
Wednesday 29 August 2018

What I know for sure . . .

Life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, sweet and sour, dark and light. You don't get to be my age without having learned a few truths. This is some of what I know for sure  . . .  
"If the only prayer you say in your entire life is 
"Thank you," it will be enough.
~Meister Eckhart 
I grew up in a home where when bad things happened, it was generally thought that you were being punished for some mis-deed. Every little thing was considered a personal affront and the question "Why me?" was asked more often than "Why not me?" It took me years to shake off that way of thinking, and when I finally did, I discovered joy, true and utter joy.  I learned that a life filled with gratitude is a life filled with joy.  That my glass was, is and always will be half full, not ever half empty. That every day might not be a good day, but there is something indeed very good to be found in every day. 
You can spend your days  looking around you and wanting what everyone else has, and seeing your own lack-thereof . . . or you can look at what you do have and be grateful for all of it. If you always want what others have and bemoan what you have not, you will never be happy. For years I have kept a gratitude journal, each day writing down five things that I am grateful for.  Here is what I wrote yesterday:

1. We thought our plum tree had not produced any plums at all this year and our apple tree also, but I found one plum. One single plum. When it is ripe we will share it and it will taste very, very good. One is better than none.

2. The traffic was horrendous yesterday. I don't think I have ever seen it this bad since last Christmas. Nobody was cutting anyone any slack. We sat forever waiting for someone to let us out when we were trying to turn onto the main road. We then took the opportunity to allow several other cars to get out when given the chance, which then ended up meaning that we couldn't turn right when we wanted to and ended up waiting again. Like I said, nobody was cutting anyone any slack. Eventually someone did cut us a break, and we were able to make a turn, re-enstating my faith in the goodness of mankind. 
3. I missed a stitch when I was crocheting my latest blanket and discovered it only one row later, which meant I only had one row of stitching to pull back instead of a bazillion.  Yay!

4. The dinner rolls I made that were a complete failure, ended up being a great boon to the bird population in our garden.

5. Found a white feather sitting in the middle of our back door step. I walked over it quite a few times, noticing it every single time. Feathers appear when Angels are near. I thought of my Aunt Freda and I could feel her loving me still.

Pollyanna knew this truth and shared it in playing the "Glad Game." Quite often you will find that the happiest people are not those who have everything they want, but are actually people who are in need. They have learned to want what they already have.  Anything else is the icing on an already delicious cake.  If you go through your day looking for things to be thankful for, you will always always find them. In even the more dire of circumstances there will always be something to be thankful for.  This is a truth that never changes. A door never closes but what a window won't open. If we see our failures and challenges as opportunities for growth, then life changes, and always for the better. 
"Sometimes we get so focused on the diffculty of our climb,
that we lose sight of being grateful for simply
having a mountain to climb."
Back in 2010 when I lost my job and then as a result of that we lost our home, etc. it would have been really easy to wallow and to throw ourselves a huge pity party. We didn't have time for that. We had things that needed to be done.  We needed to find a new place to live and pack ourselves up and move. There was no time for feeling sorry for ourselves.  Truth be told this was a huge blessing in our lives.  For several years I had been deeply unhappy in that job, but I am not a quitter so I had stuck with it, even though most days I was coming home in tears. 
I believe my Heavenly Father knew how unhappy I was at work and he opened a window for me to jump through. Had I stayed there I would never have been able to experience some of the many blessings I have done since. I doubt that there would have been a book written, and another one ready to be published. I have had many more hours to enjoy with my husband. My life is no longer a drudge and I no longer come home in tears each day. There would have been no Mitzie. I have had the time and the opportunity to explore my art and talents in ways I never would have done, had I still been trapped beneath the yoke of (lets be honest here) people who didn't deserve any of the people who were working for them. 
As long as I was working at that job I was unable to participate fully in my church life. Since then I have gone on to have some really wonderful callings, and to grow in many beautiful ways. I've been able to go to the Temple more often. I can go to church every Sunday without fail. I was able to serve a full-time mission with my husband, and be blessed for doing so, something which I could never have done otherwise.
Closed Door -------> Open Window
Its true! 
Being able to appreciate whatever shows up for you in life has the ability to change your whole world. When you live your life with gratitude, you radiate and generate more goodness for yourself, you're aware of all you have, and you begin to look outwardly and not inwardly.  Gratitude has a ripple effect . . . it radiates joy and can't help but touch and bless those around you.  Gratitude is an action word  . . .  a verb that works best when it is embodied, spoken aloud and when it connects you to someone else. When you live a grateful life, less always becomes more. This I know for sure . . . 

I found this old photo of me this morning and it made me smile. I don't always like photographs of myself, but I kinda like this one, messy hair and all.  I think it is filled with joy. My life is filled with joy.
A thought to carry with you  . . . 
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Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,
but the parent of all others.
~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。

 Oven Hash 
In the kitchen today  . . .  Oven Hash. Perfectly sized for just two people, but also easily expanded to  feed more. A bit healthier than the regular version also as there is NO frying involved. Simple, quick and delicious!

Have a really wonderful Wednesday!  I am off to the Docs later this morning. My toe is infected again. Same one as before. Wish me luck!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Such a lovely happy joyful life:) You go girl!

    Hope they fix the toe for good!

    1. Oh me too Monique! I am back on anti-biotics and have been referred to a podiatrist at the Hospital. Hopefully they will be able to get a handle on it. Thanks! I have made it my mission in life to be as happy about it as I can until its over! oxox

  2. Gratitude, giving thanks, turns around a bad day and makes us realize just how much we have. So sorry your toe is infected again. Sounds like another round of meds is in your future. Take good care !

    1. Thanks Pam! I know you are cut from the same cloth! Birds of a feather, kindred spirits and all that! God bless! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, I very much needed your post today, on Grattitude and being happy with what I have. Your blog is a true blessing. Good Luck with toe. Thanks, Dale

  4. Oh this is such a beautiful post on Gratitude. I really think you could write a book about being grateful. I love how you have lived in gratitude and that you put down 5 things you are grateful for everyday in your journal. I love that.
    I liked learning about how the hard times came but you went through them with a grateful heart and in the end you can see the blessings that came.
    It is amazing how Heavenly Father brings about such goodness in our lives.
    I can relate to many of your thoughts. I loved all the quotes, also.
    This was a fantastic post and I feel so uplifted after reading it.
    Sending you loving thoughts and big hugs for this one!

    1. Thanks very much LeAnn! You are a blessing to so many yourself. I love you! xoxo

  5. Wow, I forgot to mention what a lovely photo of you Marie! I love your smile and it does show your loving grateful heart. Blessings and hugs!


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