
Friday 20 March 2020

My Friday Finds . . .

A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become, inspire memories . . . maybe they will do the same for you!    
Something to do with all that extra time we have on our hands at the moment.  I was thinking if you don't have a brush, a dry coarse facecloth would probably work well.  Get your partner to help with any hard to reach areas.  

I think that ship has sailed already, but better late than never!  Apparently you can take ten years off the way you look! I'm in!!

I couldn't find a source, but this could be fun! 
 A Christmas Card shadow box mae with a wee box.  Again no source, but it looks comparitively easy to do. 
Attagirl Says. Shadow Box Ornaments tutorial. 
Church Mouse Yarns.  Half a granny square shawl.  Free pattern.  I love this. 

Erika Eccles.  Granny Square Scarf.  This would be a great scrap buster!  

Crochet Talk. Gorgeous Sophie Digard Nitro linen scarf.  Free pattern.  
No Milk Today.  Easter Meringue Nests.  

Miss Petel.  Meringue Alfajores.  
Donna Hay.  Chocolate and Raspberry Coconut Pannacotta Bars.   Maybe for after this is all over and we can get back to the shops.  Something to look forward to! 
The Kitchen is my Playground.  Classic Three Bean Salad.  
Prudent Penny Pincher.  100 Homemade Bread Recipes.  
Cottage at the Crossroads. DIY Burlap Covered Lamp Shade.  
Hammer Like A Girl.  Now that's dramatically different. Very arsty.  A twig Lampshade.  
Smile!  Its Kewpie! 
Marjolien Bastin.   I Love her art.  I used to love buying her notecards, etc. when I lived in Canada. You would think that since England is closer to the Netherlands, we could find them here. Not so.
Smile and Style.  Decoupage Easter Eggs.   Very Cath Kidston. 
Buzz Feed. Then there are these and there is a tutorial.  

 Food for the soul. 

 Just one Cook.  Fifteen Easy Japanese Recipes.

Look at the beautiful flowers my next door neighbour left on my doorstep yesterday.   She is just such a thoughtful person.  I know I do share my baking etc. with her and her son, but she always goes above and beyond.  She even left me a litre of  fresh milk, and today she is going to be pick up Mitie's tablets for us while she is out. She was a ray of sunshine in what was a day filled with some not so good stuff. 
Todd had not slept very well on Tuesday night so he got up and got  drink then went back to bed for a few hours.  He got up around noon, got dressed, had his oatmeal and then went to take Mitzie for her walk.  About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I was dubious about answering it, but I did, and when I did there was this lady on the doorstep with Todd and Mitzie.  Todd had somehow fallen over and had cut his face from forehead down just his right eye, to just below his cheek bone.  He was very shaky to say the least.  We all were.  He also grazed his right knee very badly.  He can't remember what happened.  Just that he went down, whack.  I am so grateful for the kindness of this lovely women and her thoughtfulness in bringing him home and the dog as well. Ariana came over and had a look. (So grateful she just lives around the corner and she is a nurse and she came.)  You can't go to the Doctor's surgery at the present. They are closed because of the virus, and of course the A&E are overburdened.  He was a bit confused afterwards, probably the shock.  Tina had stopped by to get these print outs I am doing for her. (We did practice social distancing.) He proceeded to introduce Ariana to Tina, which was a bit strange as we all go to the same church and Tina was here often when Ariana was living with us.  He did seem to settle down all right, and I kept a close watch on him all evening.  He had a good supper, and then some homemade bread and cheese, which he enjoyed.  I dressed it with a clean bandage and some surgical tape to keep the pillow from busting it open again when we went to bed. I think he probably needed a stitch or two, but impossible to get at the moment.  I am just so SO very grateful for the kindness of  strangers.  I was able to go onto the local chat group on Facebook and find out who the woman was and thank her again. In better times, I would definitely be bringing her some flowers in thanks. I wasn't sure if my thanks had been good enough at the door, and so was grateful that at least I could find her online and thank her.  Angels are walking among us to be sure. 
A thought to carry with you . . . 
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With freedom, books
Flowers and the moon,
who could not be happy.
~Oscar Wilde•。★★ 。* 。 

Farmhouse Cheddar Soup.  I did have something new to share with you today but with all that happened yesterday I didn't get around to posting it. Something else for us to look forward to! 
Do stay safe today.  Do all that you need to do to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.  If you know someone who is alone, do pick up the telephone and give them a dingle to let them know you are thinking of them. It will really brighten their day. Know always that  . . . 

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And I do too!   




  1. Oh, my gosh, Marie. Todd's fall must have left you all quite shaken. Oh, yes, there are definitely angels that walk among us. The kindness of strangers is what keeps this old world of ours spinning around. Hope Todd is more himself today. I know you are taking good care of him. We are planning on venturing out today to get a few groceries, etc. We will be as quick as we can and try not to look longingly at things I must not eat. My blood sugars have come down nicely but are not quite "normal" yet but we try. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Do be safe when you are out and about Elaine! Here all people over 70 or with underlying health conditions have been told to stay home. Easier said than done sometimes! Todd is having a very quiet day today! Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. Oh no..:( Alain's dad fell out of his truck..ambulance the hospital they found out his cancer had returned..:( Kidneys were shutting down..he's had 2 heart attacks there in know.. here this morning..the news is that older people are not taking heed and braving the virus by socializing etc..It just gets worse..I've called the clinic to see if my appt can be by phone.
    Take care Todd..poor you!

    1. Oh Monique, I am so sad to read this. I am so sorry. Keeping Alain and your daughter and the family in my prayers. Over here it is the opposite. It is the young people who are braving the virus by socialising. The older folks are sitting afraid in their homes. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. You are blessed having such good people living around you. I'm so thankful that Todd is ok and doing well. I can image the really shook the two of you up for awhile. Probably Mitzie too. Take good care my friend.

    1. Thanks Pam! Yes Mitzie was quite out of sorts as well! You are a ray of sunshine! xoxo

  4. Mercy...taking care of men is not a piece of sorry about know, I think the excessive stress right now is impacting all of us. I feel shaky inside at times...mostly due to things like my meds being a problem, etc. Pray that Todd and you will be better soon!! Take care.
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth! I admit I am a bit afraid to let him walk the dog again, but someone has to do it. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. What a scare! I'm so glad you're all ok for now.

    I love love the floral crocheted shawl.
    I might try my hand at meringues if I can get some eggs. They're hard to get at moment.
    The decoupage eggs are delightful.

    1. Thanks Jenny! Meringues are fun to make and eat! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    That must have been a bad fall, I'm so glad that Todd is okay, and that there are good people in the world, what a blessing. And the flowers are just gorgeous...friends are wonderful!

    We are hunkered down, trying to stay busy. We decided we would try going to the grocery store today, but when we got there, there wasn't a parking spot anywhere to be had...crazy! We just came home. We are fine until next week, then we will only need milk, eggs and maybe cheese, but cheese isn't a necessity. It will be good when things settled down, but who knows when that will be.

    I'm so looking forward to Conference! This year will definitely be extraordinary!

    All your finds were wonderful, I especially loved the Christmas card shadow box, I love things like that!!

    Take care dear friend, take care of your sweet husband. Love you both!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I am really looking forward to conference also Barb. It will be different but I think it will also be awesome. Love and hugs to you, Bob and the family. We are living in very challenging times! This might be our handcart. xoxo


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