
Saturday 13 June 2020

All things nice . . .

Garment of Love

Love has a hem to her garment
That reaches to the very dust.
It sweeps the streets and lanes,
And because it can, it must.
~Mother Theresa 
Today I am flooding my page with all things that are nice, because in the light of what we have been going through in the year 2020 to date, we could all use a little bit of nice.  

You can offer your ideas to others as bullets or seeds. You can shoot them, or sow them; ht people in th head with them, or plant them in their hearts.
Ideas used as bulles will kill inspiration and neutralize motivation. Used as seeds, they take root, grow, and become reality in the life in which they are planted.
The only risk in the seed approach: Once it grows and becomes part of those in whom it's planted, you probably will get no credit for originating the idea. But if you're willing to do without the credit . . .  you'll reap a rich harvest. ~Dr. Richard C. Halverson 

Are you a shooter or a planter? 
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
make me an instrument
of Thy peace.
Where there is hatred,
let us sow love;
where there is despair,
where there is sadness,
where there is darkness,
O Divine Master,
grant that we may not so much
seek to be consoled,
as to console;
not so much to be loves,
as to love.
For it is in giving that we
it is in pardoning that we are
it is in ding that we are born again
to eternal life. 
Matthew Henry was a well-known Bible commentator. One day he was robbed and that evening made the following entry in his diary:

Let me be thankful ---
First, because I was never robbed before
Second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life.
Third, because although they took my all, it was not much
and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.  


Dr. Victor E. Frankl, survivor of three grim years at Auschwitz and other Nazi prisons, has recoreded his observations on life in Hitler's camps:

We who lived in concentration camps can remember the me who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread.  They have been few in numbers, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms . . .  to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. 

Whenever I''m disappointed with my lot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in his school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement.

"Guess what mum!" he shouted, and then said those words that remain a lesson to me: "I've been chosen to clap and cheer!" 

~Marie Curling, Chosen 

There was a scratching noise on our dining room window this morning.  I looked over thinking to see a bird, but instead was rewarded with the sight of a squirrel. His tail rose elegantly like a feathered plume behind his squat little body and his eyes glistened with curiosity.  I had not expected such a sight when I woke up this  morning, but was gladdened by the treat of seeing something new that I had not seen through that window before.   He flitted off, his tail flicking here and there before I could capture a photo of him  . . . I wonder if he will be back.  Perhaps I should leave a treat for him tonight.  Who knows, he may bless me again with the sight of him. 

No other success in life . . .  not being President, or being wealthy, or going to college, or writing a book, or anything else  . . .  comes up to the success of the man or woman who can feel that they have done their duty and that their children and grandchildren rise up and call them blessed.
~Theodore Roosevelt, 1917  

One day as a young wife and mother of thirty-seven years of age, I was busy with my regular household tasks during a bright June morning, in 1872. Suddenly I became filled with the sense of nearness to the Master, and I began to wonder how anyone could ever live without him, either in joy or in pain. Then, the words were ushered into my mind and these thoughts took full possession of me ... "I need thee every hour  . . . "

I need Thee ev'ry hour,
Most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford.

I need Thee ev'ry hour,
In joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.
~Annie S. Hawks 


"Don't ever become so busy that you fail to
realise how very happy you are!"

Mother's statement has meant much to me as I have raised our family. Whenever I have felt overly busy to the point of neglecting the little joys, the expressions of appreciation, the realization of how happy we are  . . .  whenever play with the children seemed more of a duty than a priviledge, I have thought of mother's words. They have been a warning beacon that has changed my attitude toward life and toward what is valuable. ~Katherine Hillen 


When a message from God
would clear up the confusion,
He could write on my wall . . . 
or give the illusion.
But the writing that's there,
its plain to be seen,
is a simple crayon drawing
that I've yet to clean.

Lord help me to learn
I won't be receiving
a miraculous sign
wrought through believing
when each day I can see
and yet don't apply
Your messages looking me
straight in the eye.
~Susan Lenzkes  

And with that I shall leave you with a thought for today  . . . 
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Now, every time I witness 
a strong person, I want to know:
What darkness did you conquer
in your story?
Mountains do not rise
without earthquakes.
~Unknown ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon & Ginger Snacking Cake.  Deliciously simple!

Have a great Saturday.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 


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And I do too!    



  1. Loved your "All things Nice" post, Marie. We need "nice" more than ever these days. The St. Francis of Assissi prayer has always been a favourite of mine. We are going to be allowed to go to church again but with distancing measures in place and only using 30% church capacity. Not sure how that is going to work. We may wait a little longer to go back, just in case. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. A little bit of "nice" never hurts Elaine! Thank you! We are not ready to go back to church here yet. The numbers are not low enough, although our Government is in a big hurry to get things and people back to work. Understandably, as our economy needs the boost, but I cannot help but think at what cost? Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Nice..I just love nice..;) Funny I made a pillow with that nest saying:)Have agood and nice weekend:)

    1. I bet it is a lovely pillow Monique! You have a good and nice weekend also! xoxo

  3. Nice sayings, Marie!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. I enjoyed reading through your all things nice post today. It is nice to read about nice things today. I really liked a lot of the thoughts. I do think we choose our attitude and I have always tried to be positive, although I do have my down days.
    I loved the quote at the end quote. It is so great to be able to have a good attitude and to do and recognize the valuable moments of life.
    I really liked the poem at the end.
    Thanks for this positive post!
    Blessings and hugs!

    1. You are welcome LeAnn! I used to love President Hinkley for his positivity! I figure remaining positive is a gift for all. Love and hugs to you always! xoxo


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