
Tuesday 28 August 2018

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, August 28, 2018

Outside my window ...
Its grey and overcast. It could rain, it might not. It is cold as well. Summer is hiding at the moment. 

I am thinking ...
I can't believe this is my last Simple Woman's post for August.  This summer has flown by at the speed of light! 

In the Kitchen ...


Turkey, Cranberry & Goat's Cheese Burgers.  Sans bun. These are healthy, diabetic friendly and gluten free, oh . . .  and DELICIOUS as well! You can't lose! 

On my "To Cook" list ...

The Good Hearted Woman.  27 Quick Refrigerator Pickles.  

Good to know ...

I had no idea  . . . 

I am creating ...


Highland Hickory Designs. Upcycled Acorns.  Aren't these cute!  

Sum of their Stories.  Special Date Coin Key Ring.  

Bobble Tassle Bunting. A free pattern from The Lemon Hound on Ravelry.  

Ambrosia's Creations.  Free pattern for a Pineapple Market Bag.  

Clipzine.  Water colour on Tea bags. Interesting. 

Oh my goodness ...

At the moment we are enjoying garden fresh tomatoes and corn. Seriously yummy! 

I am reading ...


A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl, by Jean Thompson 

A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl is a poignant novel about three generations of the Wise family—Evelyn, Laura, and Grace—as they hunt for contentment amid chaos of their own making.

Evelyn set aside her career to marry, late, and motherhood never became her. Her daughter Laura felt this acutely and wants desperately to marry, but she soon discovers her husband Gabe to be a man who expects too much of everyone in his life, especially his musician son. Grace has moved out from Laura and Gabe’s house, but can’t seem to live up to her potential—whatever that might be.

In A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl we see these women and their trials, small and large: social slights and heartbreaks; marital disappointments and infidelities; familial dysfunction; mortality. Spanning from World War II to the present, Thompson reveals a matrilineal love story that is so perfectly grounded in our time—a story of three women regressing, stalling, and yes, evolving, over decades. One of the burning questions she asks is: by serving her family, is a woman destined to repeat the mistakes of previous generations, or can she transcend the expectations of a place, and a time? Can she truly be free?

Evelyn, Laura, and Grace are the glue that binds their family together. Tethered to their small Midwestern town—by choice or chance—Jean Thompson seamlessly weaves together the stories of the Wise women with humanity and elegance, through their heartbreaks, setbacks, triumphs, and tragedies.

Just started this  . . .

Looking Forward To ...
Mitzie is going to the dog groomers on Thursday and she badly needs it. Looking forward to her being all fresh and clipped! If we have to give up our car (and I suspect we will) will have to find one within walking distance.  Also the Great British Bake Off starts again this week!  YAY!

Dreaming About ...

Candles in teacups  . . . 


Full skirts, crinolines and cabbage roses  . . . 

Bath essentials  . . . 


Crochet lace edged pillow slips  . . .  

Blue and white  . . .  white and blue  . . . 

Something to watch ...


Set in the sprawling mecca of the rich and famous, RAY DONOVAN does the dirty work for LA’s top power players. The one-hour series stars Liev Schreiber in his first lead television role as the go-to guy who makes the problems of the city’s celebrities, superstar athletes, and business moguls disappear. This powerful drama unfolds when his father, played by Jon Voight, is unexpectedly released from prison, setting off a chain of events that shakes the Donovan family to its core.

Makes me smile ...


Love this photo of these four elders serving in our Ward at the moment.  Elder Vincent (Canada), Elder Zepeda (Ireland), Elder Anderson (Utah) and oddly enough Elder Anderson. (Alaska)  Elder Zepeda will be leaving us on Wednesday to go home to Ireland, having finished his two years.  All of these young men are inspiring to me, and we are so grateful for their time spent serving in Chester.

Corners of My Kingdom ...

Chester Cathedral. Founded as a Benedictine Abbey in 1092. I love visiting it. I never get tired of it.  There is also a gift shop within and a cafe.  The original church was built in the Romanesque or Norman style, parts of which can still be seen today. This church was subsequently rebuilt from around 1250 onward in the Gothic style, a process which took about 275 years an resulted in the incredible structure seen today.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!      


  1. Hi, Marie! Oh, I'm with you on the passage of time... how it is we're at the end of August already?! Great pickle ideas... I just love quick pickles, as pickles don't last long in this house--love pickles! How CUTE the crocheted acorns! The bobbles on the bunting is a pretty extra touch--very fun! Beautiful the watercolor on th tea bags... such fun working with tea bag papers. Very interesting your new, current reading... sound like it could be sad at times, family dysfunction and all... LOL! How MAGNIFICENT is Chester Cathedral! Would love to see it one day--along with you!! Still dreaming... ;) LOVE YOU LOADS, my friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  2. A girl used to post a watercolor teabag a day I think? Oh a while ago..those young men on the steps look like an ad for a great show..
    Oh Ray...:)

    Have you watched any of Nashville?

    Inquiring minds want to know..Buh bye Aug!!Oh lala..

    1. Tthey look like a Boy Band! The language in Ray is pretty bad, but we like the story! I have watched I think 4 or 5 series of Nashville! I like Country Music! Xoxo

  3. August was a very fast month here and it's hard to believe that summer is fast fading. We remain very hot and steamy here. Looking at the long range forecast it will be a couple of weeks before cooler days will set in. I too have been enjoying summers bounty and will miss it very much when it is gone. There is much to be said for the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

    1. You have a great Tuesday also Pam! It’s actually turned sunny here and mild, but it will be col when evening rolls around! Xoxo

  4. Wow, this was a lovely daybook entry. So many things that I loved reading about. The summer i ending and I can feel it. August has flown by as all the months seem too.
    That Canberry Turkey Goat Cheese burger looks like one to try.
    Pickles, not so much my favorite. There are few kinds that I like.
    I do love what you are creating; very unique.
    I always love the crochet items and especially the market bag today.
    Yes, this time of year the produce is so awesome. Especially, if we shop at a farmers market.
    You do read the most interesting books. Right now I am in the middle of Gerald Lund’s: “Frie and Steel series. I can hardly put the books down; they are so good.
    I have some beautiful tea cups gifted to me from my Mom. I must decorate with the tea cup and candle. Thanks for sharing this idea.
    I loved the rest of what you were dreaming about. I wish we had the finery that used to be in days gone by. Oh, those pillow cases ae so lovely along with the blue and white dishes and other items; I love it.
    I do love the photo of those missionaries. It looks like something that should be published in a magazine.
    I can’t imagine seeing something that was built in 1092 and then rebuilt in 1250. Wow, I can see why you would never tire from visiting there
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs for this one!

    1. We love Gerald Lund's books also LeAnn! I think the Work & the Glory series will always be my favourites from all he has written. He is an amazing writer. I see you are having a little vacation. I hope you and Roger have a lovely time in Monticello! Love you! xoxo


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