
Friday 8 November 2019

My Friday Finds . . .

A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become, inspire memories . . . maybe they will do the same for you!   

Mini Christmas Sweaters Pattern.  Cute!  Pattern by R Giddings on Ravelry.  Not totally free but a very affordable $1. 


Six Sisters Stuff/  Caramel Marshmallow Rice Krispie Balls.  I won't be able to make these because we don't get caramels over here, but that's probably good as I don't need to be eating stuff like this.  These look incredibly moreish! 

This is very true. 


Love this. No source, just something pretty to look at. 


Little Red Window. Tiny cardboard gingerbread houses.  Cute!

Hometalk. Cardboard Gingerbread House Garland.  

Could not find the actual source of this, but it was too cute not to share.  A simple project to do with children. 


Mamachee on Etsy.  Crochet Slipper Pattern.  Love this pattern. 

No source, just eye candy  . . . 


The Crafty Gentleman. DIY woven felt coasters.

The Mummy Front. DIY Hand Warmers.  

Charmed by Ashley.  Fabric reusable gift bags.  

We all Sew.  Fabric Scandanavian Heart.  


Menina Arteira.  Cute kitten ornament. Its in Spanish, but easy to figure out. Plus there is a video.

Blue Kat Design. Vintage Cookie Cutter Ornaments.

AC Moore.  Santa Pom Poms.  Cute!  

So Sew Easy.  What a cute gift for a grandchild!  


Bombazine. Oven Mitts.  Love these.  


Noodlehead.  Fabric Trays.  

Tilly and the Buttons. Snuggly Boots.  


Girl Inspired.  Easy Flannel Throws.  Love these.

Annies Catalogue. Pumpkin Potholders.  

 And those are my finds for this week.  I hope there was something that you can use here. 

Had some bad news yesterday.  The guy who hired  me to write on both of those sites emailed me to say the latest article I wrote for them (A Thanksgiving meal complete in the Microwave) was my last article for some reason.  He said he was being put on indefinite leave and that all projects were being put on hold.  To say I am disappointed is the very least.  I had been asked for 8 recipes for November and December each.  I had already made 6 for November and bought all of the ingredients for all 8, and had been told I would be re-imbursed for the ingredients needed.  I have no idea what has happened. I thought that everything I had been doing for them was exceptional. I had certainly put a lot of my heart and soul into it, not to mention time.  I just paid that guy the other day to do my photos for on site.  Haven't gotten them yet, but I still have paid for them. Maybe I will be able to use them somewhere else.  I am going to be going through my contract today with a fine tooth comb, but I am pretty sure I have no comeback on this.  These big faceless companies always make sure they are well protected.  So I guess that is that.  I had some excellent recipes lined up for December and will just use them on my blog, so nothing lost there. I am really disappointed however.

These online sites can hire you at the drop of a hat and drop you like a hot potato when they have gotten what they want from you.  I will think twice before ever doing anything like that again.

On the plus side we got a letter of confirmation from the council to say that we have been granted the extra funds to cover our excess rent.  Plus they will be paying us back-rent to last April.  (just the excess.)  So that was good news.

Also had another chiropractor appointment yesterday.  Overall I see a little improvement in movement from when I first went to see him and definitely I am in less pain.  I am not sure if I will ever get back to normal, but I am trying to remain hopeful.  Your prayers in this area are definitely appreciated! 

 A thought to carry with you  . . .  

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I lift up my eyes to the mountains,
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
Maker of Heaven and Earth.
~Psalm 121: 1-2  •。★★ 。* 。 

One of my favourite scriptures for sure  . . .  

Cordon bleu stuffed Turkey Tenderloins, Cheesy Potato Casserole and
a Tangy Apple Salad.

Nothing new in the kitchen today because I was busy finishing off my Thanksgiving Meal in the Microwave yesterday morning and had the Chiro in the afternoon.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track! 

Have a great Friday.  Know that  . . . 

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And I do too! 


  1. You must be so disappointed, Marie. I think they should honour the contract you signed through to December. It sounds like the problem is with the person you negotiated with rather than with your submissions. Do you know the name of someone else in the company you can contact? You've held up your end of the contract and they should as well. Hope you can get reimbursed for your photos as well as the food you have purchased. I'm glad your back is a little easier after your chiro appointment. Take gentle care. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I am really disappointed but there isn't much I can do. I've only ever dwelt with the monkey, not the organ grinder. It sounds like he's hurting also! I hope they pay me for the work I have done to now. They owe me for a months work, never mind anything else! Love and hugs. ♥️

  2. I'm sure that what every caused your pain didn't happen overnight so little by little it'll get better. It will just take some time. Hang in there and remember to laugh a lot. Laughter is always the best medicine!

    1. You are right Pam, it's been building for years. I love your attitude! Positivity is best! Xoxo

  3. Well, Bummers, Marie...shame on that company not honoring their committment to you!! Hope you can at least be reimbursed for the ingredients and photo costs!! Never hurts to ask at least. I wonder if your church (denomination) which prints books might be interested in something you put together for them? Like "cooking for the holidays with faith in mind" or some such?? Never hurts to ask!!
    At least the good news arrived about the rent help from the counsil!! GLAD for that!!
    Hang in there with the likely will take time to heal up and not hurt so much!! My injury took several years to finally get to where I did not need to go anymore!! There really is nothing regular docs can do...only offer pain meds.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Yes, we were thrilled about the rent. Best news possible! I am hanging in there with the back. Baby steps! Xoxo

  4. Fabulous news re the rent,which means you can stay! I agree healing can take time..Focus on things that can make yur mind wander if only for one moment in time..

    I hope they compensate you!!!

    1. Doing my best Monique! You know what they say, don't sweat the petty stuff and don't let the sweaty stuff! I was so encouraged to see things reappearing on your blog! ♥️👍


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