
Saturday 9 November 2019

Saturday This and That . . .


Yesterday I had a once in a lifetime, amazing, will never happen again moment in time. A once in 64 years moment  . . .  a moment I strongly suspect will never happen again.  A few seconds in life that I felt incredibly blessed to be able to witness. 

All of the autumns of my life have been embroidered by the sound of Geese flying South for the Winter.  You hear the sound, look up and there they are.  Flying in their V-shaped formation, their cries echoing through the air. You can't help but notice them. 

This year I have witnessed more of them than ever.  Always in the early morning, just as the sun is coming up.  I hear their cries and I rush to the door, looking out to see them pass.  


I saw about five different groups all together flying at once yesterday morning, early. Not that unusual really,  I've seen great groups of them every morning this week. A bit later I was going out to the shed to get something from the refrigerator and I heard them again.  Stepping out of the door of the shed, there they were. Flying directly over my head.  I felt as though I could reach up and touch them . . . they seemed to be so close, I could see their faces and the sun was brushing their bellies with a tender golden rosy colour.  I stood there totally mesmerized and in awe.  I had never been witness to anything like it before, and I doubt that I will again.  It was pure magic . . . . 

And I did not have my camera, because, I don't walk around with my camera I guess.  And maybe it wasn't meant to be captured with the lens of my camera anyways.  Maybe it was just a tender, awestruck moment that was meant just for me.  A gift from heaven itself  . . .  


And I felt blessed for being there in that  moment and able to witness that.  I felt like I had been given a special gift.  Were it not wet and cold outside, and were I not old and somewhat frail at the moment, I would have dropped to my knees in awe at the sight.  Even now I am not sure I have been able to fully describe what I saw and felt adequately.  There are no words.

Such majesty.
Just for me to see.
What a tremendous blessing
in that pure and simple
moment. A sweet
glimpse of


It was only seconds . . .  it took only seconds  . . .  for them to pass over my head, but for those few seconds time stood still and I was struck with the wonder of it all. Of how utterly amazing this life can be and how amazing it is.  Of how our days can be filled with the humdrum and the every day happenings and then . . . .  for a miraculous moment, they can be filled with awe and wonder.  I don't think I have ever felt as alive as I did for those few seconds, or as grateful.  What a true and tender blessing it was.  Thank you God. 

Ariana stopped by last night for a brief moment.  Grace's favourite dolly has had an accident and requires surgery.   I will work on it today and have her fixed as good as new for tomorrow morning. I will give it back to her at church.  This time I will use button hole thread and much, much more of it to make sure it is really secure.  It did my heart good to see how loved up this doll is.  I love that Grace loves it.  That's what I was hoping for.  Its always nice to see things I have made being enjoyed!  That goes for cookies, meals, paintings, crafts and dolls.   

Well, there you go. Me in all my wonder with my double chin, my non-existant lips, my pudgy blob of a nose, my frown lines that I can't erase  . . .  altogether not a bad photo I suppose, but proof positive that no matter how hard you try you cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear!  It looks like me.

And with that I best get off here.  I have back exercises to do or else the Back Doctor is going to give me a fail. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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•。★★ 。* 。
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If it costs you your peace,
it's too expensive.
~unknown •。★★ 。* 。  

Rocky Road S'Mores  

Cooking in the English Kitchen today  . . .  Rocky Road S'Mores.  Deliciously salty/sweet/chocolaty/crunchy/ooey/gooey!

Have a great Saturday! Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. You look so happy in your new picture, Marie. It's lovely - your smile, the twinkle in your eyes. Love that you're posing with your mixing bowl, too. You described your experience with the geese flying overhead so beautifully. It was a magical moment for you. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. Youth is wasted on the young! Mike is a great photographer and puts you so much at ease when he is taking your photograph. I hope you also have a beautiful weekend! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. I think it's a lovely picture of a lovely person. I sometimes think we confuse what is aesthetically pleasing with beauty...never doubt your beauty!

    1. Aww thanks Sis. You have to say that. You love me, we look alike, except you are a much thinner version. Love YOU! xoxo

  3. I absolutely love that pic!!It is beautiful.A d it represents you so well.
    I would be tempted to have it as my avatar everywhere🌟Marie it’s a great pic!So natural💫I love precious moments that make us feel blessed

  4. What a wonderful picture! You look so happy your are positively glowing! What a bless moment you had with the geese. The world is filled with wonder and awe. All that is needed is to take time to see it.

    1. Thank you so much Pam! The world is indeed filled with wonder! xoxo

  5. You are far too critical of yourself, Marie!! Lovely photo. Goodness...don't you know at our ages, we cannot escape lines!! Ha! But you look HAPPY and welcoming...I would definitely like to go eat at this woman's table!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth and this woman would be happy to have you at her table! xoxo

  6. You are beautiful and I love the light in your eyes. It's so nice to "meet" you. �� ~Elaine

  7. Oh my heart! Marie... I love this photo of you. I just want to give you the biggest hug. You are beautiful... the laughter on your face, the love in your eyes. It makes me happy just to look at it. Thank you for sharing it and also for sharing your experience with the geese. A gift indeed. Truly I believe that if we care to look, to notice, there is a gift every day, just for us from God. Love you. xoxo

    1. Aww thanks Noelle! I look like Mrs Santa Claus without the presents, lol. Love you my sweet girl! xoxo


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