
Saturday 21 March 2020

Keep calm and carry on . . .

It seems we are living in a strange new world at the moment.  A great deal has changed for most of us.  We have seen people acting in uncharacteristically bad ways, but we are also seeing many, many people acting in beautiful ways.  I found this quote from Laura Ingalls Wilder and it seemed to be so very appropriate for what I wanted to say today. 

Yes, lots has changed.  But plenty of things have not, and some things may have even changed for the better.  This new world is an opportunity for all of us to do things, learn things, become things we simply did not have time for before, or never thought of before. 

Yes, we have seen immense greed, but this thought occurred to me yesterday . . . . yes . . .  it is bad and most disappointing that people would be so greedy, but at the end of the day they are only people who are afraid and who are wanting to feed their families, to make sure their family is cared for. Wrong or right, that is the motivation behind much of it.  They may be going about it the wrong way,  but  . . . we would be wise not to dwell on that. It is what it is. 

In the meantime, I  am seeing great outpourings of love and kindness going on all around me.  I see people trying to lift others in whatever ways that they can.  From celebrities putting positive messages online and connecting with the people, uplifting them in whatever way possible, to simple ordinary people going about their every day business in brave new ways.  

My next door neighbour is going about picking up things at the shops for people who can't get out and about.  She is delivering to them, leaving their goods on their doorsteps and she asks for nothing in return.  Yesterday she got us some fresh milk and picked up Mitzie's tablets for us at the Vet. She would take no money for any of it, but I did get her to take half an Irish Tea Brack, which was something.  And she had even included some extra special chocolate. 

There are many on the front lines doing whatever they can to make us safe, to heal us, etc. at great risk to themselves.  Newscasters to keep us informed.  Nurses, Doctors to help to care for the sick at a time when they could and would probably rather be at home with their own loved ones.  They are flying in the face of fear, coming out of retirement . . .  just to love and to care for others.  The Military, the police, all are stepping up to the mark and doing whatever is needed. Selflessly.  Our Government here in the UK is making sure that everyone has a wage to live on.  Banks are cutting interest rates, waiving payments, soe landlords are excusing rent for the time being, etc.  These are no small things. 

 People are reaching to others as never before.  Making phone calls, writing notes, contacting others to make sure that they are safe and okay, checking if they need anything, simply caring  . . . Angels are walking amongst us.  In small and simple ways, many are making a difference. 

Yes, much has changed, but much has not and we can take comfort in that.  The sun still rises in the morning and sets every night.  The sky is still filled with stars.  Birds still sing.  God is still in His heaven, and if we are willing to  reach out to Him, and allow ourselves to hear His voice, He still speaks.

Flowers are blooming.  Trees are bursting into bud.  A reminder to us that after the Winter always comes the Spring.   The sun always shines brightest after the storm. 

This is our opportunity to show the world how good we can be.  How caring.  How industrious. How giving.  It is an opportunity to draw closer to family we may be quarantined with,  and to reconnect in ways we may have been neglecting in recent years.  Its an opportunity to do things around the house we have been putting off.  Taking up new skills we never had the time to  learn before.

There is a wealth of information online to help us with learning new skills. Videos, tutorials, etc.  We can learn to be a little less wasteful, to make do or do without.  A skill that will stand us all in good stead in the long run.

This is an opportunity for each of us to stretch beyond what we thought we were capable of, to grow and to become in ways we never thought possible.  To share skills with others who are willing and wanting to learn. To be lights for good.  To leave the earth a little bit better off when this is all finished, than it was when this all started.   A kinder, sweeter and gentler place.  

This is not forever.

Some of us will make it and some of us won't.  We will all have our weak moments and our wanting to quit moments.  Moments when we feel fearful and anxious, but we can rise above them and become more.  Most importantly.  We. Will. Get. Through. This.  In one way or another.  Standing still is not an option.  Giving in to despair is not an option. Negativity never did make any situation a better one. 

So read those books you have always wanted to read. Love those you love with all your heart, and try to develop a loving heart towards those you have had a hard time loving.  Be appreciative of what you have.  Learn a new skill. Share what you can.  Help those in need in whatever way that you can. Pick up the phone and communicate with others.  Email. Be a little braver. Listen to the advice being given by the health authorities, the government, etc.  Do your bit but don't be stupid.  Do not despair or give up. Our grandparents and great grandparents didn't fight and survive through two great world wars just for us to give up now.  Be brave. Be smart. Be strong. We are all in this together, and together we can get through to the other side. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Believe in miracles.
I have seen so many of them come
when every other indication 
would say that hope is lost.
Hope is never lost.
~Jeffrey R Holland•。★★ 。* 。


In the English Kitchen today a delicious Chicken & Ham Pie that I made from the leftovers from our roast chicken the other day and some deli ham in the fridge. Its fabulously tasty and the crust is a-maz-ing! 

Have a great Saturday, no matter what you get up to.  I think I am going to paint.  Something I haven't done for a while.  Don't forget along the way of your day  . . . 

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And I do too!   






  1. Lots of ponderings and encouragement..well written as always Marie:)Take care.Still appalled at idiots going out when our governments are spending soooo much to help us get through this.

    1. Its becoming more apparent by the day that there are truly idiots amongst us! So many think that they are invincible. I saw photos of hoards of students enjoying spring break in Florida. It beggars belief! xoxo

  2. We do need to keep positive and keep believing we will get through this. Thanks for the positive post today. We need to share those kind of thoughts with each other. My son and daughter are picking up any groceries I might need so I don't have to go out. They are my angels.

    1. I am so grateful that you have family nearby to help you Pam. They are truly angels. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    Thank you for always being so encouraging...I really need that, and so do so many others! I love all the quotes, they are perfect for our (hopefully not) "new normal" life.

    What a wonderful neighbor! People like that are truly, God sent, and will be greatly rewarded for their service, here and on the other side, what a blessing! We haven't ventured out to the grocery store yet, but we will have to go soon for milk and eggs. I suppose we could do without them, it depends on how many more cases they have in our area. I have powdered milk, and I know a few tricks for egg substitutes in baking if I need them.

    I do think that when it's all over, and we look back on what we had to do, we will be surprised at our strength, and our ingenuity. I think we will also be glad that we have faith, trust and hope in a Heavenly Father who loves us...we will be fine, no matter what.

    Love you both, take care of each other! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I agree with all you have said Barb! I am looking forward to our small in home church service which we will be having a bit later this morning. So grateful for a church that was prepared and had things in place when this all began. Truly inspired. Love and hugs and stay safe! xoxo

  4. Marie, I love your empathy and compassion for those who appear to be uncaring of other people and pretty greedy stocking up on things. You understand their fear of not having enough to look after their families. Yes, we are all in the same boat. Nothing I can think of has brought the entire world together in a common cause like the coronavirus and our efforts to eradicate it. We must all be on the same page and do as the experts tell us to do - no half measures and no complacency.
    Enjoy your Sunday. Hope Todd is fully revovered from his fall. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I agree Elaine, no half measures and no complacency and this will be for the long haul I fear, but we will do what we need to do. Love and hugs to you and Larry. Stay safe. xoxo

  5. I have always loved that Laura Ingals Wilder quote. It's one of my favorites.

    My community is doing such a good job helping each other out. I posted online that I couldn't find eggs & 6 people offered to bring eggs to my house. A friend with 7 children ( 2 yr old triplets in the mix) could not get milk. They have rationed supplies & the stores would not let them buy what they needed...she told me she had at least 20 people offer to bring her milk. I'm so glad people are sharing.

    I am watching my 2 yr old grandson full time to keep us all a little safer. His daycare is still open but we decided it would be better for him to be totally isolated...& us as well because babies pick up everything at day care centers.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I really believe we will be better after we get through to the other side.

    1. Oh it is wonderful to read how people are stepping up to help others in need. This cheers my heart. Enjoy this time with your grandson. You will be building memories for him that will last him a lifetime and that is a gift to you both Jenny. xoxo

  6. Thank you sweet friend, for this one. It was powerful and I loved your thoughts. We do need to just hang on, have faith, pray for all, keep the covenants, and follow the prophet.
    Love, prayers and hugs!


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