
Monday 27 August 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 
Ariana and I were chatting on Messenger the other night and she sent me this.  Cute as a button! Grace is a month old now and a little personality is emerging. I love that Ariana chats with me from time to time (and stops by whenever she is going past) and I love that she shares Grace with me.  This is a special blessing to me. I never got to see or hold my own grandchildren at this stage of their lives and so this is pretty wonderful to me. 
I hope that she doesn't mind me sharing these latest wee paintings with you.  These are some of my sister's latest works.  They are small canvases painted with a palatte knife. I think she is just so darned talented. I love that she has this creative outlet to enjoy all for herself. These are only tiny, I think about 4 inches.  I think she is amazing! 
Being asked to teach in Relief Society (Our ladies auxiliary at church) and rising to the challenge. The fourth lesson of every month is based on the principles of Ministering, which is a new program in the church that has replaced the old Visit Teaching program. We are now called to "Minister" to each other.   Also this year they have done away with the Manuals, and everything we teach is discussion based, which can be somewhat daunting.   I spent all week working on my lesson, reading talks, following footnotes, reading the scriptures.  I think I spent more time prepping this lesson than I have ever done prepping any lesson. I think I learned more from this lesson than I taught!  (That's always the way.) It was loosely based on this talk by Jean Bingham, the General Relief Society President.  I hope that I was able to convey to the Sisters the reality that if we want to become more Christlike we will Minister to others as He did. ♥♥♥ Love should be the motivating factor in all that we do. 
Being able to partake of the Sacrament and renew my Baptism Covenants.  Sundays help to recharge my battery for the week ahead. We are asked to keep our Sabbath Day's holy and as days of rest.  We are asked not to go shopping, or eating in restaurants, etc. To keep the day in reverence.  We are promised that as we do so, we can come closer to Christ. I love that we mark our Sundays as being different from every other day of the week in this way.  It does make a huge difference in our lives, and for the better.  
Look at what we discovered on Amazon Prime.  We have been enjoying this trip back to a simpler time.  Its just a bit of fluff, but nice fluff. I can remember really enjoying this show when I was about 10 or 11 years old. Its a bit corny, but I like corny. 
Now, if they would only bring this back! 
Things have grown a bit cooler and we have enjoyed some much needed rain this past weekend. We really can't complain as we have had a truly beautiful summer. Probably one of the nicest ones since I moved over here to the UK.  
The generosity of others.  We have been truly blessed in this way over the past weeks, and we have been so very grateful for it.  Eggs too.  Freshly laid. 
I've started yet another one. This one in autumn colours.  My middle son expressed his desire to have one of my blankets.  He's been so good to me through the years, I am going to surprise him with one.  He doesn't read this so I am safe in sharing.  
Puppy Dog Cuddles.  She is due to go to the Groomer later this week and she needs it. I think she is the most affectionate and loving dog we have ever had, with just the sweetest personality. She went with us to Tina and Tony's last week.  She even had her own wee plate of lunch.  She adores Tina.  She gets all excited as soon as we get in the car and she realises what direction we are headed!  Its pretty amazing really, and as soon as we get there, she is out of the car and walking right to Tina's door! 
We watched this film last night and really enjoyed it. It was on the entry table at church with a note to help yourself.  So we did. Its about a Missionary who served in Las Vegas returning home from his Mission and the challenges he faces in the couple of months afterwards.  I would watch it again. 
I also recommend this one! 
New Calendars for 2019, from Susan Branch. I always love her calendars.  Oh, and I am reading these again for the umpteenth time . . . 

Because I never, ever, ever really get tired of them.  Never. 

Although at the end I was not able to bring it to fruition, making my blog private . . . I was so very grateful for all of those who showed me their love and support.  I was absolutely overwhelmed by all of it, and so very humbled.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

And those are my small and wonderfuls for this week.  Oh, too many to count really . . . tis just the tip of the iceberg!
A thought to carry with you  . . .  
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Be the kind of woman who knows that
what God's word says about her and her life
and her future, is far more valuable than
the words or opinions of any other.
~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Caramelized Onion Pot Roast.  This was fabulous!

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with many small and wonderful things!

Don't forget!

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And I do too! 




  1. Hi, Marie--happy new week :) Is it Monday already?! haha... Sundays are the best day of the week aren't they?! I wish there could be two Sundays! VERY exciting your new ministry work! Will like to hear more as you venture down this new path. How sweet is Grace...just want to keep snuggling and kissing those cheeks! :) After the sizzling hot summer we've had here, we're now experiencing cooler, more normal temps too. Lovely your blanket for your son--I like the colors you're chosen! A granny square blanket is always a happy thing to make, but even more so for loved one. :) How sweet is Mitzie... And how delicious that pot roast looks--that'd make a great Sunday dinner! Happy Week to you all there... LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts Tracy! I am not meaning to be a party pooper and while I did enjoy the warm summer temps and sunshine, I am probably enjoying the cooler temps more! It must be the Canadian in me! Love and hugs and happy week wishes to you also! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, what a lovely post. You and your sister are so, so talented! And Grace, wow how's she's grown! She is so adorable. I'm so pleased you get baby cuddles with her, there's nothing in the world like it! I'm so pleased your talk went down well, although I had no doubt about it!

    I ended up going to Manchester on my own, my sister had forgotten all about it and was out when I went to pick her up. I'd only spoken to her the night before as well. She had repeated to me what I'd said and I thought had written it down, but she still forgot. She seems to be deteriorating quite quickly and I can't bear it. It's putting me off going away for Jen's wedding cos I don't know if she'll remember me when I get back.

    Anyway this week is about getting ready for the wedding and holiday. We go to New York next Tuesday and then onto Toronto and then Banff, returning on the 19th. It's so exciting, but I just wish this black cloud wasn't hovering above me.

    Enjoy the wet and windy Bank Holiday!!! Lot's of love xxx

    1. Oh Kate, I am so sorry that your dear sister seems to be deteriorating so quickly. How very sad. SO far as I know my mom remembers me when I call, but I am never sure if that is because my sister has told her who it is or not. Please try not to worry while you are away, this is such a special time for you and your daughter and I am sure were your sister in her right health she would not want you to spoil the occasion by worrying about her. What will be will be. Sending you love of love and hugs and prayers as well! xoxo

  3. It's not cooling off much at all here. It's to be hot and muggy for the next few days. I cannot seem to do much at all when it gets like this so stay inside where the house is cooled by air conditioning. Hope you have a wonderful Monday !

    1. Thank goodness for air conditioning Pam! Last Sunday we were really feeling hot in our church, so hot I almost felt sick, but this Sunday we were freezing. Some people have already had to turn on their heat believe it or not! I am sure we will have some more warm weather, but it won't be hot and stick again until next year for the most part! oxox

  4. Happy your siter loves doing the painting.I love paette knife painting:)Most in Montmartre use them:)I was inspired.I love oils..but heck it's messy..watercolors are such a breeze aren't they?Love the blanket for your son..Love that you are gifting it to him♥He will cherish it.Garce has changed so much! Bright and with it!So happy for you!I never tire of SB either:)Charming in every way..wish she made the desktop page a day calendar!

    1. Oh me too Monique, similar to ME's. That would be fabulous. Oh, I will take watercolours over oils any day. They are much easier for me! I have never used a palette knife! xoxo

  5. Always so interesting here...thanks for sharing!!
    SO HAPPY FOR YOU that there is a sweet baby you get to hold and be around...sometimes GOD fills our hearts in unexpected ways!! Much to be said for having some good friends!!

    1. It is a Tender Mercy for sure! God is good! xoxo

  6. Another fun Small and Wonderful Things. That sweet baby Grace is adorable. I am so happy that Ariana shares her with you.
    Your sister is very talented. It must rn in your family. My husband is good at art and we have a son and grandchildren that are too. I think these talents come with us from the pre-earth life. I haven’t found mine yet!
    I have really been enjoying the Ministering lessons. I am positive that you gave a lovely lesson. These discussion lessons are a little harder to prepare for.
    I love the Sabbath day and have been working hard to make the Sacrament more meaningful in my life.
    We are starting to cool down a bit here too. I am looking forward to the fall. You can feel autumn in the air.
    I love that you are making this sweet gift for your son. The colors are lovely and I know he will treasure it.
    Your MItzie is adorable. Our Sammy does similar things when we take him to a home he is familiar with.
    Those TV shows and the movies are awesome ones.
    Wow, I need to find out more about Susan Branch. I didn’t know she was an author. The books look like great ones.
    Thanks for being one of the best bloggers ever. I love your posts.
    Sending loving thoughts, blessings and hugs your way1

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn, and I don't know why you don't think you have any talents! I think you are pretty amazing and you have a wonderful capacity for loving others and showing that love to them! I often wish I could be as bold as you are! You would love Susan Branch's books, I am sure of it! Love, hugs and blessings to you and Roger! xoxo


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