
Sunday 26 August 2018

The value of waiting . . .


Many years ago in Japan, there was a famous artist called Hokusai. His paintings were beautiful and much coveted by royalty. One day a nobleman came to him, requesting a special painting of his prized bird. It was a beautiful bird, and much beloved by the nobleman. Hokusai agreed to paint the bird, and so the nobleman left the bird with him, having been told by Hokusai to return in a week's time.

The nobleman missed his bird very much and was anxious to return to Hokusai at the end of the week, not only to see his painting, but also to secure his favourite pet . . . however, when the end of the week came and he arrived at Hokusai's home, the artist humbly requested a postponement of two weeks.

As with many things in life . . . the two-week delay stretched into two months . . . and then six months . . . and then a year . . .

At the end of the year the nobelman stormed into Hokusai's studio. He refused to wait any longer and demanded both his bird and the painting. Hokusai bowed humbly to the nobelman, turned to his workshop table, picked up a brush and a large sheet of rice paper and began to render brushstrokes upon the paper. Within moments, he had effortlessly painted an exact and beautiful rendering of the bird.

The nobelman was stunned with the painting. He was also very angry.

"Why did you keep me waiting for son long if you could have done this painting in such a short time?" he inquired.

"You do not understand." Hokusai replied. He then escorted the nobleman into another room where the walls were covered with paintings of the same bird. Not one of them, however . . . matched the grace and beauty that was in the final rendering . . .

 This, too . . . must be true of the canvas of our own lives. If we want to have something of real worth, lasting value and true beauty . . . it won't come easy, and it won't happen overnight.

It never does. It is those lessons which come the hardest that have the most value and impact on our lives. These are the lessons we never forget . . .

I can't spend any more time on here this morning as I want to go over my lesson before I need to get ready for church. I don't mind saying I am a bit nervous about it. The lessons in Relief Society are now discussion based and we are supposed to get the sister's discussing thingss  and I am crossing my fingers that I am able to get that happening!  Its a tad bit of a daunting prospect!  Wish me luck!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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"The difference between holding on to a hurt
or releasing it with forgiveness . . .
is like the difference between laying your
head down at night on a pillow filled with thorns . . .
or a pillow filled with rose petals."
~Loren Fischer 
•。★★ 。* 。 

Almond Glazed Poppy Seed Bread 

In the kitchen today a deliciously moist, Almond Glazed Poppyseed Bread.  This was a real favourite of the Mrs when I worked at the Manor! 

Have a beautiful Sunday. May it be truly blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. All good things do come to those that wait. So true our lives are constantly changing every day. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !

    1. Thanks Pam! Hope your Sunday is equally Blessed! Xoxo

  2. Hi Marie~

    What a beautiful lesson taught in this post. Patience is not my virtue, and I have had to learn a hard lesson many times because of it.

    We live in a world where instant gratification is the everyday norm. Nobody wants to wait, everyone is in a hurry, which makes everyone cranky! I guess, sadly, it is just the world we live in.

    Good things come to those who wait...that will always be true.

    I'm sure your lesson was wonderful! I wish I could have been there to be a part if it! I really like the way we have been instructed to have discussions, instead of lessons...true inspiration.

    Have a wonderful day, much love!!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! It was very daunting but I think I did alright and some very meaningful discussions came out of it! I, like you, feel that this new way of “teaching/sharing” is truly inspired! Love you! Xoxo

  3. Lovely! I've been reading your blog for years, and today I learned we both taught RS today. How sweet....!

    1. Now that is really a sweet thought Christine! I would have loved to be at your lesson and see how you presented the same subject as I had to. Don't you find the new format for teaching a little bit daunting? xoxo

  4. My sweet friend, there is such wisdom in that beautiful story you shared. It is one to be repeated. Knowing your adorable personality; your lesson will have been the best. I wish I could have been there. I do sense and know that you would be a greatly beloved sister in your ward.
    Sending prayers, love and hugs your way

    1. Thanks very much LeAnn. By all accounts I did okay, but they could have just been trying to make me feel better about it! haha Love you! xoxo


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