
Monday 8 June 2020

Small and wonderful things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

  A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   
Church at home.  I have begun to lose my sense of timing in just how long we have been sheltering at home, but I think it has been about 14 weeks judging by the tithing I have saved in our tithing envelope.  I am so grateful for Sundays which are still sacred and holy thanks to inspired leadership and church at home. There are only the two of us, but we are still able to partake of the sacrament, listen to soul enriching talks and music online, even attend Sunday School online.  Last evening we were able to listen to and watch a Missionary Fireside on facebook. I always enjoy them so very much. The musical talent our Missionaries have and share with us is simply wonderful and the testimonies of new members that are shared are so very inspiring.  Normally we don't get to go to them as they are held quite a distance away and Todd no longer liked to drive at night, but we have so enjoyed watching these monthly devotionals on line over these past weeks.  They fill our hearts with love and peace. 
We have lots of fledglings visiting our garden these days.  I love to watch them.  Not quite having flown the nest, but soon I am sure.  They fly to and fro awkwardly as mother teaches them the things they need to know. Nature is such a beautiful miracle.  I feel my Heavenly Father's love as I watch them. 

God sees the little sparrow fall, 
It meets His tender view; 
If God so loves the little birds, 
I know He loves me, too. 
He loves me, too,
 He loves me, too, 
I know He loves me, too; 
Because He loves the little things, 
I know He loves me, too. 

Did you sing this hymn when you were a child?  I did and whenever I see sparrows I am reminded of it.  Very young children are so close to God, not having long since left His presence.  Loving him and feeling His love for them in return just comes naturally. 

I was thinking of my wee grandson in Heaven yesterday.  He was very much on my mind. Little James  . . .  I am sure my mother has become well acquainted with him by now and is keeping him safe for the rest of us, perhaps telling him all about us.  I hope he knows we love him. I look forward to seeing them both one day. He would have been six years old now.  I am so grateful for the Gospel which teaches us that families are eternal. 

Its been so long since I have done any art. Each week I tell myself this is the week I am going to get back at it, and then my time fritters away and I don't get to it. I miss it. I haven't done any pretty much since we lost mom. 



I think this is the last one I did, and she looked so sad  . . .  

I usually work with copic markers and they are mostly used up now.  I can't afford to buy new ones.  I am trying to learn the art of water colour   . . . 

Sometimes I do well at it, and other's not so well . . .  I need more practice. 


In the Devotional last night we were challenged to think of what question we would ask the Saviour if we could only ask one.  I had so many that went through my  mind, but here, this morning . . . it comes to me  . . .  "Why?" 

Cheese dreams.  Last evening while we were watching tv I had a small piece of cheese.  We buy these packs that have like 50 different small bites of cheese in them, individually wrapped, not much larger than a matchbox.  I had one and then proceeded to have cheese dreams. I dream really vividly anyways, but these dreams were something else.  For instance I dreamt my ex-employer sent me a huge box filled with goodies, gifts, etc. along with a friendly note about how much she missed me and had valued me as an employee. Why? (There's that question again.) 

Can I be honest this morning?   This past week I have struggled to find the light.  In a world of chaos where everthing is totally the opposite to what it should be and where the news which greets us with each day is nothing less than horrendous, I have struggled. Pandemic and sheltering, I can just about manage.  But this  . . . 

It makes me waver between despair and anger. Where are the masks, the social distancing, etc.???  I see very few masks and no social distancing going on.  How utterly, utterly selfish.  I dread to think of what the numbers are going to be in two week's time.   What have we stayed in for, for these past weeks  . . .  if things like this are going to happen.  How much damage will have been done with such thoughtlessness.  I know most youth don't think old lives matter anyways, but how will they feel when its their loved ones, or  . . .  God forbid, themselves . . . the virus is not a hoax or a game. Real people are dying and we have a duty of care to all people, and especially to our National Health Care Workers who will be the ones who suffer the most after all of this. 

Don't even get me started on the desecrations that have been done to important memorials, historic buildings, etc. statuary in honor of people who fought for the very rights they freely enjoy today. For what? I have to stop now before I say things that I shouldn't. Its insanity and so, so, so wrong.  You not going to erase several hundred years of history by dumping a statue into a harbour or writing filth over an historical landmark.

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Slow-cooked Macaroni.  Deliciously different.

Have a great day.  Try not to let it get you down too much.  Just keep telling yourself this too will pass and remember  . . . 

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And I do too!     Stay safe!  


  1. Marie did I know you had lost a wee one? I am so sorry..

    Yes with your mom:)

    Your art is fantastic! You seel yourself so short.
    I love it all always have.
    It is adorable and perfect and charming and outstanding!


    The marches and protests worry me alos..all related to Covid..72% are people over 80.
    Is anyone thinking of them?
    Everyone IS created equal..why did it have to come to is awful and terrible and tragic that racism exists.
    Shame shame shame shame.
    Funny I look at people of different races and're beautiful..
    The manifestations are in Mtl also..everywhere really..

    Some masked many not everywhere.

    1. My son and his wife have lost several children Monique, but James was the first one they were properly allowed to mourn. I agree with all of your thoughts on the marches and protests and racism. I, too, see beautiful people of many colours, races, sexual identities etc. What has always matered to me most is what's on the inside. I think the way these people have congregated shows a total lack of respect for our health care system and the lives of those who can be profoundly affected by their total disregard. I predict deaths from the virus will multiply again in about two weeks time, needlessly, and it could have all been prevented. xoxo

  2. So true nothing ever lasts for ever. Change is a constant. We have to take the good and the bad and handle it the best we can as it comes. It's all a matter of attitude.

    1. Attitude makes all the difference in the world Pam, you are so right! xoxo

  3. It does seem that the statue that was thrown into the river was of a slave trader, so maybe the river is the best place for it. Caring more about property than those protesting police brutality seems an odd choice. Police brutality costs people their lives. Lives matter a lot more than property.

    1. I have addressed this in my latest post. I do think that lives matter more than property, but I also think that when we allow anarchy to rule the day we all lose. There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. This was the wrong way. You cannot erase years of history by throwing a statue in a river. Those types of Actions fule the fire of emotion and incite further violence. Do I approve of slavery, of course not! But it is a part of our history. History, once forgotten is bound to be repeated. Physical reminders of our shame can be important teaching tools and moments. Perhaps this statue was better located in a museum under a proper context. The city of Bristol also benefitted greatly in other ways via this man's wealth as well. The stain of slavery taints us all. As does the stealing of land from indigenous peoples and forcing them onto reservations, which was done all over North America, and in many other countries as well. Violence has never been the answer or the right way to bring about change. I stand by my thoughts.

  4. Dreams are so strange sometimes...rarely do I remember mine but last night was one of those frustrating ones that does not have an ending. Several unrelated and unknown to each other people came to the apt. I struggled to get at least 3 plates of food put together to serve them...then as I put the plates on table, there sat 2 more to feed. ARGH...a nightmare!! I have not entertained at all for several years now...but I am one who always fixed enough for at least twice as many as were eating...never wanting anyone to leave my table hungry. I guess the times we are living in, wondering if things will get even worse, etc. must be playing around in the recesses of my brain?
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Elizabeth, for many years I have dreamt of banquets and sitting at tables of food I have never gotten to even taste. Who knows what's behind that! Like you I always fixed enough to feed an army. God forbid anyone sat at my table and left hungry! xoxo

  5. Yes, this too shall pass. I admire and agree with the cause but not the methods being used by the protesters. The coronvirus seems to be all but forgotten. Yikes! I'm so sorry to hear of your family's loss of wee James. Your mom is loving him now. It was nice to see some of your paintings again, Marie. You are certainly very talented. Hugs and peace, love Elaine

    1. I admire the cause as well Elaine, but not the methods being used to protest. So wrong at this time amidst this pandemic. The words, selfish, foolhardy and foolish come to mind. I am sure mom is taking care of James until his parents get there. Love and hugs, Elaine. I need to start painting again. xoxo

  6. I do wish more would just have a desire to believe and find the Savior in their lives. What a difference the world would be if we just lived the first two commandments.
    I too am saddened by all the broken rules of the restrictions. It's scary to think how the numbers will surely go up.
    If we could just be safe until a treatment or vaccine comes for the horrific Covid 19. People just don't get how dangerous it really is. It's all so sad.
    I do love your artwork. I am one of your biggest fans. You are brimming with talent in more than one area for sure. I admire you greatly.
    I'm sure your wee one is with your Mom. I too look forward to seeing my loved ones again. I'm so grateful for the marvelous plan on Salvation.
    I'm a true cheese lover so I like your thoughts on that one.
    Well, stay safe and may have the wonderful blessings coming your way. Sending hugs!

    1. I agree totally LeAnn! Love, hugs and blessings to you and Roger. Stay safe! xoxo


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