
Thursday 7 November 2019

My Favourite Things . . . 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, or that I just enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.  


I am a huge fan of Country Music.  Old, new and everything in between.  When I was going to Vocational school taking my Secretarial training after High School, our bus driver was a Country Music fan and that's all he played over the bus radio.  It kind of grew on me and I have loved it ever since.  That was the year Jolene by Dolly Parton came out, and now I am really dating myself.  Yes, i am that old! 

I have always love LOVED pretzels and I really LOVE these!  Incredibly moreish.  I have never tried them with some cheese on top.  I think I might next time we have cheese and crackers. That looks tasty.

Making my own mixes and seasoning blends. This is something I really love to do. I love knowing what's in them. Right now I am gathering the ingredients to make my own Everything Bagel Seasoning.  There are a lot of things in that, and I have to buy them a bit at a time, but once I have them all and make the seasoning mix, I will have a lot of it! (I hope it freezes lol) 

Rice Crispie Squares.  I adore them.  Over here you can buy them already made and I'll be honest, I've had problems making them from scratch here.  I don't know why, they are the easiest things ever to make, but they never turn out for me here.  When the kids were growing up, we often made a batch together as a family activity and then they would have one for a bed time snack.  They loved cleaning out the pot afterwards as well.  They do all kinds of flavours here, but I only like the plain ones.  

Having a bowl of cereal for my supper.  We normally eat our big meal of the day at noon and so in the early evening we will have something light.  Sometimes toast, but more often than not for me, it is simply a bowl of cereal.  Cheerios are my favourite.  I also like Special K with Red Berries and Fruit and Fibre.


I loved being a Brownie and then a Girl Guide.  It was one of my favourite activities when I was growing up.  I learnt a lot in both programs, skills that have lasted me a lifetime.  I am not sure if they still have Brownies and Girl Guides?  Or it is all jumbled up into one and mixed with the Cubs and Scouts???  Does anyone know?  One thing I loved after moving over here was to go to the Lord Baden Powell Centre in London. 

These were the uniforms I wore.  I loved putting it on each week and getting everything just so.  I had lots of badges.  My girls went to Brownies and Guides as well, and I was a Brownie Leader when they were in Brownies.  


I always loved painting pictures with fairies in them.  I have had a lifelong love affair with fairies.  As a small child I loved reading books about them.  I loved collecting fairy figurines and then I loved drawing them and painting them.  This is one I did in 2012.

Colouring Apps on the iPad.  Its a real stress buster I find.  I enjoy doing them. 


Funky clothes.  Clothes like this, although I don't really have any because in reality I look like crap in them.  But I still like looking at them, and wishing I could wear them.  

Mosaics, especially micro-mosaics.  There is a section in the V&A Museum dedicated to them and they are amazing to look at!  

Some of them were so phenomenal and detailed you needed to look at them with a magnifier to fully appreciate what they were. 


Actually, the Victoria & Albert Museum is one of my favourite places to visit.  You could literally spend days in there and not see everything.  This is the chandelier in the entryway.  

Birba Cookies.  They're Spanish and I adore them.   I love wafer cookies anyways, and these are the elite of the elite when it come to wafer cookies.  They are so crisp and delicious. 


London, it is my favourite City in the World, not that I have been to many.  This is a photo I took of Big Ben the last time we were down there. It is at Dusk, and we were on a riverboat. I just think that London proper is the most amazing place. I fell in love with it 19 years ago and am still in love with it. Although, having said that, I would not want to live there.  Its lovely to visit however. 

And with that I have run out of time this morning.  I need to get on with my work, etc.  I do so love sharing my favourite things with you however.  I think I love a lot of things.  I am just a person who loves all of the magnificence in this world from nature to man made.  We live on such a beautiful planet. 

A thought to carry with you ...

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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Five things you will never recover in life:
1. a stone after it's thrown.
2. a word after it's been said.
3, an occasion after it's missed.
4. time after it's gone.
5. trust after it's been lost.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

Nothing new in the kitchen today.  I had that photographer here most of the afternoon and was working in the morning. Today I have an appointment with the Chiropracter and can't wait.  I was so tired last night. We were in bed by 8:30 and I don't think I remember anything we watched on the television after 7 pm.  We don't watch regular television anymore. We only watch streaming channels.  No commercials and you can watch what you want to when you want to watch it. So much better I think. 

Have a great Thursday. Its raining here.  Such is Autumn, early nights and rain, rain, rain . . . 

Don't forget along the measure of your day! 

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And I do too!     






  1. I love having cereal for supper especially oatmeal on thee cold days. Hope the chiropractor fixes what went wrong. Take care !

  2. Hi Marie, how did your chiro appointment go? Hope it gave you some relief from the pain. I love rice krispie squares but for some reason don't make them very often. I love the addition of rhe red and green chrispies at Christmas. Your "Five things you will never revover in life..." is spot on. The sun is shinning today and we have a light dusting of snow. Staying in today and keeping warm. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Sorry I missed this Elaine! Its baby steps! Hopefully slow but steady will win the race with the back! I remain hopeful! My brother posted some pics of snow in Ottawa! It seems early to me! You keep dry and warm! xoxo

  3. Oh, I am so with you on the streaming. I never have to see soundbites of the orange gas bag or watch commercials or that idiot fest that passes for news broadcasts now. I have not had cable or antenna tv for a few years now, and do not miss it even a teensy bit. I think all my streaming subscriptions together are less than I was paying for cable tv, so added bonus.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!