
Thursday 13 September 2018

My Favourite Things . . . 
A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥   
I discovered something new yesterday  . . . .  don't judge, me, lol. 

You take some lightly salted plain potato chips . . . . 

and you use them to scrape out the bottom of a pan you've just made salted caramel sauce in  . . . 


I died and went to heaven.  Yes, I had to taste it.  Just once.  I've created a monster. 

Blythe Dolls.  I love them.  I don't have any, much too expensive for me, but I love Blythe.  Its the big head and eyes.  So sweet. 


Disney's Fantasia.  I have loved it since I was a child.  The music, the way each sequence rolls into the next one . . .mesmerizing.  My favourite part of it? 

The dancing toadstools of course!  They could only be better if they had white polka dots on their caps.  I know . . . . 

I loved this show when I was a child.  It was regular Sunday evening viewing for us. Without fail.  This and Ed Sullivan . . .  oh, and Bonanaza.  

Fresh croissants . . .  crisp and flakey and so buttery.  In France they are REALLY good.  I have never made my own from scratch.  I should try one day. 

The Andy Griffith Show.  It is one of my all time favourites.  I wanted to live in Mayberry.  I wanted to be Aunt Bea.  I just wanted that lovely homespun family life. Small town values.  Home Sweet Home. I loved all the characters, except for the Darlings.  Not sure why. 

This has always been my favourite.  All beef. On white bread.  With French's mustard.  Sadly we can't get bologne over here in the UK, so its a treat I only get to enjoy when I go home to Canada and I always have one at least once. 

Hands down best meal ever.  Fried Bologna Sandwiches served
at my sister's ex in laws cottage on the shores of
Lake Erie way back when, served with cucumber salad.
They were fabulous.

I also love Summer Sausage and Bacon & Ham Loaf, which you also
can't get over here.


Watching the sun rise and set.  Now that the days are getting shorter I get to enjoy them again.  In the summer months we are getting up and going to bed in full day light.  When we were in Scotland last year it wasn't getting dark until past 10:30 at night! 

Anything with bluebirds  . . . 


Salt and pepper shakers.  I love them.  I have quite a few.  (Not these) 

I also like cream & sugar sets . . . 


And tiny milk jugs . . .  I use them to serve custard in when we have company.

Autumn colours  . . .  we don't get as brilliant a show over here as what they get in North America, but we still get some, and I love it. 

Falling into a comfy bed at the end of the day  . . .  why does it always feel so good? 


Cheerios, followed closely by Rice Krispies.  Its my favourite cereal. Its not quite the same over here.  I think its sweeter and its a mix of grain instead of all oats.  I miss North American Cheerios.  There is a difference, however subtle.  I do love Cheerios though.  Toasty little o's.  


The cartoons of my childhood. They don't make them like that anymore.  Everything is different now. I think my favourite was the Flintstones.  But also liked Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound Dog, oh, and Bugs Bunny. 

ABBA.  Loved their music. Still do.  It never goes out of style.  I can't pick a favourite song, I love them all. 

And those are my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

The inspiration you seek
is already within you.
Be silent and listen.
~Rumi   •。★★ 。* 。 

Cabbage & Ham Soup with Cheese Dumplings 

In the kitchen today, Cabbage & Ham Soup with Cheese Dumplings.  Seriously yummy!

Have a fabulous Thursday!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 




  1. I love bologna too and summer sausage is one of my favorites. Strange that what we have in abundance you cannot get there. I'll make sure to have a fried bologna sandwich in your honor ! I got fresh homegrown tomatoes yesterday and love to put them on my sandwiches too. Hope you have a great Thursday!

    1. No doubt you will really enjoy it Pam! Homegrown tomatoes are the best! I do so love a Tomato sandwich with miracle whip on white bread! God bless! oxoxo

  2. Hi Marie,

    Fried bologna is one of my favorite things. One white bread, with a bit of cheddar cheese. My mother used to make that for breakfast all the time. In the American south, you can get a thick piece of fried bologna on white bread in restaurants. Seriously yummy.

    I listen to all sorts of music, but ABBA is a favorite of mine as well. My sister and I will sing along to ABBA songs in the car. Neither of us can sing very well, but we don't let that deter us one bit!


    1. My father used to come to my house frequently for lunch after he retired Christie. I would make him toasted cheese and bologna sandwiches, which he loved. Sometimes I would slip in a few spears of chives which he really enjoyed. Good times! Why do we take these special moments for granted when they are happening. I would give anything to be able to treat him to a sandwich for his lunch now! Thanks for sharing your memories and likes! xoxo

  3. I love Abba too. There is something so catchy and cheering about their music.

    Today I went to Costco. Would you believe I spent over $450 today? I did stock up and stuck to my list. Apparently Costco in the US has unicorn cereal. They don't in Australia, or at my store.

    Now for my things. I love fried sandwiches. Tonight we had cheese and tomato. Yummy. I am trying to keep my breakfasts routine. I have oatmeal with linseed in it. I add blueberries and nuts. This my breakfast most days. I am looking for a doll for Mia for Christmas. I haven't found one I like enough yet. Even though we came home around 9 pm I stripped and remade mum's bed because the cat left a nasty present. God bless.

    1. Why don't you make Mia her first rag doll! I am sure it would be loved to pieces! I can well imagine spending that much at Costco! I never get out of there without spending £100, but to be fair what I get lasts a long, long time! God bless! xoxo

  4. I really enjoyed reading through your thoughts on this one. You always bring back some memories from childhood with your likes. Most of the things mentioned, I have a fond memory of. I used to like cold cereal alot but now I am more up for oatmeal cereal.
    I always like your dishware items. I would like to get a new set of cute salt and pepper shakers.
    I do love sunset’s and sun rises. I need to enjoy them more. You remind me to do that.
    I am not familiar with the doll and the ABBA group. However, I am a lot older than you.
    Sometime, I will have to do a favortie thing post.
    Loving thoughts, blessings and hugs for you!
    I think I will go fall into that wonderful bed of mine.

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I don't know how you stay up as late as you do! I am in bed by 9pm every night, but then again I am up between 5 and 6 am. I don't go to sleep right at 9 I probably read for about an hour. I would love it if you did a favourite things post! Love, hugs and blessings to you! xoxo


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