
Friday 14 September 2018

My Friday Finds . . .

A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . Maybe they will do the same for you!  

Of Photos and Paper.  A mini album out of one sheet of scrapbook paper.  Love this!   


Another mini album. This one looks like a wallet and has a video tutorial. From The Olde Saltbox.   

Brig Breaves.  Tiny heart knitted cap with pompom topping. Free pattern.  
Lilacs for Lila, free knitted baby cap on Ravelry by Knitted Bliss.  
French Lemon Tarts, The Boy Who Bakes.  Ed Kimber. He won the first GBBO.  
Country Living. How to make an envelope from recycled paper. 

Your Crochet.  Crochet Square Blanket. Free.  
An Oregon Cottage.  Sweet & Spicy Onion Marmalade.  
No link. Just inspiration.  I wonder if it really works?
Quilting Digest. Jelly Sandwich Quilt.  I love this! 
Home Talk.  Cleaning for the toilet. All natural.  
One Little Project.  Wooden Spoon Bats.  
Pinch of Yum. Instant Pot Korean Tacos. These sound delicious!  
Wallflower Kitchen. DIY Leaf Fairy Lights.  
Think Crafts.  Leaf Garland.  
Uncommon Designs.  10 minute autumn leaf wreath.  
EDventures with Kids.  Leaf Rubbings.  
Garden Therapy.  Acorn Nest Necklace.  Cute!    
Mum in the Mad House. Clay Ghost Tea Lights.  
The Enchanted Tree. Bendy Dolls Tutorial.  
And those are my finds for this week.  I hope you saw something that interested you!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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Its not the load that breaks you down,
its the way you carry it.
~Lena Horne    •。★★ 。* 。 

Chicken Pot Pie 
In The English Kitchen today, Chicken Pot Pie with a Puff Pastry Topping.  Deliciously simple! 
Have a great Friday.  Don't forget along the way of your day!

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And I do too!


  1. Mini everything and anything always charming!!Cute finds Marie!

    1. Thanks Monique! I am making Pear Chutney today with some of our pears. Watch this space! xoxo

  2. So many things and my hands are itching to create. Pear chutney sounds great. I bought more strawberries at $2 a kilo so more jam will be made. Relish needs to be done as well. I went shopping and forgot to buy sugar.

    God bless.

    1. Undoubtedly everyone will see the results of my labors Suzan! Watch this space! xoxo PS - I hate it when I go to the shops and then forget the one thing I went specifically for!

  3. Hi, Marie! Goodness, how does a week go by sooo fast?! Great to catch up with you... And lots of fun here today--as always! Those mini albums are so sweet! Love the hats and baby bonnet...and that crochet blanket is beautiful! The autumn leaf fairy lights are soo much fun, and sooo pretty too! Must go see about your pot pie recipe--BIG YUM! Wishing you all a lovely weekend now, and blessed Sabbath! LOVE you & Todd BOTH SOOO MUCH!! :))) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Happy weekend and blessed Sabbath to you and TJ also Tracy! Love you both so much! I am feeling very atutumnal here, can you tell? xoxo

  4. I love that quote you ended with today...Its not the load that breaks you down,
    its the way you carry it.
    ~Lena Horne

    Such wise words. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

    1. It really resonated with me Pam! I am glad that it did with you also! Hope you have a l9vely day! Xoxo

  5. That Chicken Pot Pie with Pastry Topping looks delicious.
    Another great list of awesome finds. I don't know how you do all these.
    I continue to love the crochet items. I really like the delicate looking crocheted blanket. The hats are adorable. I really liked that quilt too.
    Always good to learn about new ways to clean a toilet; fun??
    The Taco's look delicious.
    I enjoyed looking at the fall decorations. I guess i need to get ours out.
    The Ghost Tea Lights and Bendy Dolls are cute. Yup! Halloween will be here sooner that not.
    Hope you are having a delightful weekend dear friend.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

    1. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend also LeAnn! Its turned quite windy and cold here! Love and hugs, xoxo


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