
Thursday 19 March 2020

My favourite things . . . 

These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, intrigue me or that I just plain enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.   

Kewpie Dolls.  Kewpie was a brand of dolls  and figures conceived as Comic book figures by Cartoonist Rose O'Neil in 1909 and began distrubution as actually bisque dolls in 1914.  I had one when I was young. It had been given to me by my father's friend Walter Yelovich. (not sure I spelt his name wrong.) Mine was made from Celluloid.  

Cake stands.  Now this is an unsual one. I can't help thinking that it is a waste of a beautiful tea pot, but it is cute nonetheless. 


Illustrated children's poetry.  I memorised a lot of these as a child. School is where my love of poetry started. From my earliest school days we had poetry to memorize. I think the longest one I had to memorise was Wreck of the Hesperus, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 22 verses long it took quite a while to memorise.  I can remember having fits of laughter and being afraid I would laugh in class over verse 2 which had the word bosom in it. 

Lighthouse's.  Their history, their lore.  Some are very unique. 


Old barns.  When I was younger I liked to take photographs of them. Now I like to draw them.  

Seaside towns.  They have such character. One of my favourites is Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. 


Houndstooth pattern fabric. I could never wear it because I am me and I don't like standing out, but I do like the pattern. 


Shamrock tea cups.  My mother had one.  I always loved it.  She always said I could have her teacups, and in fact had already given me them at one point, but then my ex and I split up and she went to the house and got them back. Thank goodness.  Who knows what would have happened to them otherwise. 

Red, white and blue  . . . 


Red doors  . . . . 

Vintage Glass Buttons  . . .   

Emma Bridgewater mugs  . . .  I have one.  I guard it with my life.  Todd is not allowed to use it.  He breaks things. 


Squirrels. They're so cheeky.  I follow This Girl is a Squirrel on IG.  Jill is an amazing squirrel. 

Baby's Breath.  You used to see it a lot, but I don't see it much anymore  . . . 


 Little girl's dresses with embroidery  . . . . 

Old figurines  . . . . 


Aprons with pockets  . . . 

Printed ribbons  . . .  

Butter Dishes  . . . 


This.  I believe it is called a cupola, but I could be wrong and likely am. Whatever it is, I love it. 

I managed to get my daughter on the phone yesterday and we talked for a little bit.  She and her husband seem to be doing alright at the moment. She is still having to work at the drugstore (she is a cleaner) but it is only 2 hours a day and she is not in close contact with anyone, so that's good.  Her husband  is still working also. He works at Michelin Tire, stripping old tires.  I also managed to talk to Tony.  They have had a lot of medical appointments.  Next week is the week they were supposed to have flown to Australia to visit family.  Needless to say they are not going now.  They are finally closing schools in England at end of day on Friday. I suppose they have to give time for parents to make other arrangements.  

The city of London is preparing for a complete shut down. I am worried about all of the homeless people.  Who is caring for them? I wish I could do more.

This all feels a bit like something from a bad B movie  . . .

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

If it won't matter in five years,
don't spend more than five
minutes worrying about it.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In the kitchen today . . .  Classic Roast Chicken with gravy.  We were supposed to have the sister missionaries over for supper, but we cancelled and they are not allowed out anyways so I roasted it yesterday.  We should be able to eat from it for a couple of days.  That's one great thing about a roast chicken! 

I hope you are all feeling well and staying safe!  Don't take any chances. We are all in this together and I am praying for all of us.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   



  1. Take care..many cute things♥Glad your daughter and hubby are ok..and that you got in touch with people.

    1. I was very uplifted in talking to them I did note that the nurse daughter posted something on FB, so she and her family must be okay. Have heard nothing from the other son, but am assuming I would hear if anything was wrong. xoxo

  2. Nice to think of our favorite things and take our minds off what is going on.Makes one feel better, just like counting our blessings does.

    1. We have a hymn we sing in church Pam, Count your Blessings. I love it. It always makes me smile. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    I always love your, Favorite Things. I can remember my step-father reciting, The Wreck of the Hesperus. He did such a good job, and it was always requested when by his grandchildren. He was such a wonderful man, and every time you post a photo of Todd, I think of, Claris, they really look so much alike. There is an Indian Reservation near our home, about 30 miles away, and they used to grow Baby Breath and sell it. It was just so pretty and it grew all along the highway, it was just gorgeous!

    I'm so glad you were able to contact your daughter, that was probably so reassuring to know that she was alright. I have tried to stay in contact with my kids each day, via testing, calling or Marco Pollo. Hopefully we will all make it through these hard times. Stay healthy, remember you are loved!! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I bet that did look beautiful growing along the highway. What a wonderful memory of your Stepfather to hold in your heart! You and Bob stay safe and healthy too! We love you! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, so many beautiful favourite things. That little white baby dress is gorgeous and the butter dish - how cute is that? So glad you talked to Eileen and Anthony and things are okay there. We are hunkered down here, too, but must go out tomorrow for a few groceries and to pay the house taxes. Gotta keep a roof over our heads. Watching the news is like an obstacle course trying to make sense of everything. It's unsettling to have it on all the time so we mostly watch the 6:00 and 11:00 o'clock news. Your roast chicken is certsinly comfort food but it's been hard to find fresh meat and chicken in the stores. I wish people would stop hoarding although I can understand why but it can't contnue indefinitely. The statistics are rather frightening. But as Susan says, we must rise above reality and carry on. What else can we do? Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Yes, we will have to venture out to pay our rent at some point also. Our grocery store shelves have been stripped. There was a nurse on the telly this morning,having just finished a 48 hour shift who had stopped to get a few things for her family at the shops and she was sitting in her car crying because there was nothing to be had. Its very sad. Susan is right. We just need to rise about and carry on and look forward to better days ahead! Love you. No package yet? :-( xoxo

  5. This miracle drug they are proposing here in USA to solve virus problem is CIPRO hubby took that and is in bad shape...yes, it took 10 years to get here...but it has been a gradual decline the whole the buyer the online literature...go read where others with even worse results are written about...scary!! There is even a class action suit ongoing...bizzare...some solution!!
    hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That's a case where the cure is worse than the disease if ever there was one Elizabeth! I think the safest thing to do is isolate and be careful, social distancing, etc. Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. I collect children's picture books....I never get tired of reading them. My favorites are Little Golden books before 1970 & Margaret Wise Brown books.

    I also have a nice apron collection & I actually wear them!
    I use my two butter dishes every day. I love this one with the little bird.

    My family is still going in to work too. People need to earn a living. My husband may be able to do some work from home & I wish they would get that set up.

    I heard this morning the London tube was closed.

    Keep thinking good thoughts.

    1. I loved the Little Golden Books when I was a child and had quite a few for my own children. They are classics Jenny! We are on lockdown here at the moment. Nobody is allowed out of their homes except once a day to get food and once a day to get some exercise. xoxo


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