
Monday 15 June 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard   

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

The first berries of the season. I wait all year for this. They are so sweet and delicious. I can't get enough of them. It is a race to see who gets them first, us, the slugs or the birds!  Hopefully we win out some of the time!  

My mother gave me this photograph of me some years back.  I am very grateful that she did or I wouldn't have ever had it. We have it, along with a baby photo of Todd, framed and hanging in our living room.  I was sitting on the sofa looking at it yesterday and it dawned on me how very much my parents must have loved me and been proud of me to have had this done. My mother was a real penny pincher. To have spent the money to have a professional photo done of me as a baby must have been a real sacrifice for my parents, especially as they had only been married less than two years. They never had one done of either my sister or my brother. I am so grateful for that little nudge from above I got last yesterday as I was looking at it. I did not ever have any graduation photos done and I have very few photos of my own children or family photos either, so this is a real treasure for me, and to realise how much I must have meant to my parents was a gift from above. 


I have always loved rainbows. To catch the glimpse of one early in the morning is a real gift.  We have had a few rainy days lately. Rainbows are an extra special blessing from the rain, aside from a nice green garden and beautiful roses. When you were a child did you ever try to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?  


Last evening there was an online Devotional for the youth of the United Kingdom and Ireland. We may not have any teens in our home, but we tuned into it anyways as there is always something we can learn and inspiration we can receive every time our leaders speak, wether it is for us as adults or for the young people of the church. Elder Ballard is 91 years old. He lost his wife 2 years ago now. He kept us totally mesmerised for 45 minutes. That is one thing I have noticed about the older leaders of our church, they have the power to inspire us no matter how old they are.  They never seem doddery or confused, and I always feel well fed spiritually.  

What do you get when you cross a canary and a lawnmower.  Shredded tweet!  (Collective groan.)  I have always loved shredded wheat.  My mother always covered it with some boiling water and then drained the water off and then added milk and a bit of sugar for us. I still enjoy it that way to this day, however now I am more inclined to add some fruit, a few berries, etc. It is such a simple thing, and yet it brings me so much pleasure. (That is a brown sugar substitute, Sukrin.) 

Baking Days. I still have them.  Not as many as I did when I was raising a family, but I do still love to bake. I may no longer be able to eat a lot of the things I bake myself, but I still really enjoy making them, and I enjoy gifting them to others.  

Clearly she is her mother's daughter, putting on lipstick.  I am so grateful for this little family and how they always check up on us to see if we are alright. Calling, stopping by for gate visits, etc. The other day they called us from Costco just to see if we were okay and did we need anything picking up. They are so thoughtful. 

We have been really blessed during this Pandemic to have kind neighbors and thoughtful friends. Although many restrictions are now being lifted, Todd and I still do not feel very safe and will still be sheltering at home. With so many still dying every day, and with our vulnerability, we do not want to take any chances. I think they are easing things up far too quickly here in England. I know they are worried about the economy, but at what cost?  I never thought I would say this but Nicola Sturgeon (first minister of Scotland) is showing a lot more common sense than our Prime Minister is in this respect. 

Something new to play with.  I got this pattern from Pretty Fabrics and Trims. I love doing felt Christmas Ornaments. These are especially nice. 


Last night we were challenged to be able to answer the Question, How do I know the Book of Mormon is true?

I know because I have read it and studied it and have felt the Power of the Holy Ghost testifying to me of its truthfulness when I have prayed about it.  I have been able to apply the principles taught on is pages to my own life and seen the changes which have been brought about because of this. Reading its words brings a special peace into my heart and soul, and comfort, and it has been a strength to me in times of trouble. 

You know how you just know when something is true and something is right?  Without a doubt?  That is how I feel about the Book of Mormon.  

Knowing also that this is true.  I know because its what I do and I have felt the enabling power of prayer to help to ge me through the day, each day, any day. 


My son Doug has started playing his guitar again and he sends me songs that he has recorded. I feel so loved when he does this. Each one is a special gift to me. I so appreciate his taking the time for me.  He sent me one just this morning and it made me cry, it was so beautiful and touched my heart in a really special way.  Thank YOU Doug! 

My heart is touched each week in a myriad of small and beautiful ways, far too many to write about here. My life is filled with tender mercies and gratitude for them.  

A thought to carry with you   . . . 

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When He says to the
poor in spirit, come unto me,
He means He knows the way out,
and He knows the way up.
~Jeffrey R Holland•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Quick and Easy Firecracker Chicken.  Seriously yum yum! 

Have a great week. I hope it is filled to oveflowing with blessings and tender mercies, both large and small.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     Stay safe!  






  1. Hi Marie, I enjoyed reading your post this morning. My mom fixed our shredded wheat exactly the same as our mom did. Here's a cute story. When my husband was a child, he would see the huge bales of hay in a field and wondered how they shrank them down to fit in the cereal box! We haven't bought shredded wheat in years but just a couple of weeks ag we did. Haven't had any yet. Enjoy your day. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! Your story about your husband reminded me of how I used to think the Muffets cereal was made from Hay bales! I love Shredded Wheat. Have you ever made shredded wheat bread? Its very good! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. I too love Shredded wheat and now instead of warming it with hot water, I just put some milk in the bowl with the shredded wheat and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. It's a good warm breakfast cereal. We had a chilly week end so some thing warm was appreciated.

    1. Our mornings have been chilly Pam, but our days have been warm. I could eat warm cereal any time! What would we do without our microwave ovens! I loved your recent post on smiles! Your blog has been putting a smile on my face for quite a few years now! xoxo

  3. I remember that cute pic of you,my parents had shots of me too and I cherish them
    I used to love SW but no hot water:)
    Adorb felt patterns..
    Grace is a cutie and your son is a rock star:)

    1. I really love all my children Monique, but these three who go out of the way to include me in their lives, they warm my heart. Those felt patterns are adorable. I wish they would do more! xoxo

  4. I loved reading through this one. Yes, I know about the berries and trying to get them before the birds. The baby photo of you is adorable and I can see why you treasure it.
    I wish we had some devotionals going on here. I do think these elderly leaders are so wonderful and full of wisdom and tell us exactly what we need to know today to carry on.
    That little baby is so cute and I am so happy her parents watch over you two.
    I think Utah opened up to fast too and I am disappointed that many of the members of the church aren't social distancing and wearing masks as asked. It' so sad; the uncaring attitudes that
    surround us.
    Prayer is key and I need it.
    I love the photo of your son Doug and love what he is doing. I can just imagine what joy that brings to your heart.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! We have two more coming up as well. A stake one and a Ward one. I love them! Oh, things are opening up too fast here, way too fast. I think that the Government is very worried about the economy. I think we just need to spend some time rethinking how we do everything and just making it a lot safer for people before we let freedom reign!! Love and hugs, xoxo


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