
Saturday 15 September 2018

Things I never get tired of . . .

Just a list of things that make life worth living  . . . 

Hearing those three little words  . . . .  from anyone. 


Saying those three little words  . . . , to anyone. People need to know, before its too late.

Hugs  . . . 


Watching the sun rise  . . . 

Watching the sun set  . . . 


Looking at the stars  . . . 

Seeing the leaves change colour . . . 


 The excitement that comes with the first snowfall of the year  . . .  

Smiles  . . . 


Doggie cuddles  . . .  special  . . . 

Listening to beautiful music  . . . 


Christmas and everything that comes with it  . . . 

Going to church and everything that comes with that  . . . 


Enjoying good food . . .  especially when in the company of people you love  . . . 

A good laugh  . . .  


A good cry  . . .


The Gilmore Girls  . . . 

Pizza  . . . 


And while I'm at it  . . .  this . . . 


And this  . . . 

And yes  . . .  this  . . . 


The sound of rain falling  . . . 

All things cosy  . . . 


Tea parties . . . 

Pie  . . .  pastry . . .  I'm not picky  . . . 


Again . . .  not picky . . .

This  . . . 


And this  . . . 

And yes . . . even this  . . . 


Finding a good book to read  . . .  sometimes more than once . . .  or even twice . . . 

Jane Austin . . .  anything  . . . 


Painting and drawing and colouring  . . .  

Lessons learned  . . .  even the hard ones . . .  especially the hard ones.  Those are the ones you don't forget, even if you sometimes need to learn them once, or twice, or even thrice  . . . 

Each of you  . . . 


Words  . . .  games, poetry, writing . . . words . . . 

Oh, and so  much more  . . .  


I guess I just love life  . . .  

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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If you want to fly,
give up everything that
weighs you down.
~Buddha  •。★★ 。* 。 

That's another thing . . .  quotes that make you think  . . . 

Pumpkin Pound Cake with a Caramel Walnut Sauce 

In the kitchen today  . . . . Pumpkin Pound Cake with Toffee Walnut Sauce.  On my word  . . . 

Have a wonderful Saturday!  Be happy and don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. I love your post today. So positive and uplifting.

    Today was busy but great busy. Both of my girls sang at a small agricultural show. I looked after Mia after the first show. She loved eating fresh strawberries and fell asleep eating them. While she slept I had the chance to look at the cakes, the preserved foods, embroideries, patchwork quilts and much much more. I took her home and fed her and bathed her and then mummy was home. Daddy had gone out for a rare night out with his mates. We were very late home and I am eating oatmeal with almonds, linseed, blueberries and strawberries. I don't think I will repeat the strawberry on oats again.

    I am feeling sad for out local strawberry farmers. Someone, in one place, has inserted sewing needles into the fruit. It is peak season right now and the poor farmers are selling dirt cheap. I have more fruit to make jam.

    God bless your day.

    1. How wonderful that your children are so talented Suzan! I am sure you enjoyed every second with Mia, you lucky woman you! I love strawberries, but only eat them cooked if they are in jam or in a strawberry/rhubarb pie! Enjoy your jam making! xoxo

    2. I filled 20 pots with strawberry jam today. Next is tomato relish and when I can face it blueberry jam.

    3. Wow, you are a canning queen Suzan! xoxo I am in awe!

  2. I did enjoy your list of things you never get tired of. It was very much like counting your blessings ! We do have a lot to be thankful for and those are just a few!

    1. We both have much to be grateful for Pam! God bless your day also! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    Oh, I love all of these things as always know just what we need to hear!

    I have started watching, Downton Abbey...again. It's just a show that makes me happy. And, I love, The Waltons, and Little House on the Prairie...all feel good shows.

    There really are so many good things in life to be grateful for!!

    Love you sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I just write about whatever pops into m6 head Barb! I guess sometimes I hit it right! Love and hugs to,you! xoxo

  4. I must say that this was an awesome list of things that you never get tired of and I loved them all. You do love life and that is one thing I truly love about you.
    I love you and I am sending you big hugs. Hug that husband and cute Mitzie too.

    1. Thanks LeAnn! Big hugs to you, Roger and Sammie also! xoxo

  5. Gratitude for things we love❤️💙


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