
Sunday 16 September 2018

Sunday morning this and that . . .

These past few days have reminded us without a doubt that Autumn is in the offing . . . we've had to have the heating on  for short spurts and it has rained bucket loads . . . falling with a clean, driving force.  The air feels incredibly fresh as I dash from the house to the larder shed and back again, trying in vain not to get wet.  Beautiful are the colours of the fading garden . . . the dove-grey of the sky, charcoal of tree and silver of rain blending into almost twilight colours, and the night seems to come earlier with each day that passes.

The heart knows that autumn stands on our doorstep . . . and fears winter cannot be too far behind.  Summer dreams come down with a thump  . . .  these days being as a backfire on a prairie blaze.  The wind does it's job of whipping away all of summer as rain sluices through the air.  Branches fall . . . the chimney screams in protest.

We snuggle in close to the fire, and I feel nostalgic for the want of a whistling kettle.

Yesterday I decided to scrub the kitchen floor on my hands and knees.  Every now and again I think we need to get down to the lowest level to do something like this.  Often when we are looking down at things from higher up, we miss things we shouldn't be missing. At the Manor, the kitchen was the size of a small gymnasium but I often got on my hands and knees to scrub the floor. That way I didn't miss anything. 

Boy did our floor need it.  I could see where Mitzie had brushed up against things, or Todd had splattered things and they had gotten missed, so I scrubbed away, cleaning things up as best I could. When you have osteo-arthritis in your knees, hips, ankles, etc. its not an easy task. By the end of it I was laying down while I scrubbed as it was the only comfortable position to be in. I know . . .  crazy me.  Todd finally discovered what I was doing and finished it up for me.  I was aching the whole rest of the day, but one fall cleaning job was done!  Yes!

Two of the Elders stopped by yesterday.  Elder Anderson from Arizona and Elder Shettell from Utah. They are making the rounds getting to know the members of the Ward better. They are two very nice young men.  We have six missionaries in our ward boundaries now. A Senior Couple (like we were) and two sets of younger Elders.  It is always nice to have them in our home.  I have not fed them in a while. I need to fix that when I am at church today and slot our name in for a few meals. You can never go wrong by feeding a Missionary.  They are most appreciative for whatever you do for them, and always bring a tender sweet spirit into your home. 

I have a heart for all of the Missionaries.  The girl in the middle of this photo is our friend Lura's granddaughter, Lonica, who was serving in California until her visa to go to the Philippines came through.  It came through this past week and she left on Tuesday (I think) or Wednesday to fly to her Mission area there.  I can't think of a worse time to be flying into the Philippines. I am trusting she arrived safe and sound.  What a welcome to arrive along with a Typhoon!  I pray she, and all of our Missionaries in the Philippines are safe. My friend Eliza who is serving there as a nurse only has about 3 weeks to go now.   These people are amazing examples to me.

Speaking of amazing examples. We watched this film last night.  Its based on the true story of five men who escaped from a POW Camp in Siberia and walked all the way to freedom in India.  A journey of four thousand miles in 1941. What a grueling journey that was. Against the backdrop of stunning scenery, this is an inspiring story about tenancity and the capacity man has to fight for survival against all the odds.  The worst scene for me was when they had gotten to an area that was full of Mosquitoes.  Oh boy, they were practically breathing them.  

It reminded me of the time my ex and I, and three of our children, were driving back from Ontario to Alberta.  We were re-routed down through America via the crossing at Pigeon River, Minnesota because of Forest Fires.  One of my children was only about six months old and we had to stop in the middle of nowhere so I could change her diaper.  As soon as we opened the car door I was swamped with clouds of mosquitoes. It was absolutely horrid.  I was eaten alive in a matter of mere minutes.  I could really feel for the men in the film last night and what they were going through. Hell on earth! 


Can there be anything as lovely as very, very thin sliced fresh bread and butter for a late afternoon supper on a cold and rainy day?   Of course pots of jam are a must at the ready, along with something hot to drink, in our case hot chocolates . . .  These colder and wet days are the perfect days to rest the spirit with tranquil conversation . . . the remembrance of pleasant things and slices of bread, butter and jam. This is the supper of angels I think . . . even if these days all I can enjoy (and shouldn't be enjoying) is a very thin smattering of jam, and my bread whole wheat.  Simple suppers on autumn afternoons are the best  . . . 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
"There's nothing half so pleasant
as coming home again.”
~Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
    •。★★ 。* 。 

 Three Fruit Crumble 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Three Fruit Crumble, served warm with lashings of cream. Todd really enjoyed this!  Its filled with apples, pears and berries.

Have a wonderful Sunday!  Be happy and don't forget!

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And I do too!
PS - Don't be too concerned tomorrow as I need to be at the foot clinic by 9 am, so I will probably not be posting anything in the morning. I won't be back here, most likely, until Tuesday. Wish me luck!


  1. Hello !Marie once in a blue moon I hands and knees it fun but wow after..we know what we have done.
    I watch my grandsons play football or play and they fall hard..Not sure I could get up with such agility lol.
    The movie sounds great and as always so well written!

    1. You would love the film Monique! The scenery is amazing and the story magnificent! Hope you are enjoying your Sunday! xoxo

  2. Enjoy your Sunday. I must look up and watch that movie. I hate mozzies as we call them. I also dislike flies. I see outdoor markets on television and I think where are the flies.

    Our weather is warming up. Fortunately it is not overly humid yet. So the heat is tolerable. I am not looking forward to summer and storm season. I hope that Lonica arrives safely and that the storm downsizes. It is huge.

    I have been putting off scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom tiles. Getting off the floor is difficult now.

    God bless.

    1. OH, yes it was probably more difficult for me to get up off the floor than it was for me to go down onto it Suzan. Old age is a hard taskmaster! Thankfully where we are now there is not an abundance of Mozzies or flies! I hate both! God bless your day! xoxo

  3. How well I understand how hard it is to get down and UP again from the floor...but I, like you, do some things down there at times long as I can anyway. This year we put some citronella plants near and beside our door to ward off mosquitoes and other pests...and then I felt we needed a bit added a lemon verbena...a bit farther from door we had some large containers of geraniums, heather, and a pot of herbs and a small rose. I got most of those to ward off bugs as we live on ground level entry home. Seems to work quite well. And no pesticides!! When I transplanted them into larger containers, I used some miracle grow (never would use that with the herbs or edibles...but fine for other potted things...and did they ever grow!!) We have to have things here that deer won't ruin as they are in large abundance around here and too close with homes to have a hunting they seem to be ever increasing. Though there is never a shortage of eats here with all the foliage here in the Pacific NW.

    1. Oh but you do live in a most beautiful part of the country Elisabeth! I have always wanted to visit it. I have Lemon Verbena in the garden also and I use it to make tea, etc. Its lovely. God bless and happy week! xoxo

  4. Oh my, I am ready for fresh homemade bread, butter and jam with some hot chocolate; that is the best ever. It is the beginning weather for it for sure. Yes, autumn is sneaking it’s way in. I really love this time of year for so many different reasons. There is just a feel of emotions when fall comes around.
    I love the cooler evenings, walking is better when it is cool. Then there is my husbands football time of year, and now I enjoy it too. We especially had fun watching Byu play yesterday and actually win. We don’t go to them anymore which I miss because there is nothing like a hot dog, hot chocolate and maybe some popcorn at a game.
    I love the colors of autumn too. I must do some fall decorating.
    I do love the missionaries. We just had our Elders to dinner this past wekk and it was fun. My husband and I haven’t left our mission in many ways since it was an at home mission we are always connecting with various individuals and families we used to meet with. With my calling, it ends up being very busy. We just love them all so much and still want to be involved in their lives.
    The movie looks like a good one; I will see if I can find it on Nexflex or somewhere. I won’t like the mosquito part for sure.
    Loved reading your thoughts today; you are such a favorite.
    Sending lots of hugs your way!

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn! Todd and I were called as Ward Missionaries yesterday and I as a teacher in RS so we will once again be busy with our church callings. I like that idea. Oh, I think you will love the film. There is some bad language, but hopefully you can look past it. I hate that as a society we have fallen to the level where bad language is considered acceptable. I have always thought it denoted a lack of intelligence as people couldn't think of anything better to say, but I guess not! Love and hugs to you! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Yes, Autumn is in the air! I haven't had to turn on the heat, but by the first part of next week, I'm pretty sure it will going full blast. I love it when it rains and cleans the air. We have had wild fires just inundating us with smoke. I'm looking forward to cool, clear air.

    Oh my goodness...I can't believe you scrubbed the floor on your hands and knees!! You are my hero!! It would of killed me, but I do understand, there are just times that the floor needs a good scrubbing, thank goodness for a sweet husband!

    I love white bread and butter...yum! Simple meals are always best. We usually only eat two meals, and our supper is usually eaten around 3 in the afternoon. So, that bread and butter with jam would be a perfect bedtime would that delicious, Three Fruit Crumble... :0)

    Good luck at the foot doctor, I pray all is well. XOXOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I hope you have clear clean air soon Barb! There are such calamities in the weather going on all over the world now. A sign of the times! Thanks very much for your prayers, love and hugs! Love you too! xoxo


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