
Tuesday 9 June 2020

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY, June 9th, 2020 

Outside my window ... 
What the day holds remains to be seen. It could be sunny, it could turn wet. It is a bit chilly, but it could end up really warm. The birds are singing. Things are peaceful and quiet. I do not miss the noise of traffic.

I am thinking ... 
Some of you misunderstood my comment yesterday about the protests.  I am not a racist or for racists or for racism in any way.  I am anti-violence, no matter the protest.  I am not pro-slavery. Not by any stretch and never have been. It did not take the unjust killing of a black-man for me to form my opinions and views.  I have always been a person who stands up for the right, but always within the confines of the laws of the country I live in and in a peaceful manner. I am not a law breaker. I agree with my Prime Minister when he said:

 "People can campaign for the removal of a statue but what happened yesterday was a criminal act and when the criminal law is broken that is unacceptable. The PM absolutely understands the strength of feeling, but in this country we settle our differences democratically, and if people wanted the removal of the statue there are democratic routes which can be followed."  

From the head of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer:

"The way this statue has been pulled down is completely wrong, but it should have been removed a long, long time ago. You can't, in 21st Century Britain, have a slaver on a statue. The statue should have been brought down properly with consent, and put in a museum."  

I am against violence and lawlessness.  I am against the desecration of War Memorials, set up to honor the very people who fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy today.  I am against people throwing bricks at innocent animals and breaking their noses, animals whose only crime was to be ridden in an effort to squelch violence. It was not their choice to be there and they don't deserve to be harmed. I am against anarchy. When anarchy and violence become the rule of the day we all lose.

I am against the looting and pillaging of businesses. Businesses which employ people, which pay taxes. I don't care if they have insurance or not. When they lose, we all pay in the long run, no matter the colour of our skin or our politics.

Was I appalled and dismayed at the police brutality and actions which have caused  the loss of innocent lives? Of course I am. Can I truly understand the feelings and righteous indignation of people of colour?  Of course not. But I can try.

I am not ignorant and I do not live in a bubble.

You don't know me. You only think you know me.  You know only what I allow you to know and what I choose to share with you. You don't know all of my battles. Bullying is wrong.  Bullies are not welcome here.  Your choice is simple. If you don't like what you read, then don't read.

I am thankful for... 

Parents who brought me up to love and to care for my fellow man, irrespective of their colour, religion or sexual identity etc.  To respect others and their property. To be law-abiding, peaceful and a good steward of the earth. To love God first, and to honor His commandments.

In the kitchen ...  

In The English Kitchen today, an old, old, old recipe.  Nova Scotia Fish Chowder, without any bells and whistles.
On my "To Cook" list ...  

The First Year Blog.  Turtle Cookies.  Oh my goodness  . . . 

Good to know ...  

I am creating ...  

Crochet Switch Witch. Diddy Hedgehog free crochet pattern. Cute, and there is a video.

Crochet Dreamz.  Crochet dishcloth and kitchen towel. 

Annies Catalogue, towel toppers and pot holders.  Not free.

Flamingo Toes.  Free pattern.

Flax and Twine.  Make an embellished jean jacket.

I am reading ... 
Mrs. Lincoln's Sisters, by Jennifer Chiaverini
In May 1875, Elizabeth Todd Edwards reels from news that her younger sister Mary, former First Lady and widow of President Abraham Lincoln, has attempted suicide. Mary’s shocking act followed legal proceedings arranged by her eldest and only surviving son that declared her legally insane. Although they have long been estranged, Elizabeth knows Mary’s tenuous mental health has deteriorated through decades of trauma and loss. Yet is her suicide attempt truly the impulse of a deranged mind, or the desperate act of a sane woman terrified to be committed to an asylum? And—if her sisters can put past grievances aside—is their love powerful enough to save her?

 Maternal Elizabeth, peacemaker Frances, envious Ann, and much adored Emilie had always turned to one another in times of joy and heartache, first as children, and later as young wives and mothers. But when Civil War erupted, the conflict that divided a nation shattered their family. The Todd sisters’s fates were bound to their husbands’ choices as some joined the Lincoln administration, others the Confederate Army.

Now, though discord and tragedy have strained their bonds, Elizabeth knows they must come together as sisters to help Mary in her most desperate hour.

Dreaming of ... 


Snails that don't eat your plants  . . . 


Embroidered collars  . . . 


Bee Blossom Embroidery  . . . 


Embroidered tea towels  . . . 


Embroidered pocket books  . . . 

Something to watch ... 

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
We watched this last night.  Excellent. 

Makes me smile ... 


Here's looking at you kid  . . .

A thought to carry with you  ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Can you remember
who you were before the world
told you who you should be?
~Charles Bukowski •。★★ 。* 。 

Corners of my kingdom ... 


Duntrune Castle, Scotland.  The oldest continuously occupied castle in Scotland. 

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day! Be safe and don't forget!   

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And I do too!     


  1. Will look for Tom!
    I guess you got some flack..oyoyoy..

    Just watched The Beautiful Fantastic and loved it! Handmade By Amalia suggested it on her stories:)

    1. I will look for that one Monique! You will love Tom! Its a fantastic film. You will laugh and you will cry, but mostly you will feel good. What a special man Mr Rogers was. He validated everyone. We should all be more like him! Tom Hanks did an excellent job in portraying him. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to watch it again.

      Yet, a bit of flack, but nothing I can't handle. ;-) xoxo

  2. I agree with you, we all should have the freedom of speech, the right to make a protest, be we do not have a right to destroy oomeonew property for to riot and lute We have to be responsible citizens. Support what's right and demote what's wrong.

    1. Thanks Pam. Loud shouting voices always try to drown out the quiet and sensible ones. That doesn't make them right. Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Well, rereading your post, I did not see one word about the brutality, the maiming, or the murders of the people whose treatment is being protested. Sorry, but you said nothing about the people harmed, just the ones whose anger has exploded, and property. And if anyone thinks that people in your country and mine have not been trying for decades to go through 'the proper channels' to get those statues removed, you have not been paying attention at all. Suddenly, people are stepping up to do 'the right thing'. Where were they before the protests? Definitely NOT doing the right thing.
    I like your blog, I bought your book, and I get a lot of good things from them. But what you said in your post, and what you say you think, are not the same. Nowhere did you say you were appalled by the brutality, until I called you out on it. Sorry, but that's how I see this. And yes, I am very angry at people who seem to completely miss the point, and the reasons behind, the protesting. Whoever they may be.

    1. You have a right to your opinion whether I agree with it or not. I know what is in my own heart and how I feel about things. Have a nice day.

  4. I agree with you totally Marie!! Besides, any of us in the USA for generations likely are mixed blood...I certainly do not look much like it, though one brother did, but I have Cherokee blood that I know of, plus it is likely some kind of Native Indian on the opposite side of my house too, from the looks of one Great Grandma. People assume way too much. There is absolutely nothing to be gained in a country of law, by such extreme actions. (Of course, we read many places that the ones doing the damage are not even from the cities they are destroying). And of course, no one cares a fig for the innocent property owners either. Sad what this country has come to. And another thing people just looking at a person do not know, is that we have 7 grandchildren...4 of them are other races...we have an African American one, a Chinese one, and 2 who look very much like their other Grandpa from South America!! HOW COULD WE BE AGAINST THEM?? Our darling grandkids we love very much!! I am angry to be even thought to be racist just because of my freckled skin etc!! And whoever chooses what they will look like anyway? Only GOD has that choice, so far as I know. Well, you are brave to have a thin skin would not allow me to deal with some of the nasty things people say!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Trust me when I say that I often come very close to stopping this blog, but then the haters would win. I do not have thick skin, believe me. I am a true Heinz 57, with many ethnicities in my DNA. Where were all of these passionate people six months ago, or even six weeks ago. We cannot let the loud and angry voices silence the quiet and sensible ones. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Well said, Marie. Why anyone would think you are racist is beyond my comprehension. A peaceful protest for a good cause is one thing. Riots and violence detract from the reason people are protesting and gives a bad name to everyone, peaceful or not. Those turtle cookies look delicious. I want to see the "Tom" movie. Maybe the library has it. Take gentle care like those gentle lambs in your picture. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. I do hope you are able to see the Tom Hanks film. It is really good. I wanted to rewatch it as soon as we had watched it. What a nice and genuinely kind man he was. We could all learn something from him.Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Marie, there are so many things wrong with the USA right now...maybe there basically has been for most of my lifetime, if not longer. But this country was formed with a very definite idea, based upon things taught in the Bible, as the way to have the best country on earth. And I believe at times it was. But the fact is that there is so much wrong, it seems impossible to fix. Some of us however, do have some ideas that might work but to my knowledge have not been tried. But violence begets more violence. Pure and simple, over and out. Our family has a huge burden to carry. The sperm donor of our grandkids turns out is a pedophile. Yet, he has been helped and helped and helped over and over and over again by the police, CPS, Lawyers, name it. SO I wonder what is Excentric and others like her doing to right this wrong??? We could use some help...big time!! Some women have fled to other countries for asylum with their children. SO being the victim of a sexual crime is very violent if you ask me...but most evidently DO NOT CARE!! You have no idea how painful it is for my daughter to have to hand off the kids for their frequent visits with their dad...the courts acting like he is normal, when he so obviously is not. This problem does not affect just one race...but in fact, I wonder if they think he is Mexican and should be protected?? If he appeared white, would he have to stand accountable for his crimes?? So far a very lucky person. Talk about inequity?? Those of us with reason and calm and strength of character need to stand strong and do all we can...all across society to make things right. Maybe some who are younger and stronger need to get into office. We were very politically active when we were young...we are too old now...doing good to stay out of the nursing home. Frankly. Hang in there Marie...continue being a voice of reason...there are far too few these days!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. We live in a truly broken world Elizabeth and we know these are the birth pangs of the latter days. Days when, as the scriptures teach us, right will seem wrong and wrong will seem right. "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power." 2nd Timothy 3:1-4

      They also tell us that when we see all these things, and more, we know that the time of His coming is near. All I can say is, Jesus take the wheel. We are so ready for His return. xoxo

  7. Thanks for this one Marie! I loved it as always. I do like your thoughts on the current situation; you mirror my own.
    I enjoyed all you photos of crocheted items and embroidery ones too. I wonder if people embroidery like they used too. My mother loved to do needle point and made some beautiful items. I don't know why I don't learn some of these arts. I do like to crochet and want to start again. I couldn't find yarn in some of the stores I shop in. I haven't been out and about to look since the Covid restrictions.
    I'm just hanging on and trusting in the Lord's plan as things continue to unfold.
    I do want to watch the one with Tom Hanks. I loved the daily series and my kids grew up watching them. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood. He was so perfect and teaching children the way to love everyone.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs to you two!

    1. You are sure to love this film with Tom Hanks. He does a wonderful job of portaying a wonderful man. Love and hugs to you and Roger. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!