
Wednesday 10 June 2020

. . .

My husband and I have been sheltering at home for 14 weeks now.  The last time I went anywhere, (other than short walks around our neighborhood with Todd and Mitzie early in the morning) was on the 5th of March. That was the last time I was able to go to my Back Doctor. 

I remember things feeling very strange on that day.  We stopped at a cafe on the way home for a drink and I felt very fearful of germs and the possibility that we might come into contact with the virus. I have never felt so afraid of being around other people and in a public space in my life.

My husband is 82 years old and has had cancer.  I am a diabetic with high blood pressure and I suspect the beginnings of copd, as well as being close to 65 years of age. We are both in a highly vulnerable group. We live in a country where the statistics for the Covid virus read as follows: 

As of 9am 6 June, there have been 5,438,712 tests, with 218,187 tests 
on 5 June. 284,868 people have tested positive. 
As of 5pm on 5 June, of those tested positive for coronavirus, 
across all settings, 40,465 have sadly died.
(Source the Department of Health and Social Care) 

And this was half a week ago, before all of the marches, protests, etc. I firmly believe that in about two weeks time we will see a huge spike as a result of these foolhardy activities with the huge lack of facemasks and social distancing I was witness to via social media, etc.  Pictures like this  . . . 

and this  . . . 


and this  . . . 

quite rightly upset me.  I have a right to be upset about this. It is not only selfish and foolhardy in my opinion, but it makes a mockery of the sacrifice that my husband, myself, and many, many others who have also been sheltering  have made over these past weeks. A sacrifice that was made to protect the health and lives of our health care workers and communities, and the lives of vulnerable people all over our country.  People of all races, religions, ages, sexual identities, etc. My daughter and her husband are health care workers and have two young children. Ariana is a health care worker with a young child. A sacrifice that was made because our Government asked us to make it.

I choose to not behave in a foolhardy way, and I oppose violence and civil disobedience. That does not make me a racist. Believing that there is a better way to bring about change does not make me a racist. Just because you shout louder than me, does not make me a racist.

I will always choose the gentler more peacable route to change and I do it with my vote. You do things your way and I'll do things mine.

 I have always said that I will write this blog so long as I am having fun doing it.  Yesterday I came very close to deciding to just walk away. But, after thinking about it for a time and prayer,  I decided why should I let the voices of a few bullies stop me from doing something which helps more people than it hurts.

Have a nice day.



  1. I agree with every word Marie. Thank you for your posts......I look forward to them every day. Stay strong and stay safe xx 💕💕

    1. Thanks Karen. You stay strong and safe also. Its nice to hear from you! xoxo

  2. I agree with you. I am staying at home and enjoy your posts.

    1. Thanks very much Dee. I think we will have to stay home a lot longer than anticipated, but at least we are safe here for the time being! You stay safe also. xoxo

  3. I totally agree with you Marie stay safe

    1. Thank you Shirley. You stay safe and healthy also. xoxo

  4. After all the hard work and sacrifices people have made ..I can't wrap my head around all the no masks no distancing.
    Families..are having hard times with children not being able to go to school..etc..
    this is just scraping the top.
    The DEATHS.. I just don't get it..
    At all.
    I get protesting.I hate racism.
    I don't get ruining what countries have been doing since March.
    But then..what other way was there to protest? I have no words..just worries.

    1. I know Monique! I don't get it. Was it all for nothing? It defies my understanding. I don't disapprove of people protesting and it is certainly a worthy cause, but surely there is a safer and better way to do it. I hate racism as well. I think that the world will be a much better place when we can look at each other always with the eyes of love and equality. Like you I worry, and I dread to think that all of our sacrifice was for nothing. xoxo

  5. I'm in agreement with you. There is always a better way, a peaceful way to protest and express ourselves. Putting others in danger by choosing not to be safe, puts a big burden on all of us. Hopefully it will not become so bad that we will all be shut down again. I still haven't gone out and intend to remain safe at home as long as it's possible. Thankfully I have family to help me do just that.

    1. I think it has just all gone way over the top Pam. Now they are wanting to destroy and erase history and it isn't right. Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Well said....Amen. Thank-you so much for continuing your blog; I have enjoyed it for quite a few years!

  7. Oh, Marie, please don't stop writing your blog. That would be a big loss for so many people and I think you would miss it, too. We live in a troubled world made much more complicated by the pandemic. I think people who don't know the fear of having a loved one test positive just don't get it! It's as far away as Europe and as close as your next door neighbour. Personally, I think we are opening things up too early. I think there will be a second wave and we will perhaps be back to square one. What to do? Well, I made a lovely strawberry layer cake. It's a two layer cake with fresh strawberries in the batter and in the icing. I'll email you the link. So take gentle care, my friend. I sure hope you don't have the beginnings of COPD. Love and hugs, Elaine.

    1. Oh, that recipe sounds lovely Elaine! Our berries in the garden are starting to ripen now. Yum! I hope I don't either, but I have a partially collapsed lung and have done for years, so we will see. Love and hugs. xoxo (PS-look forward to the cake recipe and your book is here, so will try to get it posted soonest! xoxo)

  8. I loved every word of this one dearest friend. You think exactly like I do. This is all so sad and our Savior must be sad too.
    However, I do believe that it is all part of the last days and the 2nd coming of our Savior. We just watched to excellent you tube videos on that. One is by a Jodi Stoddard and is was very revealing. She uses all church resources and states some of her own opinion but it was excellent in seeing that times are wrapping up.
    Here in Utah our cases are lower but going up. It all started when they loosened restrictions and that gave cause of many to think they didn't have to social distance and use masks. Sadly, enough with even the riots here, I think we will see a hugs spike in cases. Our Prophet has asked us to be good Global citizens and that is what we are trying to be. I wish many members of the church could see this too. It makes me so sad.
    Well, you must never quit your writing; I love your posts and you do make a difference.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Oh, if everyone would listen to the Prophet eh? What a change the world would see. I am sure the numbers will go up especially with all of the shouting and spitting that was going on. I hate anarchy and willful destruction. Love and hugs LeAnn. Stay safe! xoxo


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