    Your cake is almost ready to go in..Focaccia baking..
    You have to try that I just don't stop making it..

    Take care Marie..
    Our piano was Jacque's mom's no one played it I don't know why they had one..the girls learned on it..M has ..we did get another one later in one uses it now..I surely dont play..the boys loved tapping on one except M once in a blue Christmas.

    1. Oh yes Monique, curly hair has always been the bane of my exisgance and now as an oldie, it has gotten even coarser! Blah!! Jeffrey Epstein, what a horrible man, and I can't believe his girlfriend was never charged! One wonders about all of the wealthy and powerful men he had at his beck and call. Surely he had things on them that he could have used to bring them down. It all left a very sick taste in my mouth! I have not seen filthy Rich, but will look for it. I need to make a Focaccia! Everyone is making them and decorating them so prettily too. I want! You take care also. They are opening things up too soon here in my opinion. Far too soon. xoxo

      PS-you reminded me of us visiting my mother's cousin Polly who had a piano in her hall by the stairs, and we could not pass it when we were there without tinkling the ivorys. We must have driven them crazy! xoxo

  3. This was a lovely post that I related to very much. I love the piano and was fortunate as a child to take lessons. Then when I turned twelve, my parents lost everything and we didn't have a piano any more. Then we got one again but couldn't afford lessons. I did go back and play pieces I knew. Then in my 40's I took a gain for 4 years and only practiced maybe two of them. I can play, but I have hardly ever played for anyone or anything. Basically, I get nervous and make mistakes. I would love to overcome that. I know inside that I don't have a natural talent for the piano; what I learned was hard work. However, I do love to play and it relaxes me and sometimes through the years it was used to release angry moments.
    I goo love Paul's music. I can imagine that you would have had a talent in that area too. You are one of the most multitalented sisters that I am aware of. You are amazing.
    Sammy is like Mitzie, he doesn't like baths at all. In fact, in order to get groomed we have to sedate him a tiny touch. He hides every time, he figures we are going to bath him. These sweet ones of our are bring such joy and love into our lives.
    Thanks for sharing the Sacrament article and thoughts. It is such a beautiful experience to learn how sacred that ordinance really is.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

    1. I guess we tend to take things for granted like Piano lessons. I would so have loved them as you know and I would have practiced too! I used to spend hours practicing my clarinet! Love and hugs, xoxo


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